Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Building others up

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Today has been a very quiet day; and we are grateful for this calm. It has been a rather hectic time; so this is, indeed, a bit of a breather to pace ourselves for the next few days.

As per yesterday's post, we ended up giving away two large boxes of magazines and some cookbooks to the Union Gospel Mission, which is a wonderful organization. The items were appreciatively received; and our hearts were gladdened; and the fatigued spirits we had, evaporated into thin air. We were totally refreshed, and even all the more thankful for our daily Blessings! We saved some of the coobooks, thinking that my son and daughter may appreciate them. There is one particularly special barbecue cook book; and hopefully, our son-in-law will enjoy those recipes, as he is a 'master' barbecuer.

Tonight the Canucks are playing; and it would appear they have come out of their 'funk' and regained their Canuck 'grit.' The depth of the team is tremendous! Also most encouraging, to watch all the components working cohesively together as a strong unit! My son and a few of his buddies were on the special 'Canuck Promo' re: the Kings and the Ducks; and methinks, that would have been fantastic to be there live, cheering on our Canucks! Alan and I looked for my son on the T.V; however, there were so many Canuck fans wearing their jerseys, that we could not see their group. LOL! You are in my Prayers, Canucks!

To refer to yesterday's post, 'Divine Delays' - "We all have the tendency to rely on 'people'. However, there are times, when there is more reliance put upon human beings than Christ. Hence disappointments, frustrations, confusion, doubts, fears etc. If you 'turn everything over to Him' and 'wait patiently upon the Lord,' it is amazing what transpires. I love this comforting verse from Psalm 10:46. "Be still and know that I am God."

As an addendum, it is the Holy Spirit who touches peoples' hearts and works through us all to reach others. ie. the Bakery dynamics of yesterday.
Galatians 6:9 - "And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary." This Biblical verse is a soothing comfort, to whenever my spirits are weary.

A 'tidbit,' that my good friend shared with me today. Apparently, Gourmet magazine is no longer publishing; so that being the case, I will cherish them! Plus, the recipes are truly mouthwatering, apart from the beautiful photograpy, and interesting tidbits.

Also a 'bittid' annoying issue had to be addressed today. I suggested to Alan that he call the individual and simply 'tell the truth' of the matter. Methinks, it is better to give a courtesy phone call, then not. Communication was helpful; and hence the various bittids were resolved appropriately.

Watched a few of the tidbitz programs on the Vision Channel this past Sunday; and for those of you who wish to know more about Christ, I thoroughly recommend the following ministries! ie. 'Hour of Power,' 'World Impact Ministries,' 'Living Truth,' 'Enjoying Everyday Life,' and 'Door of Hope.' Alas, I was only able to view the first few morning shows; however, will look forward to tuning in, online to 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (If you wish a further bittidz, you can refer to my posts of November 23rd and 25th, 2010; wherein Joyce Meyer shares about 'Being in the Middle'), and 'Door of Hope' with Rhonda Lazerte. There are also many other insightful ministries; and I mentioned just but a few of the many wonderful programs.

In closing: "Two are better than one... if one falls down, his friend can help him up." - Ecclesiastes 4:9-10. Eventhough the above photo image is not the actual picture / message I have, the image is close enough to muster up a 'good cheer' of encouragement in building others up.

Peace and God Bless.

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