Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
It has been eight days since I last wrote a post. You may wish to refer to that post and perhaps to a few other posts, for a bittidz of background.
From the Bible : Romans 8:28 - "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." That one verse keeps resounding mightily in my heart, and has provided me with much encouragement and hope.
Eventhough, this past week, Alan and I have experienced some unexpected challenges (who hasn't?); there have also been tidbit 'miracles' that have emerged from these 'trials and tribulations.' Eventhough, there has been some 'let downs', disappointments, deception, etc. He has a magnificent way of 'bringing tidbitz things to light', in accordance with His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan.
This morning, I watched the Vision Channel and embraced 'Hour of Power' ( - Dr. Robert H. Schuller and Dr. Sheila Schuller Coleman. Many great tidbits! Recommend today's insights (every day for that matter!), for those of you who are experiencing sadness, grief, uncertainty, etc; and / or those whom you may know of, who are steeped in 'trials and tribulations'. This ministry also has wonderful guest speakers / interviews; and it is interesting to hear about their life experiences / stories.
ie. Dr. Sheila Schuller Coleman: "Today, I'm so excited to introduce to you a woman that I got to know as I read her book, "I Will Carry You: The sacred dance of grief and joy" by Angie Smith. This is a story about a woman and her pregnancy, knowing she's carrying a child that the doctors have told her will not live. Angie is the wife of Todd Smith, the lead singer of the Dove Award winning group Selah. Please welcome with me, Angie Smith."
ie. Angie Smith: "I needed to hear myself say it, in fact I think we all do, but I just said, "My Jesus is the same right now as He was before I walked in that door." And I repeated that over and over again as much to hear the words myself as to say them, but that was what got me through that awful appointment."
ie. Dr. Schuller: "I have a great theme for you today. It's a message title that begins with a verb. Listen: if a sermon starts with a verb, get prepared to make a decision before the end of the message. The verb is wake: "Wake up! God's Dream in You!"
In Dr. Schuller's closing: "So what is your dream? God has a dream for your life. Now the big news is it's not your dream. Its God's dream! This dream is they might find a job, earn some money or do some product or service. God is targeting you. His dream is targeting a dreamer. And the dream will take on a life of its own, if you will let it live in you and not discard it simply because it's impossible. You've got to keep on living, and living is turning impossibilities into possibilities, so go for it. Amen."
Also, Dr. Schuller's positive outlook on 'levels' (ten), are reassuring 'music to my ears!'
On another note, our neighbour volunteered she would 'Pray for us' in Church today. We thought, 'Wow!' That kind comment blew me away! Usually we Pray for others (for ourselves too!)however, this was a generosity of spirit (a Blessing) from our neighbour. We are still enjoying her gorgeous gift of flowers she gave us earlier in the week, to thank us for bringing over a few meals to her. (She had a fall and was not able to accompany her husband on their trip). Plus, our good friend from out of town, stopped by for brunch (prepared by Alan); and this large beautiful floral bouquet added an extra special touch of grace to our table.
Tidbit - 'All Things are possible' with Him. Keep the FAITH.
Bittid - Have a grateful heart and be appreciative for all your Blessings, each and every day.
Also viewed 'Living Truth' ( and Charles Price is always so 'right on' in his teachings. Also with his message on GRACE. (God's Resources / or Riches / or Righteousness At Christ's Expense = GRACE) Methinks, best to listen to his solid sermons as well.
Will look forward to enjoying online 'Enjoying Everyday Life' ( Also, all being well, will watch 'Door of Hope' later tonight. All these ministries have many fine bittids and resources to tune into!
Tomorrow will be an important day for us; as several bittid matters we have been working on, should finally dovetail. Will keep you posted, when we know more.
Love the above photo image of "Seek and Ye Shall Find."
In the meantime, here is wishing you a restful Sunday evening.
Peace and God Bless.
Sunday, 26 September 2010
All Things ARE Possible
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Good Afternoon or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
The week has flown by! Alan and I have had our tidbitz 'noses to the grindstone'; re: exploring various avenues. As of Thursday, we had a few other tidbit options open up, that literally 'came right out of the bittidz blue.' What has been presented thus far, has all been in the bittid 'abstract'; however, now it is a matter of 'waiting patiently' for something more 'concrete' to show up. It would appear that we are at tid 'crossroads'; and therefore, we are 'Waiting upon the Lord', all the more, to help us make the right decisions. We have some major choices to make. Alan and I have done our bit best; however, we also know that we must not rely upon our own understanding. We trust that He has everything in hand; afterall, 'Our Father Knows Best' for each and every one of us; as He loves us all unconditionally; warts and all. That is most reassuring, methinks humbly and happily!
Eventhough, there has been a lot of tidbitz going on, we are doing our best to live one day at a time. He says 'Fret not, for tomorrow comes soon enough.' Therefore, we are heartily appreciative for each and every day; as we have many bittidz Blessings to be thankful for.
In the middle of the night, I was having a 'Prayer dialogue' with Him; and I was 'Guided' to 'get up' to read a Bible passage. It turns out that I was 'Directed' to 1 Samuel, Chapter 16;12-23, re: 'David Anointed.' That Biblical passage gave / gives me such a comforting peace and reassurance. To quote most of Verse 13 - "Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward." Then and there, I received a major ephifany! I had just asked Him for Wisdom and Understanding; and it hit me why David may have had such a 'mighty' zest in his Prayers to Him. The wonderful word, 'MIGHTILY' jumps right out at me! That being said, that may make sense why David was always so mightily exhuberant in his enthusiasm and steadfast faith and trust in Him; knowing that Our Father would Provide MIGHTILY! Mighty food for mighty thought, methinks! Wow, what a tidbit!
I may have mentioned earlier, but I have a 'soft spot' for David; and I have always related (eventhough female) to his attitude! It is slso beneficial to read all the verses (ie 12 -23); as there are many illuminating insights.
Tidbit - Give Him your best today and today only. Tomorrow will take care of itself. 'One day at a time.' When you look back at the past week (or whatever), you just know that He (the Holy Spirit) has been right there with you, in helping you overcome obstacles. So, would He do any MIGHTILY less now?
Bittid - Trust Him to Guide your path; as, 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light.'
We are totally grateful it is the weekend and we are looking forward to a nice quiet Saturday night at home. Tomorrow morning, we will enjoy the Vision Channel; always much to learn from their enlightening ministerial programs. ie. 'Hour of Power', 'Enjoying Everyday Life', 'Living Truth', 'Door of Hope' and many others.
Also, another Biblical passage that is a bittid of uplift / encouragement - Romans 8:28 - "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." With everything that is going on in our lives, Alan and I believe that totally.
Oh, our next door neightbour. We brought her over some Shepherd's Pie (a la Costco!) and salad last night for dinner (she was injured from a fall; so alas, she was not able to accompany her husband on their vacation; so she is on her own for the time being), and she in genuine thanks, gave us a batch of her home baked shortbread (delicious!). The gift bag that contained the shortbread cookies, had 'BELIEVE' written on it. There are NO coincidences. 'Love thy neighbour, as thyself.' or 'Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.' Also, we gave her a long stemmed Queen Elizabeth pink rose from our garden (Alan's TLC suggestion) and she was wonderfully appreciative!
Love the 'mighty' photo image of David and Goliath. The Lord IS our Refuge and Strength!
Peace and God Bless.
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Thankful and reflective thoughts
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
It is pouring with rain; (cats and dogs!) and I am thankful! Everything looks so lush and green, and healthy in the rain. Colourful flowers / foliage, the works! We are enjoying a quiet day.
Watched the Vision Channel this morning. ie. 'Hour of Power' ( Was it ever enlightening and uplifting! Dr. Sheila Schuller Coleman interviewed Martha Williamson. To quote a background bittid: "Martha Williamson (MW) is best known as the executive producer and head writer of the hit television series "Touched by An Angel." Today, Martha is the host and voice of "A Touch of Encouragement" on and has written a new book titled "Inviting God into Your Wedding." Sheila Schuller Coleman (SSC) interviews Martha."
Takes me back to a few tidbitz unusual experiences I had. ie. When I was in Annaheim for a convention, a woman came and sat down beside me in the hotel coffee shop. She said she was an 'angel' who had been sent to me, to let me know that my Dad was okay. He had passed away a few months earlier (1998). The woman then 'vanished?'.
When I was in New Orleans a year later, attending another convention, I sensed that my 'ears were burning.' Basically, 'somewhere / somehow', I knew my Dad was thinking about me.
Also my Mum, a year after her death; the smell of her perfume permeated the house, shortly after we moved in 2006. Actually right on the day of her passing, the perfume mysteriously 'appeared'; and we had only been living here for approx a month. Every so often, that fragrance just kind of 'appears?'
The other and most memorable tidbit situation also, was when our dog, 'Rocky' (named after Rockford, in the Rockford Files - I loved that show too!), a 'street person' came right up to me and fully gazed at me. I asked him if the juglike urn, that he was carrying on his shoulders, (very 'Biblical' looking; and it was as if he was 'not from this world') was heavy? His gentle and soft response, 'No, not really'. However, his kind brown eyes were beautiful, as if they were deep deep clear 'pools of water'; and when hs spoke, his rich voice was like a 'multitudinous roar of rushing rivers / waters.' He gave me such a CALM; and it was as if he knew me well; as if he could see right through me and into the heart of things. I was not afraid; and then he literally 'disappeared,' as if 'into thin air?' (I think I may have written a tidbit post on that experience?).
Shortly after that, our beloved Rocky passed away (from cancer). I have always felt that perhaps the stranger (I felt as if I 'knew' him; or put it this way, he certainly knew me!) was an angel, who was sent to give me a bittidz of comfort for what would lie ahead. ie. the loss of our dear dog (he was 12 years of age; or 84 years in 'dog years').
To recap, I really enjoyed the show, "Touched By an Angel" as well; so I suppose today's interview re: 'Hour of Power', inspired me to share these tales. Perhaps some of you, have some interesting stories to share as well?
Also on 'Hour of Power', had the genuine pleasure again of listening to Bishop Kenneth Ulmer. He is uniquely inspirational; and he has written the book,'The Champion in You.' To quote a tidbit from Bishop Ulmer: "The world loves champions. But I want to suggest to you that there is a champion even in you. The person sitting next to you, the person in front of you or behind you, there is a champion in you. If you get nothing else out of what I say, today, let the Lord put that in your spirit. Someone is watching from the other side of the world and God has brought you to this broadcast today to deposit into your spirit a truth that there is a champion in you."
Methinks also, with the passing of our dear friend (his party - (that he pre planned, while in the hospice), was last night; his funeral / reception is tomorrow) and with the passing of the others, it is reassuring to me, to remember and reflect upon our Blessings; and to cherish special moments we have all been given for each and every day. You can refer to my recent posts for a bittid of background, if you wsih. We did an 'Absent Friends Skal' to our friend last night; and we will do so again, tomorrow. Plus toasting in memory, of our other friends who recently passed away.
Also watched 'Living Truth' with Charles Price ( and we heartily appreciate his focus on sharing the message of the good news. In another post, I will refer to some Biblical passages that he utilized in his message today.
We have to go out (to pick up clear liquids - ie. broths / apple juice for Alan; as he is having a colonoscopy tomorrow first thing); however, I wanted to write this while tidbits were fresh in my heart.
I feel too, the Vision Channel offers many ministries that provide wonderful bittids of insights and encouragement. I will also be watching online 'Enjoying Everyday Life' with Joyce Meyer (; and am looking forward also to viewing 'Door of Hope' ( later tonight.
Love the lovely photo image, which is pleasing and welcoming to the eye. Hope you have / are enjoying a good weekend. Again, we have so much to be thankful for; as in each and every day, which to me, is like a 'mini Thanksgiving.' "Praise Him In ALL Things."
Peace and God Bless.
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Having an 'attitude of gratitude' is good
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Five tidbitz days have gone by since I last wrote a tid post! Eventhough, Alan and I are in a bit of a 'waiting mode', we are exploring as many avenues as possible. We currently have approx four options; and three of them are inter connected; as in 'links in a chain.'
We are thankful that it is Saturday; and what a beautiful and crisp morning it is! Fall is definitely in the air; and the trees are exuding a splendid regalia of rich autumn colours. Plus, I am thoroughly enjoying my cup of coffee on this peaceful and tranquil morning. Also, was Blessed with a super sound sleep last night; so am joyfully appreciating the refreshing 'specialness' of this morning / day. Methinks, Fall is my favourite time of year; albeit each season has its unique and precious moments.
As per my last two posts, I shared about the recent passing of our friend (we have since lost four other friends to the 'Big C'; so it has been quite a week). Today (evening now in British time), there is a 'party' planned for him (he organized all the details, while he was in the hospice) and we are there in spirit; and ultimately we will raise and toast our glasses to him (ie an 'Absent Friends' Skal - an old Norwegian custom). We know it will a good ('grand' comes to my mind) party and it will be done with 'style'. That was the type of guy he was! He is from England; and if we did not have such a full plate / commitments, we would have quite literally jumped on a plane to be there for him. His funeral / 'Celebration of his life' is on Monday afternoon. In the bittidz meantime, we have been 'introduced' to new friends (via email correspondence) and we think that this is also what our friend would heartily and happily endorse!
Tidbit - Appreciate all your Blessings and simply be Thankful for each and every day. Your life is greatly simplified; when you have a grateful and genuine heart; along with a steadfast TRUST and FAITH in Him. 'Praise Him In ALL Things'; regardless of your daily circumstances.
Bitttid - Continue to have the resolve to 'endure' any and all trials and tribulations that appear in your life. Basicall, RELY totally upon Christ, and 'cast all your cares' upon Him, and LET Him Provide the Solution. (He knows what is best for each and every one of us; and, He loves us all unconditionally!). Do your part; however, allow Him to PREVAIL with the rest, as per His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan (and His Timing; not ours). Also, when a door closes, He opens another. Take strength and be encouraged that He has a good plan for us. He wants us all to enjoy a good life full of abundant Blessings.
Here is an uplifting Biblical passage from Romans 8: 28 - "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."
A further tidbit, to whomever reads my posts: 'Keep Things Simple', enjoy each and every day, and have a continual 'attitude of gratitude.' Now, more so than ever throughout the globe.
Also, I love the above photo image of the majestic soaring eagle! Will be 'watching' the Vision Channel tomorrow morning; and if you wish, you can refer to my earlier post(s) for a bittid of background re: the afore mentioned ministerial T.V. / online programs.
Peace and God Bless.
Monday, 6 September 2010
Delight and take thankful refuge in His Blessings
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
My oh my, it has been a tidbitz while! Since my last post, we have also learned that four friends have since passed away. All from the 'Big C.' Very sad.
My apologies for not having written til bittidz now; but we have truly been on the go. We are working on all burners; and we will know tomorrow or Wednesday of our plans. ie. Whether we are tid moving or not etc. We are hopeful that finally things will come to 'fruition', and that there will be some good news. We have left everything to Him for Provision. We are continuing to remain positive and are eagerly sustained by our Faith and Trust in Christ.
Have also enjoyed / embraced the Vision Channel with various Programs: ie. 'Hour of Power' (; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (; 'Living Truth' (; and 'Door of Hope' ( To receive the direct info, best if you tune into their wonderful ministries, as they offer such encouragment and solid insights / teachings.
Today is the Labour Day holiday and we are glad to have this quiet time of refuge. It is pouring with rain, black skies, and definitely Fall is in the mix. A perfect September day to simply just rest a bit.
I just looked at the inspirational calendar from Charles Price of 'Living Truth'; and in his September message, printed under the beautiful picture of the waves and rocks of the ocean, are the reassuring words, " There is a lot to enjoy from God in this life. But when, in the purposes of God, life is tough, situations are hard and persection is real, faith is being sure that the best is yet to come."
Also in the calendar, quoted from the Bible, Nahum 1:7 - "The LORD is good; a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him."
Having read those, I thought WOW! There are NO coincidences here, folks! Plus, I was 'told' to 'get up and go write a post'. I did not worry about what to write (inasmuch as there had been an absence etc); He (The Holy Spirit) basically is Directing / Guiding the 'flow.' To me, this is an enlightening ephifany! 'Thank You, Our Heavenly Father!' I feel uplifted. Hope those of you, who are reading my post, do as well!
Also celebrated my birthday - best birthday present, methinks! We enjoyed a barbecue with family. ie. My son, my daughter and her paternal 4 year old twin boys (alas her husband was not able to make it). We appreciated steak (from Costco; and the meat was extremely tender after it had been marinated for a day or two in a delicious sauce), baked Idaho potatoes with all the trimmings (fresh garlic chives from our garden, sour cream, fresh bacon bits, butter, salt & pepper), and my healthy salad of tomatoes, avocadoes, parsley & chives from our garden, and whatever else was creatively needed to be tossed into the glorious large wooden salad bowl. My son and daughter brought some red wine (red wine is good for you; your heart, arteries etc!), some chicken pieces, and last but not least, the birthday cake - chocolate cheesecake! Mmmmm. We supplied the ice cream and it turned out to be a fun evening.
We also have been to a couple of baseball games (courtesy of my son) and we were like little kids! We loved it; fresh evening air, the game, the works! Appreciated his kindness and 'generosity of spirit.'
Tidbit - Take time out to 'rest' and 'reflect' gratefully and happily upon your Blessings. Turn everything over to Him and KNOW that He has the best solution for each and every one of us. He has our best interests at heart. 'He IS our Refuge and Strength.' You are Provided with a 'peace of mind', as well as a confident calm.
Bittid - Keep things simple. Appreciate each and every day and have a genuinely thankful and hopeful heart; even if your circumstances are challenging. Do not give up saying your Prayers (INCREASE them!). ie. 'The Lord's Prayer' is magnificent! As Dr. Sheila (Schuller) Coleman shares on 'Hour of Power', she says The Lord's Prayer every day; and it is such an enthusiastic start to the day! We also now say it at night, before we fall off to sleep; amazing what a good sound sleep we receive. As if all worries, angsts, cares, etc 'go out the window!'
We know that He has helped us overcome past obstacles, so would He do any less now? We are currently in a 'waiting mode'; and as mentioned, we will have more news within the next few days.
Also an invigorating bittid, daily ASK Him - 'To Have Him Arm and Equip you fully in the Full Armor of God; and to Protect and Shield you from your enemies / foes.' Joyce Meyer of 'Enjoying Everyday Life', powerfully addresses and touches upon, 'on how do we 'dress' / or what do we put on for each day?' - This is also an empowering Prayer (Ephesians 6: 10-18) that helps us all, to steadfastedly cope and overcome various 'trials and tribulations.'
Took this picture last week. It is of a lovely yellow flower, that majestically 'appeared out of nowhere.' Another tidbit Blessing, methinks! Plus, it helped that Alan watered it! LOL!
Peace and God Bless.