Friday, 24 October 2014

Growing in our daily walk / in Him!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

To recap a tidbitz. It has been an over subscribed week of activity! Ups and downs. All the more to turn to Our Heavenly Father for His Help through the valleys.

Alan and I live very simple lives; and yes, there have been a few hiccups along the way. However, we are in the process of resolving 'stuff.' We have experienced many a 'trial and tribulation' (we still are) but we are totally thankful for our daily Blessings, regardless. This is all temporary anyway; and as long as we keep our eyes focused upwards upon Him (as the Bible says: 'Be still, and know that I am God') we know where our glorious permanent address will be!

Having hit the youthful and 'wise age' (LOL!), I am grateful. Going to make the bittidz best of each and every moment of each and every day! We are only here once, before we move on to other things. ie. Life is too short. Don't you find that the days are turning over very quickly! Scary almost. Now that both my children have their own children! I am glad, but yikes, that makes me think a tid, 'How old am I?' LOL! Things our parents said and did (thinking I would never say or do those things), well, I guess it is all part of the 'age game' as I am finding I say and do certain things now! LOL! We are not over the hill; but we have done a lot of reflection. A reflection of 'mini' thanksgivings every day. Also, because of various obstacles we have had to go through / endure steadfastedly, we have become 'stronger' within. There is more empathy and understanding towards our fellow man, because of our experiences.

Our parents brought us up with the 'Golden Rule' - "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you."

For the last number of years, I have been keenly aware of that 'Golden Rule.' However, now, more so than ever! Matthew 7: verses 1-6 have also really been coming to mind; particularly since this past Thanksgiving. Verse 1 - "Do not judge lest. you be judged." And verses 4 & 5 about taking the 'speck / log' out of one's own eye first, before being critical of someone else. We have not walked in others' shoes.

Sadly a wonderful friend of ours recently passed away. We have come across certain situations that we have observed and all we have is empathy and compassion. Those who have mistreated or wronged me (or Alan), I / we have forgiven. When I 'screw up' I am the first one to admit / apologize. This particular friend's partner, who used to be a very close friend of mine, has not been as true a friend to us. However, the verse about the 'speck or log' in one's eye really hit me squarely between the eyes. That bit being said, with our friend's passing, my heart took over. In the sense, I knew the right tidbit thing to do, was to send a note of condolence to her. She replied back with an appreciative thanks.

Tidbit - Rise above things and act with Grace. The Holy Spirit gives you Truth.

Bittid - Be an uplift of encouragement to all those you meet. Forget about your circumstances, and go out of your way, to be of genuine 'good cheer' to others.

So, from now on, I am not going to be critical of anyone. We do not know what shoes others have walked in.

However, if someone purposefully goes out of their way to cause me / us major grief or harm, that is a different story. Whether I rebut or admonish at the time or when there is an opportunity. Or I can turn the other cheek. And / or knowing that I have done my best, I can go 'to the edge of town, shake the dust off my sandals, and walk away.' I can not force genuine friendship. However, our door is always open.

Life is far too short. I believe that Revelation could happen at any bittid time; so we have to be 'ready!!!' Invite Him into your heart!

We have 'Timmy' (a Jack Russell) back again, and he is coming tomorrow morning and going home Sunday. He should be on T.V. He is so smart! We are learning a lot of bittids from the dogs! LOL!

Had a small miracle happen earlier in the week and that gave us an uplift.

We had quite the fierce storm. It blew over our patio umbrella and the steel bracket BROKE in two! (We think it fatigued). Yesterday when we were doing our 'rounds' (filling our larder etc), we found another umbrella ('as is where is' - a 'second') with pole, but without the bottom stand. It worked out perfectly as we already have the stand at home. The price was right for $19.95 and it was the last umbrella on the floor!

Our country, Canada, is devastated by the recent shooting on Parliament Hill. The young man killed, sounded like a wonderful person and he had a young son. What a tragedy! And here is this 'person', shooting the man in the back, what a coward! Should not have happened anyway, but shot in the back? Also, kudos to the Sergeant at Arms in the House! Fast acting and calmly handled! He deserves a medal, as does the young man whose life was taken in such a manner.

I love this photo image! It provides me with tidbits of calm, of comfort, of solace, and of peace.

Peace and God Bless.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Always Give Him Thanks!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

The days are zooming by as per tid usual, since my last post.
That being said, we were thankful it was the weekend again!

Yesterday morning I was outside early (in between rainfalls) to pick some more tidbitz cherry tomatoes. They are still green; but they will ripen indoors in our colander. Thought they are better inside, rather than taking on the pouring rain! There are still more cherry tomatoes on the vine and those will be rescued as well.

When I was outside, it was wonderfully peaceful and tranquil. Birds flying about (some were Northern Flickers; and sadly I was not able to get a photo of them); but I can appreciate why there are ornithology organizations that follow rare birds around the globe. It was quite exciting to see these particular birds in and amongst the thick protective foliage of the magnolia tree. There are bittidz blooms resembling pussy willows that are now appearing on this magnificent tree. As well as blooms on our rhodo. As mentioned we have lots of thriving life in our bittid garden. We are also Blessed daily and at dusk with several flocks of Canada Geese that either fly near and / or right over our home.

Also, yesterday, we enjoyed a really nice and quiet day of restful puttering and thankful reflection. We are heartily grateful for the bountiful provision of many turkey leftovers. I enjoyed a turkey sandwich with homemade cranberry sauce and gravy for lunch; and then for our dinner, we savoured Alan's delicious turkey soup.

Alan has given some of the tasty soup away to various neighbours. One of them, being a lovely Philippino family who live down the street. They were ecstatic yesterday when Alan brought some of the turkey soup over to them. When we were looking after Shadow (the Great Dane / Black Lab cross), Alan would walk past their home with Shadow and since then, there has been a friendship. Also, when he gives the soup away, he suggests that water can be added to stretch it even further and / or just add more barley and veggies to the mix.

For dessert, I baked up some bananas, with sprinklings of brown sugar, butter, and lemon rinds. If I do say so myself, they were scrumptious! Alan picked up a wonderful bunch of bananas from our local grocery store, with fresh produce. Perhaps, you remember or know of the tidbit expression: 'Waste not, want not' Well, the store owner wisely provides a section, as in a 'dollar bin'; as he does not like wastage. And nor do we.

I extra appreciated the cup of tea (I have cut back on my coffee) that Alan brings to me each morning. This morning, I stayed in bed to watch a couple of my favourite TV ministries. One of them is Jack Van Impe Presents. He and his wife, Rexella, are right on with their thoughts and insights of what is Biblically happening now!

Then I watched Living Truth with Charles Price. Both he and his wife, Hilary, were in Northern Iraq, sharing the message of the Bible to those people in their native Arabic language. I think that is totally awesome! Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world, to those who have a hunger and a thirst to know more!
You can read the entire article and / or watch the inspirational video - 'For the Kingdom of God.'

I recommend that you tune into these 2 ministries! A heartfelt thank you to them both for their enlightening tidbits!

It is truly tragic about the epidemic of Ebola. We are Prayful that Canada is successful in its cure for this devastating disease. As well as the ongoing assistance of the Canadian government, in providing masks, medical equipment and so forth.

The Ebola, Isis etc has distracted us from the ongoing horrors and evils in the Ukraine and in the Crimean, sponsored by Putin. DO NOT IGNORE the bittids of Russian manoeuvres.

A Russian sub was found to be in the waters just off Sweden. Hmmmm and the Russians are denying that! Why? Also, interesting that a Russian cargo / container ship was 'driting' off Haida Gwaii, off our British Columbia coast? Naturally, our coast has its severe weather related ocean storms; however, methinks this is a tid unusual?

These photos are of our rhodo with its gorgeous blooms. You can view the stages. Each bit bloom is a striking fuschia colour and then it transforms into a a soft pink / white. As well as a tomato plant, that has 'sprung up' amidst our red supertunia flowers. Most likely some bit seeds were pollinated and / or carried by the insects, birds, and the wind. Pretty incredible!

Also here is a photo of dear Shadow, taken in August 2013, when he was 15 months old. Plus, a photo image of a 'Northern Flicker' should you not have seen this beautiful bird.

Am thankful for all the ministries, who give so generously of their time and resources to help spread the Message of the Good News!!

Here is a TV photo image of Charles Price that I was inspired to take a few years ago while watching his program. Again, we think it is awesome that both he and Hilary share the Gospel as they are throughout the world! When Charles was sharing today, about him being on TV and appearing to 'speak' in Arabic tongue, this reminded me of the photo I took!

In closing, continue to be steadfast in Faith, Hope, and Trust in Christ. He is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. We have so much to be thankful for and always, Give Him Thanks, and Praise Him in ALL things.

Peace and God Bless.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

The Holy Spirit Guides and Directs!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

To recap a bittid, we had one of the best Thanksgivings ever! Everything was perfect! This year we decided to cook our turkey for Saturday evening and to keep everything simple. There was only Alan and I for the special dinner, but we have wonderful tidbitz leftovers, and we have been really appreciating all the tasty tidbits!

We have so much to be thankful for! As I mentioned in the last few bittidz posts, we treat each and every day like a 'mini Thanksgiving!' To have an 'attitude of gratitude' in all regards.' Even when things are not 'going your way.' Instead of grumbling and being 'sour', turn your attitude around to be of good cheer and be a genuine uplift to all those you meet! Did you know it takes more than 90 muscles to frown and yet it takes less than 20 muscles to smile?:)

Many little Blessings to be thankful for! We still have flowers and thriving produce in our garden; as well as lots of life. ie. Hummingbirds, honey bees, dragonflies, many birds, wasps, spider webs, all sorts of productive activiity. Our rhodos are blooming again! One is in a beautiful fuschia pink!!! Our hanging baskets are still humming along. Again, thanks to the little flying critters, who seem to pollinate still.

On Sunday (October 12th), I watched a few of my favourite ministries. One of them being 'Living Truth' with Charles Price.
I heartily recommend you watch his special message about Thanksgiving! To do so, simply click on to his site and then to ''Our Weekly Video Message'.
His enlightening sermon touched upon a few tidbits that I shared in my recent posts! Methinks, there are NO coincidences here, folks!

I often state outloud the following awesome verses from Philippians 4.
Verse 6 - "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thansgiving let your requests be made known to God."
Verse 7 - "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

Charles explains Thanksgiving as well as to Praise Him in all circumstances. That made our Thanksgiving all the more special! Thank you, Charles, for your heartfelt teachings!

I also thankfully acknowledge my readers. One of them recently complimented me on my posts; and wanted some 'pointers' to assist them in being an aspiring blog writer. I do not consider myself as a major writer, but I love writing, and I just write straight from my heart. We have many stories that are worthy to be told and maybe someday, they may be published in a book or even in a block buster movie!

However, I feel that when one is truly compelled to write they should simply do so! Do not be fearful, write what is of genuine interest to you and the rest of the creative bittids will just flow. I know that writers have their muses, their music, settings, whatever, to inspire them to write and that is all good! Love that stuff! However, I ask and I seek. That's right, I ASK and SEEK His help to Guide and Direct the writings in each and all of my posts. What started out as a journal as well as being an encouragement to others, I have found that my posts appear to have a 'life of their own'. ie. You have heard the ad ' 'Let your fingers do the walking through the yellow pages'; well in this case, the Holy Spirit is leading my fingers to write uplifting posts and to participate in the sharing of the message of the Good News throughout the world!

The Holy Spirit lives within me and all believers in Christ! If everyone invites Him in, He will never leave and your life will be forever changed, and for the better! You look at things differently, with more of a calm and a confidence, and by Trusting Him as per His Promise, He Provides the rest. Particularly during these times of unrest and uncertainty. All the more imperative to turn to Christ! Again, Revelation is happening, as I write.

In summary, I turn everything over to Him and Verse 6 really helps, particularly when you joyfully and with positive expectation, shout it out loud, with all your heart! You know that He hears your Prayers! Thank Him in advance for His Provision and it shall be so! Leave all the consequences to Him and do not fret or be anxious or have doubts. So for writing tips, ASK Him to guide your thoughts and write away!

I like this photo image where TLC encouragement is given!

Peace and God Bless.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Ongoing Thoughts of Thanksgiving!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Eventhough, it has started to become cool and foggy in the mornings; the afternoons have been gorgeous! Temperatures in the tid 70's! That is usually the start to the day, then followed by tids of warm sunshine. No complaints!

To recap a bittid. Our elderly neighbour enjoyed the tomato soup that Alan made and when he was here last night, he brought over a dessert, which was delicious! Our friend dropped by again earlier this evening, and Alan gave him a bit of spaghetti, sauce, and parmesan cheese for his dinner tonight. He is a lovely man.

It is all about genuine give and take. We have been very fortunate with our neighbours and they have become friends.

As mentioned, we have been doing a lot of decluttering / weeding out of 'stuff.' Our garage is looking much better. We went to the Thrift store earlier today and it was a 'win win' situation for all those concerned!

Also, very recently there was a large garbage bin in our complex; the purpose being to 'declutter stuff.' Amongst the bits of 'throw-aways', there were 3 area rugs in the bin; and we could not believe that they were 'discarded', as they appeared to be in great shape! Particularly, one carpet, which we now have in our family room. It fits the space perfectly! The colours of this beautiful Persian rug look awesome with our furniture! It would seem that the 'frills' on the outer edge of this carpet have gone. Other than that, we can not see any other apparent flaws. The other 2 area carpets are too big for our home; but they will work well in our garage. That is, once we have rearranged, reorganized things, as well as thoroughly sweeping the garage floor. So that is a nice Thanksgiving gift, indeed, methinks!

Also, when we were out earlier in our travels today, we discovered a wonderful Produce Store, a Meat Store, and a Bakery! We look forward to shopping there when timing permits!

We will be cooking up a little turkey for Saturday evening. That way, there will be tidbit leftovers for additional meals. We are appreciative and thankful for our Blessings! As I shared earlier, we had to gracefully decline a kind invitation from some good friends for Sunday. Normally, we would drive the long distance to see our friends; however, at this time, we have had to prudently pass.

Tidbit - Treat each and every day as a 'mini' thanksgiving!

Bittid - Continue to be upliting and to be of 'good cheer' to others, regardless of your circumstances. Remember, your situations are only temporary. When you 'shine' and are genuinely thankful and joyful, others are drawn to you. Do that daily! You never know how much a random act of kindness, a word of encouragement, and / or a gentle smile may ignite and / or mean to someone who may be in major need!

We will enjoy this long weekend as it unfolds! Happy Thanksgiving to all those who are celebrating Thanksiving at this time!

I love this photo image!

Peace and God Bless.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

The Rythmic and Constant Tides of Time!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Again, I can not believe how quickly the days go by. 6 days after I last wrote a post!
We have had a full plate and have been wearing several 'hats.'

To reiterate, we have many Blessings to be thankful for! As mentioned, am really looking forward to this particular Thanksgiving! In our travels, we were able to get a small turkey, along with the various trimmings and we will savour that repas on Saturday evening. The rest of the turkey and accompaniments will be enjoyed and appreciated as delicious tidbitz leftovers for a number of meals. Alan will also make up his turkey soup from the bones and that will also serve for some bittidz tasty repas.

We were 'quasi' invited for a Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday, however, we had to gracefully decline. Gas is expensive and the drive is a long one. We are being very prudent and this is not the best timing for us at the moment. However, we are appreciative of the kind invitation from our good friends, who have welcomed us into their 'family' mix. They will re issue an invitation for dinner when the timing is better for us.

At the moment, Alan is making up his infamous spaghetti sauce and combined with a bit of our garden herb produce, it will be awesome! Earlier this week, he made up a batch of tomato soup and he just gave some to our 88 year old neighbour. He loves Alan's soups. Currently, his wife is away on a cruise, so the soup arrived on his doorstep just at the right tid time!

Hamish (the feisty Scottish Shiatsu laddie), left on Monday; after spending a few weeks with us. He is a lovely dog; wonderful personality. This has become his second home.

This past Sunday, I watched some of my favourite ministries and they are so helpful. ie. Dr. Charles Stanley (; Joyce Meyer (; Dr.David Jeremiah (; and Joel Osteen ( Those of you who have questions, best to truly tune in to their encouraging and solid teachings and watch the videos.

We have also been doing a lot of 'fall cleaning' and the house is becoming less cluttered. Still have a way to go; but we are getting there. Figure if we do a little bittid each day in that regard, it will ultimately get done.

The same principle applies to Our Heavenly Father. ie. Make sure you give Him some tidbit time. If you are 'busy', make the time, just before you get up and just before you go to sleep. It is amazing by just doing that little thing, how you can be empowered to face the events of the day as they all unfold. If you genuinely give Him time, He will give you time.

My Dad's birthday was yesterday; he would have been 96 years young. There really is not a day that goes by that I do not think about my parents. It is true, that after someone is gone, you then realize the loss. My Dad was an exceptional human being and when my time is up, I know he (and my Mum) will be in Heaven, waiting to greet me. My Dad taught me much; or I am now realizing it more and more. Of course, having Viking roots (as well as Irish), I now have more of an understanding what my parents went through. ie. Raising children, challenges, and so forth.

I was thinking earlier today, that life is like a wave; it comes in and then immediately it is gone. So in a tidbit, make the best of each and every moment you have.

Cherish the bittid moments with friends, neighbours, and family members and for that matter, all those you meet. Life is a journey and I have left everything to Him to Guide and Direct my path, as per His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan. 'Praise Him in ALL Things!'

Never ending, the tide always comes in and always goes out. ie. My parents were young once, had children, grandchildren, and we are now in that tidal rythmical flow of being grandparents. Before too long, my children will be become grandparents, then their offspring. The tides of time are in constant motion. Writing of grandchildren, we were recenlty blessed with a granddaughter, a beautiful little girl! The time does not slow down, it speeds up. So make the best of it!

I love this photo image, that represents such a calm and comfort!

Peace and God Bless.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Thankful Thoughts of Thanksgiving!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a month plus since I last wrote a post. We have been on the go and still are; but I wanted to touch bittidz base. This will be a brief post today. What I can say is, that a lot has happened. It has been a major journey of spiritual growth! Learning lessons always. So it has been wonderfully enlightening in that regard.

With what is going on around the world, Revelation is fast approaching!!! So in a tidbitz nutshell, be ready. Better yet, genuinely invite Christ into your heart and let Him do / provide the rest. You will find that your life will be transformed and yes, you will experience some rough patches, yet know that He is always with you. Once you have accepted Christ into your heart, the Holy Spirit will never leave you.

We have had to deal with many matters as well as making several decisions. However, things have a way of working themselves out. That is, if you Rely upon Christ to guide and direct your path and leave everything to Him. Cast all your cares upon Him. Turn it all over to Him; including your will. He has the best plan for you. For those of you who feel that God is not answering your Prayers or is 'silent', believe that He is working on things for you, and that He Provides the best for you. Again, if you trust Him completely.

The following 2 verses, 4 & 5 from Psalm 37 are an empowering comfort to me.
Verse 4: - " Delight yourself in the Lord; And He will give you the desires of your heart."
Verse 5: - " Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He will do it."

Another verse from Mark 11: 24 - "Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they shall be granted you."

A few bit weeks ago, we had some neighbours over for wine and appies. They brought both and we supplied both. A good evening was had by all. Our friend gave us a terrific tidbit - Put some vinegar out in a small dish and that will keep away the wasps. Well, we have applied that ever since and it has worked! The wasps keep away from both food and drink.

It was a stellar summer this year from our garden fresh produce! We are still enjoying the bittid 'fruits of our labours.' Cherry tomatoes, Sweet Basil, Oregano, Garlic chives, Parsley, Rosemary etc.

Our Canadian Thanksgiving is coming up and we are looking forward to celebrating our Blessings, along with a delicious turkey dinner. Love this tid photo image! We have much to be thankful for! Praise Him in ALL Things!

Peace and God Bless.