Thursday, 15 December 2011

Being thankful for Blessings!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Well, it has been an interesting tidbitz of a time! Not ever a dull bittidz moment!

To recap, we are doing our best to retrench and to stabilize. We know thus far, that He has sustained us. We have been 'jumping through hoops' etc; but at the end of the day, we have much to be thankful for. We had a 'helping hand' yesterday. Am sure you know by now, that Alan and I 'live one day at a time' and we do our best with whatever shows up.

Also, my son brought over a Christmas tree and that sparked me to dig out all our Christmas decorations. I was only going to put a tid few out this year (given we have moved and the garage still looks like a 'disaster zone'). Well, one thing led to another and a good number of decorations are brightening up our dining room and living room! My son and his girlfriend came over last night and we had a joyful time in decorating the gorgeous tree. Alan cooked up his homemade version of pizza and we had 'rum and egg nogs.' Also, my son reconnected the stereo that he and his sister gave me several years ago. It works like a charm and it is wonderful to have music again in the house! I have been appreciating and listening to a radio station (103 - 5 FM) that apparently, play Christmas music 24/7.

Last night, when Alan and I fell happily into bed, I had a few more tidbit ephifanies. ie. Just being totally grateful, at peace with whatever daily unfolds, and being appreciative of genuine kindness. I asked Him to provide me with Blessings. Given that He wants us to be joyful, live a life in abundance, and to be of good hospitable cheer to others etc, in His Service, to be used by Him. It hit me that this time, I ASKED Him for Blessings and that I was Thanking Him (joyfully) in ADVANCE for these Blessings. I felt as if a huge burden had been lifted from my weary heart; which as of late, as been greatly saddened.

Went on to think that it is true, that 'The Truth sets you free' and to just 'keep on trekking' with honour, integrity, and truth etc.

Tidbit - 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.'

Bittid - Christmas can be a sad time. Family strife / divisions etc. Make the best of all things and be steadfast in your Faith and Truth. If you focus upon Him to Direct your path, He does. 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Life.'

With a combination of events, my (and Alan's) Christmas spirit has been rejuvenated. ie. My son was very generous in bringing us a tree, and he extended other kindnesses as well.

We are going to enjoy this Christmas; more so, even than the past ones. We will go to Costco, pick out a turkey and appreciate all the other trimmings that go with a scrumptious Christmas dinner. My son too, will be coming over for a Christmas dinner; so that will be even all the more special to us.

I like the above photo image and am utilizing it again! It looks delicious!

We have been involved with other matters this week; and time will tell with those.
We are still in a bit of a 'waiting game'; however, we have received other Blessings along our journey! (Our Father knows what is best for each and every one of us!).

Interesting what has and is happening, methinks. We just have to keep 'hanging in there' in Trust and Faith in Him; and be genuinely thankful for all things. Plus, it is all the more necessary to uplift and touch the hearts of others; particularly those who are in worse straits than you or us.

Peace and God Bless.

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