Saturday, 24 September 2011

A quite and restful Saturday

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We have thoroughly enjoyed a restful Saturday. Woke up to a gorgeous Fall morning and eventhough the weather has been 'iffy' (raining on and off), there still is a bittid of summer left, as indicated by our outdoor thermometer, which showed temperatures of 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Right now, there is a glorious sky, mixed with a bit of a sunset as well as dark foreboding clouds. We are glad we are in for the night.

The past few days have been full of tid trials and tribulations. (Quite a few of them, coming right out of the woodwork). We are hopeful and Prayful that all those concerned, will behave with honour, transparency, and integrity. Sadly, we have seen glaring untruths, lies, and deceit. However, Alan and I are reassured in knowing that God HATES inequities. We are thankful too, that nothing can be hidden from Him and the TRUTH will Prevail. We are 'waiting' for closure and it is just a matter of days. Also, Alan and I have decided that we are going to just enjoy each day and be grateful for our tidbit Blessings. We are leaving it all up to Him to Provide Solution, as per His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan.

As mentioned in the post of 'Reflective Time-Out' of September 21st, we have been exploring tidbitz avenues for the future. Alan has revisted various connections and I will be embarking upon a new adventure. In a bittidz nutshell, both of us are moving forward and embellish the changes, which is going to be positive!

My son popped in today and it was a really nice visit. Our neighbour had some extra grass sods left; and we were able to make use of it on our wee tid patch of lawn. Believe it or not, the grass turfs fit all the spots that were needful of lawn. It looks so much better. We gave our neighbour some special biscuits as a bit of a thank you, and he was appreciative.

Tidbit: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Bittid: "Love thy neighbour, as thyself."

We have been fortunate with our neighbours; wherever we have lived. This area is most refreshing, and it is, as if everyone genuinely enjoys treating each other well! That is how it should be!

I like the above photo image. Alan and I are appreciatively happy, regardless of whatever else goes on around us. We are also very thankful that He Directs our path each and every day.

Am looking forward to watching some of the ministerial shows on T.V. tomorrow on the Vision Channel. A hearty thank you to all those concerned with providing such great programs.

Good Night, Peace, and God Bless.

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