Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Refreshing moments!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It ia a beautiful sunny morning and fall is definitely in the air. The forecast for the week, is for hot hot temperatures; so we are extra appreciative for the cooler and refreshing start to the day.

We had the garage sale; and eventhough there were not many people (Labour Day Weekend), we again met some more of our kind neighbours in the neighbourhood and so forth. We have enjoyed everyone we have met thus far; be it through our few garage sales or whatever. As mentioned in an earlier post, there is a joyfulnees and a spirit of thankfulness that we have found invigorating. We managed to unload some more tidbitz 'stuff'; albeit giving more away than selling items - which was fine. We have been asked to do another garage sale; well, perhaps. We also just received a coupon from a company that takes away 'stuff.' We may call upon them in due course.

We are settling in and the change is for the better. We are grateful more than ever for our daily Blessings. Yesterday, a neighour popped by and introduced herself; and I ended up being given a tour of her home and meeting her husband and daughter. Methinks we will become good friends. Writing of neighbours, our past next door neighbours gave us a call and said that they missed us. We were touched and when we next go into town, we will get together with them. Also, when we are better organized (unpacked), we will invite the whole crew over for a bittidz barbecue or something that is 'no fuss, no muss.' Most likely, they will carpool.

Again, we have been reading 'My Daily Journey with Christ' (you can refer to the Sept 1st post), written by Pastor Charles Price. If it is any consolation, all that he has said, is what Alan and I have been experiencing - almost to the day! There are no bit coincidences. We are still in a 'waiting' mode and I just read Charles' insights for today: "Don't be Afraid to Wait." Very interesting.

Recently celebrated my birthday; another tid year older! My son and his girl friend came over and barbecued a salmon for us in the evening, and we were appreciative of our fun visit. Earlier in the day, my daughter and our wee grandsons came over with some lovely roses (that we will plant in the garden) and a nice home-made card.

Tidbit - Do random of acts of genuine kindness. Be it with a gentle smile, giving an encouraging word, and / or a helping hand to those in need.

Bittid - Trust in Him to daily Sustain you. When things appear to be overwhelming, turn everything over to Him and He Provides. Perhaps not right away, but He does Prevail in His Time, as per His Will, Purpose, and Plan.

Hope to be back a bittid later. Here is wishing you a great day. May this be the best tidbit day yet. Actually may each and every day be the best day; and may you enjoy each day at a time. "Praise Him in ALL Things."

Love the above photo image; very peaceful and refreshing.

Peace and God Bless.

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