Monday, 17 May 2010

'Happy Gardening'

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Here is hoping that we will have some clarification today re: bringing our projects to fruition. If you wish a bit of background, please feel free to refer to my most recent posts. In a tid of a nutshell, Alan and I have left everything to Him to work out and provide a Solution. We can do no more; as it is in His Hands and According to His Will, Purpose, and Plan. Eventhough, it has been a long haul; we KNOW He has helped us through many a 'valley'; and we are grateful for His Provision. So, when we know more, you will know more.

Yesterday, we enjoyed thoroughly; apart from it being Sunday, as in 'a day of rest.' I watched the Vision Channel in the morning - ie 'Hour of Power' (; then 'Living Truth' ( Interestingly enough again, their encouraging insights were / are 'music to my ears.' They made references too, to Hebrews 11: 1 etc. There are NO coincidenes; and I am thankful for more 'ephifanies!' Although, I will share some tidbits in a later post; for those of you who are curious, and / or wish to 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'; best to tune into their ministries, to further appreciate a better understanding of Christ. I will organize myself better to include absorbing another favourite International ministry, 'Enjoying Everyday Life' ( and watch it online, between the two afore mentioned T.V. programs.

Yesterday afternoon, we went out to our favourite Produce and Nursery Farm, as well as appreciating some other garden farms / centres. It was the perfect day for 'nursery hopping'; and we returned home some four hours later, thinking it would only be for a relatively short period of time! LOL! We ended up with Alan shovelling some more bags of soil, as well as picking up some more plants, with large attractive plastic containers. The plants are a pink azelea, a yellow and white rhodo, and a Purple Braveheart! The Braveheart is gorgeous; and Alan's clan fought with William Wallace way back when. Alan is very much like a 'Braveheart'; so this will be an extra special flowering purple plant! Will take some photos when they are in tidbitz bloom.

Alan also sawed down another tree, which was also a bittidz of an eyesore. Also, NO coincidences, we 'ran into' a landscaping friend at the Nursery who was hoping to find a compost. We have an extra one; so we will give it to him (we only need one; but at the time, we had to buy two, as that was 'the order of the day'). Plus, all the branches and debris, 'Mike' will happily remove for us. We are thankful we ran into him! I had been thinking he would be the perfect person to give the compost to; and lo and behold, we run right into him! And, he will help Alan move the tree branches etc. That was / is a Blessing, methinks!

The extra light and the space is awesome! A new lease on garden life, methinks! This newly created side garden, can now be designated as a 'garden'. It will look great, when the two unappealing tree stubs, along with the compost, have been removed and the area, will be replaced with the top soil. We will also move most of our veggie pots to this sunny location.

We ran into one of our nice neighbours (Chinese), and he has many purple iris growing wildly in his garden; so he has offered to give us some of these perennial tubers. They will also look majestic in this side spot, as they are hardy and love sunshine. We will give him some bittids of fresh mint (chocolate, spearmint, and regular - we have 3 kinds!) and some strawberry cuttings. Our new additions (the three plants from yesterday), will enhance our fence; so it should be quite magnificent in time! I love trees too; however, the two trees became more of a hindrance, than a help, in many ways.

Tidbit - Joyfully embrace your garden, no matter how big or small! Be 'like a child', and be in appreciative awe of all the wonderful and different types of flowers, plants, bushes, shrubs, trees, etc, He has created for us all. Even a small planter of flowers or veggies, brings a tidbit of joy! He created the Universe in six days; that is a such WOW! to me!

Bittid - To enjoy a better day, begin your day with thankful Prayers, a joyful heart, and surrendering eveything to Him, to Guide and Direct your path. 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light.'

Hope today's post was a bittid of an invigorating uplift! It was / is to me! 'Praise Him In ALL Things' always. I love the above photo image! Cheers with a cup of coffee; and 'Happy Gardening'.

Peace and God Bless.

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