Tuesday, 6 December 2011

A good foundation

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Have not written a post for a bit and then presto, two in a tid row!

Want to add an addendum to yesterday's post ('Never tto late!' - December 5th).

When I went to Sunday School, I walked; but then it was in the daylight, not at night. There would be no way that I would have my young children walk at night; eventhough the distance to their Monday Night Church Club, was much shorter than the winding route I took.

Also, the program they attended was done in such a way that it was fun and my children looked forward to the Monday evening. I believe it helped my children; and gave them a positive start to their week. I wish I just knew more then. I am not lamenting, just saying the tidbit truth of it.

As mentioned, I used to go to Sunday school and as it happened, I really did not enjoy it. I decided one time (a beautiful sunny morning) that I would not go and I went over to my friend's house instead. Well, the minister of that particular church was not one of my favourite people. Put it that way. When I went back the following Sunday, he took it upon himself to ream me out in the church service in front of the whole congregation! I was only 8 years of age then. The custom was to go to the service first, then to attend Sunday School afterwards (makes sense, now that I think of it). However, the minister came down the aisle to where I was sitting and leaned over me and in a pious manner, asked me out loud, 'Why was I not in Sunday School the week before?' (or words to that effect). Well, I jumped up and said, "I will tell you why. Everytime I am here, you always are asking for money, money, money." You can imagine the expression and sour scowl on his face. Well, he got extremely annoyed / agitated and practically yelled at me, that he was going to tell my parents. I calmly added, 'Please do.' And, that was my last time there. I ran into him several years later and his comment was: 'I remember you" (and he was still pointing his gnarly finger at me); my response was: 'Yes, I remember you too."

So, I suppose I did not want my children to experience what I had experienced. That being said, I wish I had taken more of an active part in the Monday Night Church Club. Again, I was the only parent present for that dinner. Now that I think about it for a bittid, I asked the pastors: 'Where are the other parents?" The reply: "Oh, they never turn up."

So, it really wasn't until I met my second husband, Alan, that after his gentle Christian 'witness' to me, that I genuinely accepted Jesus into my heart. I am so thankful I met Alan; and apart from falling in love with him, I am forever appreciative. Over the years, I have embraced learning more about Christ etc. Apart from Alan, who has been like a daily 'teacher' / messenger, the ministerial programs on the Vision Channel, as well as reading the Bible, have all helped me in my Walk in Christ. Also, did you know, that the Bible has always been / is the best seller of all time?

Will also say (again, not a regret; because you grow and learn from mistakes) that having Faith and Trust in Him, really helps in the 'down times.' ie. Marriages, the way you treat others etc. When I am feeling discouraged etc, I just pick up the Bible and start to read it. I feel so much better! The Psalms are extra special to me. Small wonder God said that 'David is a man after My Own Heart.' Eventhough David had his various sins etc, he is one of my Biblical all time favourites.

I guess what I am trying to suggest is that it is not too late to invite Christ into your heart. Revelation is happening, and best you accept Him sooner rather than later; as it may be too late. Also, for all ages, young and old, just turn to Him and a 'door will be opened unto you.' He IS there, waiting at the Doorway, all you have to do, is invite Him in and He will never leave you. Knowing that, helps one through the rough patches and gives you an extra sinewy inner strength. Plus, Christ left the Holy Spirit in His Stead, so call upon the Holy Spirit too, and you will find that your lives will never be the same.

Tidbit: He wants a real relationship with you. Simply 'talk' (Prayer dialogue, whatever you are comfortable with) to Him. 'Seek' Him out. Proverbs 3:5:6 - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path."

Bittid: Again, young and old, open up your hearts to Him and let Him in. Know that He is your Advocate, your Saviour, your Deliverer, your Redeemer, your Helper etc. How about being your best friend, even? He helps you keep and steady the course.

I love this particular piece of Scripture:
Isaiah 58:11 (New American Standard Bible)

11"And the (A)LORD will continually guide you,
And (B)satisfy your desire in scorched places,
And (C)give strength to your bones;
And you will be like a (D)watered garden,
And like a (E)spring of water whose waters do not fail.

Also, this verse too!

Matthew 6:26 (Amplified Bible)
"Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father keeps feeding them. Are you not worth much more than they?
The enemy wants you to be fearful of tomorrow. So your main goal needs to be to enjoy the life Jesus died to give you today. Do what you can to live in righteousness, peace and joy, and trust Him to do the rest."

Hope these bittids give you an uplift and offer some tidbits of encouragement. I felt compelled to write this; as it comes straight from my heart. Hope it touches yours and / or others you know.

Again, I really appreciated watching the interview and the insights provided by Pastors Hagees and their wives, 'on building a good foundation.' ie Within the family etc. Truly, if I had been a member of their household, I would have hung on every single word, and would have enthusiastically enjoyed attending Sunday School etc! The ministerial programs offered on the Vision Channel provide a wonderful knowledge and encouragement to those who have questions about Faith, God, etc.

That being said, I am truly thankful for each and every day and its Blessings. We have much to be thankful for. 'Praise Him In ALL Things.' Also, when things are not as you wish etc, say 'THANK YOU' outloud to Him and keep saying it! You do or you will feel as if a huge weight has been lifted from your heart. By doing that, you automatically have cast all your cares upon Him. He Provides the rest.

I love the above photo image. "Seek and Ye Shall Find."

Peace and God Bless.

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