Tuesday, 15 November 2011


Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a 'timing' issue for the last twelve days. Alan and I have been on the tidbitz go with various options and again, it would appear to be another 'waiting game.' The strange bittidz thing is (or maybe it is not peculiar), that I am feeling a sense of calm and peace. We know that Our Father has everything in Hand; and that it ia just a matter of 'timing.' - HIS TIME. He, as Our Father, He knows what is best for each and every one of us!

Have been reading daily passages from 'My Daily Journey with Christ', by Pastor Charles Price of 'Living Truth.' They have all been enlightening excerpts and I will quote a couple of them. ie. "People of Vision" - "Living in the will of God starts with finding a vision from heaven. David wrote, 'Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4). That doesn't mean He will give us everything we want, but that our desires, our goals, our ambitions, our purpose will be derived from delighting ourselves in God. He puts His desires into our hearts. Delighting in God unites our will with God's will."

The other one from 'My Daily Journey with Christ,' is "Live Confident of God's Will" - "The responsibility to be in the Will of God is not one He has given to us, rather it is one he has promised to undertake. The King James rendering of Proverbs 3:6 says, 'In all thy ways, acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths.' Our task is to acknowledge Him - submit everything to His sovereignty - and His task is to direct our paths. I don't want to make this too simplistic for there are other factors in actually making a decision. However, instead of asking Him for guidance, try thanking Him in advance for it."

Before reading this message, I was Praying and asking Him to direct our path, as per His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan. This is most timely and gives me a solid uplift of both hope and encouragement.

We have been also fighting a 'flu' bug for the last few days; so we have not been feeling our best. We were totally thankful for the weekend; particularly Sunday, which was a wonderful day of complete rest. The body literally said, just rest me. I watched some of the ministries on the Vision Channel in the evening, and they were right on. Revelation is happening right before our very tid eyes and we all need to be 'ready.' Eventhough the flu bug has 'slowed us down', I take it as a time to ponder, to reflect, and to re evaluate. All I can keep saying, joyfully, is that we have much to be thankful for! Also, many appreciative thanks to the ministries out there, who give freely and tirelessly of their time to help 'spread the message of the Good News!'

In certain matters that Alan is working on, the chap has gone out of town for a bit. Well, that may be a 'Blessing in disguise', as we have had more time to think things through. We are wearing many hats presently; and methinks, this 'waiting' is for the best, as a better Solution is going to be Provided by Our Heavenly Father. As Psalm 46:10 says: "Be still and know that I am God." 'He is our Refuge and Strength.'

Tidbit - Anticipate success, WITH His help; and appreciate the waiting, but with confident expectation, that it will be in His Time. Enjoy the journey along the way.

If you wish, you can refer to my 2010 posts of November 23rd and 25th, about being 'In the Middle' as per Joyce Meyer's tidbit insights from 'Enjoying Everyday Life.' I found / find them very helpful.

Bittid - Be receptive to the Truth; as 'the Truth sets you free.' You can not fool Our Father; He KNOWS ALL (our thoughts, what we are about to say, do, or write etc). Because He loves each and every one of us, He wants a genuine daily relationship. If everything appears to be overwhelming, just turn everything over to Him, ttusting in Faith, that He Provides Resolution. Just be straight up with Him; even in the tough times and continue to be of good cheer.

It is now almost dark, save for the silouetted outline of roof tops, which look like bittid hill tops.

I like the above photo image: 'Seek and Ye Shall Find.'

Here is wishing you a Good Night, Peace, and God Bless.

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