Sunday, 23 May 2010

Appreciate genuine friendship!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We have had a lot 'on the go' this past tid while. We were at a wedding yesterday from app 1:45 pm to 9:30 pm. Family members and good friends made the trek from various areas of the globe; and it was awesome to see the joyful and harmonious mingling of everyone. Music, food, and wine help too! LOL! The bride and groom have ten children between them; as well as having many siblings; so indeed, it is now one big happy blended family! We thoroughly enjoyed ourseles; renewing many old friendships, and meeting some 'new friends.' Some of our 'new friends', were amongst those who had travelled from Africa, as well as different parts of Europe. Methinks, it is always interesting to meet other people from around the world!

Our good friend who arrived this morning, will be staying overnight; and we know the bittid time will go by far too quickly. It is really refreshing to see him again. Alan cooked up a hearty and delicious brunch for us; and for dinner, Alan will be making up 'Al's special pizza.' Plus, we will enjoy my Caesar / green salad combination, along with a glass or two of red wine, and a freshly baked lemoon meringue pie (from the local bakery!) for dessert!

Also, as mentioned earlier, the listing for our home has expired and we have taken a bit of a pause. One of our realtor friends called us to let us know that there is an interested party for our abode. We suggested they could come (tomorow afternoon) and take a comparative look; which may assist them in their quest to downsize. Eventhough, we are taking 'some time out' to reflect upon other options that have recently come our way; we are keeping all avenues open. We do not know what His Will is; but we know and trust that He has the best Solution.

Did not watch the Vision Channel in the morning; however, I will view online 'Hour of Power' (; 'Enjoying Everyday Life'(; and 'Living Truth' ( when there is a quiet / quality moment. I apologize for not sharing some tidbits / bittids earlier in the week; however, we have had a full plate. Fortunately, these international ministries / websites are easily accessible; and they provide wonderful insights of hope and encouragement re: their teachings of Jesus Christ and the Bible.

It is also the long weekend, in celebration of Queen Victoria's Birthday; so we have appreciated a bittidz of a breather. We are also 'brainstorming' with our dear friend, as he is included in the present and future tidbitz mix.

Tidbit - 'Do unto others, as you would have them do to you.' Best to 'give' and 'uplift' others; and FOCUS upon Him, as 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light.'

Bittid - 'Praise Him In All Things' always. We all have many Blessings to be Thankful for!

On that tidbit note, I Thank Him for our friend; and we are appreciative of this special visit. Love the above photo image too, with its empowering message.

Peace and God Bless.

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