Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
It is a beautiful sunny and warm Saturday; and I really appreciated my morning elixir of coffee outside in our bittidz garden. Our flowers and veggies are reviving mightily in the sunshine and the grass is starting to grow!
Last night, we watched the funny and yet heartfelt movie,'Parental Guidance' wtih Billy Crystal and Bette Midler. The movie touched a tidbitz chord, inasmuch as we are grandparents; and we were brought up with good quality values.
As grandparents, we would like to be more involved in our grandchildrens' lives. However, we have been excluded and 'disenfranchised'; certainly by one of my children. I am welcome apparently; but not Alan. This is sad for me as a wife, mother, and a grandmother. The tidbit thing is, that some family members have not wished to take the time to get to know Alan. We love each other and he makes me happy. Truly, that is what should matter. We are glad for my children, if they are happy with their choices. Basically, if they love each other, treat each other well, that is all that counts.
The grandchildren are fortunate to have 3 sets of grandparents. Their Dad and myself are biological grandparents, and our spouses from our second marriages are the 'step grandparents', if you will. Then there is the other set of biological grandparents.
My other child and his wife are expecting their first baby and perhaps there may be more grandchild interaction there; albeit they have moved and hence are not close by, like the other family. Alan and I would be great grandparents, if given the chance. We were brought up with the 'old school' values and we related to the movie, which was well done. Billy Crystal and Bette Midler were perfect in their roles!
We have tried to work things out with them; however, it would appear that they have attempted to force me to make a choice between them or my husband. Well, if the shoe was on the other foot, I would not ever dream of making them make such divisive choices.
We have been maligned; me to a lesser extent. ie. Last year, at a joyful event of a wonderful celebration, things were distorted, to make Alan look bad. Sadly, it was false witness.
There was another scenario app five months later in our home, and the actions and words made me as a mother, agog and aghast. Believe it or not, I have forgiven and let things go; but I am not prepared to be mistreated any further in the future. This includes not making Alan a continual scapegoat etc.
We are more than 'ready, willing, and able' to move forward to enjoy a relationship with them all. We are not asking for apologies; only to have a genuine understanding to be treated kindly.
Life is too tid short and sadly unbeknownst to them, they are damaging and hurting themselves an awful lot more than they are us. We are in the Book of Life and are in our Christian walk. They are not. THEY KNOW NOT, WHAT THEY DO! We hope and Pray that there will be a greater level of understanding and appreciation moving forward. At present, we have stepped back; and have made the choice to leave it all in God's Hands. May He work His miracles for reconciliation.
Tidbit - It is a fact that God LOVES you. John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life."
Bittid - Christ says in John 3:3 - "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."
To recap a bittid, Alan and I met in June, 2002, and the 12 years have zoomed by. We have noticed that as we become 'younger', the days go by even more quickly. Alan treats me like a 'queen'', and I would hope that single bit factor alone, would be enough to generate a genuine appreciation and a respect for my choice of a spouse.
Due to us; or should I say Alan, not being welcome at this point, we have resorted to mailing our Birthday and Christmas cards, enclosing a bit of money in the greetings to the other set of biological grandparents. They have very kindly passed them on to our grandchildren.
Had to laugh at the 'before and after' family photos on the mantle piece! Those of you, who have seen the movie and 'have been there', can appreciate what I am saying. Am sharing this, in the event there are some of you who may have experienced a similar sadness of this nature. Again, the movie really spoke to me.
If I did not care about my family (which also includes Alan and he feels the same), I would not share this; but because we love them, we beseech them, if nothing else, to 'invite Christ into their hearts.' The Pastors in their ministries, exhort us all, in this regard; so that we have everlasting life in His Kingdom! Plus as you grow in your daily walk in Christ and you Seek Wisdom and Understanding from Him, your life is totally changed for evermore!
Just took this bittid photo of our 'pet' crow, on our flourishing patch of 'green!' Alan is not only a dog, cat, fish whisperer, he is also a 'bird' whisperer. This crow is becoming very tame and I was fortunate to have taken a closeup tidbit picture.
Alan took this photo of our front entrance way, with the wonderfully colourful flowers!
Peace, Love, and God Bless.