Saturday, 17 May 2014

Embrace your life joyfully!

Good Morning or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been eleven days since I last wrote a tidbitz post. It does not feel like that! We have had a lot on the go and I will recap as best as I can.

We have Bella still, and she will be going home at the latter end of next week. She is the Pomeranian. This morning I gave her a bath and she did not seem to mind it a bit. Then I used my blow dryer and she appeared to love that as well. Methinks she is used to the routine. When she came to us, she smelled like a lovely fragrant rose; so she must have been freshly washed and 'coiffed.' She has lots of hair and we have had to clip a bittidz of it away as it is not the best when she has to do her 'business' (or 'oblutions' a tid made up word! Sounds good though. LOL!), shall we diplomatically say. Apart from me, I can tell she feels much better! LOL! She is now happily stretched out on the sofa!

Hamish the wee Scottish laddie, (the Shitzu) is coming here this am to spend the Victoria Day Long Weekend with us. He and Bella get along really well. Quite cute to see them run, play, and scamper about together.

We have had mixed tids of weather; however no complaints. This morning it is overcast and cool. Black clouds threatening to drop rain any bittid second. The forecast is for rain this weekend; and it will help our newly planted grass seed and peat moss grow, as well as a refreshing and cooling relief to all the plants. Our garden is thriving and we are appreciatively enjoying all the blooms and the continual budding of new life all around us.

One of our neighbours is expecting and after four years, they are on their way to becoming parents early next year. My son and his wife are also expecting their first (which means I am a 'Grandma' of yet another precious little soul) and their birthdays, and mine, and the little one to be, all have our birthdays in the same month, as it happens. So cheers with my coffee cup to rebirth, new life. Again each and every day is a precious tidbit gift!

The same neighbour who is expecting, recently gave us a beautiful lavender plant and it is awesome, with such a wonderful smell. The whole garden is buzzing alive with proactive life!

Today, May 17th, is the Norwegian National celebration; like our Canada Day, that we celebrate on July 1st. I remember my Dad (Norwegian) telling me interesting stories about how they partook in their National parade / event. He also used to love to garden and very often, combined with his Faith, the puttering in the garden was a 'Godsend' that kept him focused with a calm and steadfast purpose. He fought the good fight daily.

Have been in touch with a number of friends and family this past week and it has been great to get caught up on various bits of their lives. We have had a lot going on. Again, appreciative for what He teaches me and what my Dad taught me.

The other day an older lady was walking by and all of a sudden, she grabbed her heart and was waving frantically to me. I have seen her before but she looked to be in a real panic. She could not speak English and the long and tid short of it is, she needed a paper bag to help her breathe. Fortunately, we had one handy, and Thank God! Also, Alan gave her a bit of Vicks to help her breathe a little more comfortably. We are now saving all our paper bags, should that emergency arise again.

Tidbit - Be a daily Blessing to others. When you encourage and uplift others with a smile, a kind word, and / or a random act of kindness, it is amazing what transpires!

Bittid - Any sadness, disappointments etc, turn them around; and throw your shoulders back and be of a joyful countenance; being genuinely grateful for your Blessings. This also 'infects' others!

Here are 2 photos I took a day or so ago. One of our flourishing garden and the other of Bella.

Peace and God Bless.

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