Friday, 2 May 2014

Always be appreciative for your Blessings!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a full tidbitz week! Can not believe that Friday is here (again!). We have been taking care of 4 different groups of dogs and we have developed wonderful friendships with each of the owners! These dogs have been here before; so it is like a special 'home reunion' for them and for us at 'summer camp'

Thanks to exceptionally warm temperatures and sunshine for the last few days, our bittidz garden is looking fantastic! We have 5 rhododendrums and it looks as if each one will give 40 + blooms! Awesome Blessings in abundance! Methinks also, we will have a goodly supply of veggies and herbs / spices for our Spring and Summer produce.

Our neighbour across the street, gave us a freshly home baked round of bread. It was delicious! Also, Alan makes his special, tasty, nutritious soup; and a lot of the neighbours are extremely appreciative of it. We are going to enjoy the tomato / veggie soup tonight for our dinner; along with some of our neighbour's mouth watering bread.

It is an interesting tidbit lesson in caring for dogs. We, as human beings, can learn a lot from dogs; as they can teach us much. They each have their own special unique personality! Even the neighbours' dogs seem to wend their way to our gate, pulling on their leashes to get here. They know Alan gives them each a wee tid treat! LOL! He is a 'dog whisperer'; so he has trained some 'old dogs new tricks' as well as nuturing the younger 'pups' along.

Our car has been detailed by one of our neighbours. It sorely needed it; as it was long overdue. We did a bittid 'contra' with him; and the car looks brand new; both from the interior and the exterior!

We are thankful it is the weekend; and it looks as if there is a bittid change in the weather. Eventhough it is a bit windy, with the possibility of rain, a little rainfall along with cooler temperatures will also add a tidbit of relief to the garden. Glad we have done most of our planting. We are also looking forward to watching a good movie or two on TV tonight. We have been given two free movies from our Service Provider; so we are extra appreciative of that 'treat.'

My Dad passed away several years ago on April 30th; and we spent a quiet time on that day, to remember and honour him. He was a great man and I realize now, that he taught and equipped me with many of life's lessons in human nature. He spoke of many things to me; and although at the time, I heard him; his words have made a major impression on me, particularly in our present stage of life.

My Dad was a man of vision and wisdom; and was very spiritual. He boldly and courageously 'fought the good fight.' I miss him.

My Mum thought that my Dad and Alan were very similar in their thinking and in their optimistic outlooks. My Mum adored Alan; and her first words upon meeting him were: "You have really nice feet and you smell so nice." She often shared with me, that my Dad would have really liked and appreciated Alan. They would have enjoyed many a good conversation and dialogue!

My Mum was happy for Alan and I, that we had met, in 'Answer to Prayer.' Now that I think about it, when I Prayed, I ASKED Our Father, as well as my 'earth Dad' for their guidance in meeting the 'right' person for me to spend the rest of my life with. (I wrote about 'An Answer to Prayer' back in June 2007).

Tidbit - My Dad always used to tell me, 'Never judge a book by its covers.' That is so true.

Bittid - My Dad loved to garden. He felt it was good for the soul; as it provided him with a renewed purpose, a joyful refuge, a peace of mind, a calm, and a time to reflect thankfully upon his Blessings. You might say, it was refreshing and invigorating 'food for thought.'

Well, here is wishing you a nice R & R weekend. We have so much to be grateful for! Praise Him in ALL Things.

I love this photo image! It looks so peaceful; with a lovely, calm seaside setting.

Peace and God Bless.

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