Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Joyful countenance!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We enjoyed a very restful weekend; which helped us through the events of the past few bittid days. We are so thankful that He IS our Refuge and Strength!

To recap and, as mentioned in the Saturday post, our Blueheeler, Blue had some discomforts; which fortunately have cleared up. Inasmuch as Alan and I were up for a few nights attending to our 'pup' (tender age of six), we did not receive a lot of sleep. On Saturday evening, I took two acetaminophen pills; primarily to relax the throbbing ache from an injury to my left shoulder. Also, I do not take pills as a rule; but thought this would assist me to enjoy a profound sleep.

That being said, I slept in on Sunday morning and missed some of the earlier programs on the Vision Channel. I did catch a bit of a glimpse of 'World Impact Ministries'; and Peter Youngren shares about those who experience 'obstacles.' That by going through obstacles, we are brought closer to God through FAITH. I received a major ephifany tidbit in that regard! Thank you!

Watched 'Living Truth' with Charles Price and it happened to be Part 1 of his trip to the awesome Holy Land. I look forward to hearing the other four parts of his sermon and journey. Also appreciated the inspiring message of Pastor H.H. Barber, of Calvary Temple Winnipeg (Loved the breathtaking picture of the beautiful Church with its tall steeple, gently nestled in amongst a magnificent snowcapped mountain range!). Later that day, I took in 'Beyond Today' and 'Tomorrow's World' and then 'Door of Hope' with Rhonda Lazerte. Sadly, I missed 'Enjoying Everyday Life' with Joyce Meyer and 'Hour of Power;' however, I look forward to viewing both programs online.

Should include too, that the above ministries (and others) offer invigorating insights and refreshing encouragement in their teachings of the Bible and Christ. As of late, I have really been 'like a sponge'; because there are many signs of Revelation that have been and are currently happening. Just a matter of being 'ready' for Christ when the Rapture occurs. Could be at any time; and a tidbit - best to genuinely turn to Him and accept Him into your Heart.

Alan and I have certainly been experiencing many a 'trial and tribulation'; so truthfully, we are a tid fatigued and fragile. However, as I mentioned He IS our Refuge and Strength; so that thought keeps powerfully surging through my heart and soul. Also, the comforting passage from Isaiah 40:29 - "He gives strength to the weary, And to him who lacks might He increases power."

We have had an accepted offer on our home; however, there appears to be numerous other offers coming up; and most likely will go into a 'bidding war.' We truly would prefer to reside in our home; however, thus far things have not worked out. And yet, we are Relying upon Him and Trusting that He has everything in Hand. ie. Another majestic message from Romans 8: 28 - " And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." So eventhough, we are in a state of limbo ('in the middle' - you can refer to November 23rd and 25th, 2010 posts for a bittidz of background); it feels good to declutter regardless of whether we move or stay. Also, the empowering message from Psalm 46:10 - "Be still, and know that I am God' is reassuring to me and is good advice!

We still are steadfastedly Praying for a Miracle; because 'All things are possible with Him.' We KNOW He has our best interests (for all of us) at heart; and we are leaning upon Him to Direct our path, as per His Will. So, if our Prayers are in Accordance with His Will ('Divine Delays' - see March 7th post) great; if not, then we know in FAITH, that He has something better in mind for us; and we will be thankful for that plan. I do know too, that He has sustained us thus far; eventhough we have been 'jumping through many hoops.'

When I was viewing 'Door of Hope'; Rhonda Lazerte shared about her worries (even at night) about mounting business bills that need to be paid. We have compassion for her; and my immediate tidbitz thought was and still is, that if any of you enjoy and appreciate her (or any other ministerial programs who give of their time etc), give her a financial boost / donation. If we could, we would; but we literally are tapped at this moment. I have had a few nights of 'worry' myself; however, I keep calling upon Him to infill me with His Holy Spirit; and I turn everything (stresses, worries, etc) over to Him. Last night, I thought I heard: 'Don't worry.' That bittid 'whisper' gave me such a peace and a calm, that it was morning before I knew it!

We have observed that those who have been through 'hoops / battles' etc, have more of a genuine empathy and understanding of others who have had, or are having their 'trials and tribulations.'

Tidbit - Make the best of each day and live one day at a time. Enjoy and be grateful for the Blessings He gives you. ie. Appreciate the simple beauty of spring flowers sprouting into bloom, chirping singsongs of birds, etc.

Bittid - Having a thankful and cheerful heart is best; regardless of your own personal traumas. 'Praise Him in ALL Things.' Uplift others all the more when you are feeling a tid discouraged; because you end up feeling much better as well.

We have had numerous showings on our home, some today and more tomorrow. Today while we were out and about, I decided to wear my bright fuschia pink jacket (it is years old) and you know, I felt like a 'million dollars' in spirit; and a number of people, whom I did not even know, came up to me and complimented me on the vibrant colour. Before heading out the door, I thought, just put a smile on your face and go joyfully and confidently forth. Period. My Dad always used to say: " Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone." You can substitute laugh with smile, and weep with cry; whatever fits.

I love the above photo of the jolly man, with his expressions in devouring his oysters. We have that plate (from a dear friend) and everytime I pass by it, a huge grin comes to my face. A bit of a good cheer to one's spirits, methinks!

Alan just made me a wonderful sandwich of steak leftovers (from Costco; and where the prices for family packs are attractively affordable; and when the steak has been marinated for some three or four days, it is extremely tender!). Leftovers can be just as tasty; and along with a glass of red wine (La Fronterra, Chile) this is indeed, a treat! Skal!

Good Night, Peace, and God Bless.

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