Monday, 31 May 2010

Be of good cheer to others!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

My last post was on May 25 th; and I have not written a post since. My apologies. Life has just been turned up a few notches. A bit of news and you may wish to refer to the most recent posts for some bittidz background.

We had the showing; and the people are interested and have made an offer. To make a long story short, the listing for our home had already expired; and because we have had other options, we thought it best to also take a tid pause. Also, we have had about 3 dozen realtors contact us and good on their initiative to acquire a potential listing.

Meanwhile a realtor / friend of ours had been approached by a family, who are on the lookout for a smaller home for their elderly mother, who presently lives in a large house all by herself. The realtor does not know the people and they apparemtly were impressed with his website and listings; and hence contacted him, 'out of the blue.' Alan and I have extra empathy for the elderly; as we have had similar experiences with our parents. (Plus, we will be 'elderly' one day too. Hope to continue in being 'young at heart!' LOL!). Our home is currently not listed; and we did this out of compassion, thinking that our home would be useful as a helpful comparative tool, to aid them in their downsizing quest. As it happened, they made an offer. Their offer was 'low ball'; however, the square footage had not been fully updated; thus, inaccurate. The 'ball' is now back in their court to revisit, if they wish; and we will know more later today.

Also, we have been looking for a new location ourselves and these past few days have kept us occupied. We have narrowed it down to two reasonable spots; and a lot will depend on what our bank can do for us; as to which small abode we can afford. Both places are well priced for their square footage and value. I should add that we have made the decision to list our home again (if the offer falls through); however, we do not know which agent to go with. We have three to five in mind; and it simply gets down to which one will be the most 'hands on' and provide the best service.

We have also been doing our 'due diligence' on our other projects; and with all the delays etc, it is best for us to sell our home and move on. These past several months have been full of tidbitz 'trials and tribulations' (since the fall of Lehman Brothers in Sept 2008, that started the whole financial mess / fears of the 'domino effect' around the world). We know we are not the only ones (most of us have been affected) who have been 'innocent bystanders', caught in a 'perfect storm.' However, we are ever positive and are working towards fruition, regardless. Our best Advocate and Ally is Christ!

Alan and I are truly thankful for each and every day; and for all the daily Blessings He gives us. Plus, we can look back, and vividly see where He has stepped in to help us overcome past obstacles. So, would He Do any less now? We also know He ALWAYS has our best interests at heart (that goes for each and every one of us) and thus, we have 'cast all our cares' upon Him and In Accordance with His Will, His Purpose, His Plan. 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light.'

Tidbit - Appreciate the little things. ie. Beautiful flowers, birds, rain, sun, etc.
Also, took the tidbit picture of our exquisite Rhodo, a bittid mixture of soft whites and delicate pinks. Methinks, this is yet another wonderful creation and Blessing from Him!

Bittid - The Lord likes a cheerful giver. Do your best to surrender joyfully to His Will, Purpose and Plan. Do your best to be steadfast, and genuinely lean upon Him, for your Refuge and Strength.

Also, watched some of the Vision Channel programs yesterday. We did not watch the Vision Channel the Sunday before, as it was the Queen Victoria Day celebration / long weekend. I do know that it is better to share some tidbits sooner rather than later; and, I will do my best to share some bittids, when I can.

Will keep you posted when we have some news; and we ARE ever Prayful and Hopeful that it will be GOOD news! Hebrews 11:1 keeps coming to mind! - "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for. the conviction of things not seen."

Also, the inspirational tune with the words, 'All Things Are Possible', sung by Beth Groombridge, (on Hour of Power) is an uplifting encouragement to my spirits! Thank you! Plus, another 'thank you' to the gracious comment in the earlier post; that is another Blessing as well, to be thankful for!

Peace and God Bless.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Thanks a bloomful!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Our good friend left yesterday afternoon, and we also had the house showing - of which we will know more on that tomorrow. If you wish, you can refer to my recent posts for a bittid of background. There is not much tidbit news to share; save we are 'waiting' for input.

Alan and I firmly believe, that 'When one door closes, He opens another.' So, this is where we are at, in a bittidz nutshell. No more, no less. We are doing our 'due diligence', and have been / are pursuing other options as well. That being said, depending on what happens or not, we will be making some major decisions within the next few days. Whatever happens, we have many (blooming) Blessings to be thankful for, and we 'Praise Him In ALL Things.'

On a more upbeat note, we went to the wedding on Saturday; and what a wonderful celebration it was! Everyhing was joyful; and the two already large families, are now blended into one big happy family! Rather neat to see; as one does not see that often enough, methinks.

I took this tid picture yesterday of our flowering purple 'Brave Heart' plant; and methinks, it resembles the blooms of the splendid 'supertunia.' Also, here is the quoted info from Heritage Perennial on this exquisite flower. Thanks a bloomful, for this glorious bit of tidbitz gardening data!

"Here's the complete description for this Heritage Perennial. Drop in any time to see the rest of our collection.

Plant Number: 1.350.080 USDA Zone: 6 - 9

Malva sylvestris ‘Brave Heart’
Common name : Striped Mallow

This cousin to the garden hollyhock has similar satiny flowers, bright mauve in colour, with dramatic royal-purple stripes. Usually acts as a short-lived perennial or biennial, flowering for months on end. Forms a bushy, upright mound, but may need to be staked towards the middle of summer. A terrific specimen plant, excellent in the garden or featured in containers. In colder regions this is well worth growing as an annual, because of the long season of bloom. Allow plants to set seed, and they may self-sow in future years. Flowers are attractive to butterflies.

Conditions Appearance

Sun Exposure
Full Sun

Soil Type

Soil pH

Soil Moisture

Care Level
Easy Flower Colour

Blooming Time
Mid Summer
Late Summer
Early Fall
Mid Fall

Foliage Color
Deep Green

Plant Uses & Characteristics
Accent: Good Texture/Form
Attracts Butterflies
Cut Flower
Rabbit Resistant

Flower Head Size

120-150 cm
47-59 inches

60-70 cm
23-27 inches

Foot Traffic

Growth Rate
Medium "

Peace and God Bless.

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Appreciate genuine friendship!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We have had a lot 'on the go' this past tid while. We were at a wedding yesterday from app 1:45 pm to 9:30 pm. Family members and good friends made the trek from various areas of the globe; and it was awesome to see the joyful and harmonious mingling of everyone. Music, food, and wine help too! LOL! The bride and groom have ten children between them; as well as having many siblings; so indeed, it is now one big happy blended family! We thoroughly enjoyed ourseles; renewing many old friendships, and meeting some 'new friends.' Some of our 'new friends', were amongst those who had travelled from Africa, as well as different parts of Europe. Methinks, it is always interesting to meet other people from around the world!

Our good friend who arrived this morning, will be staying overnight; and we know the bittid time will go by far too quickly. It is really refreshing to see him again. Alan cooked up a hearty and delicious brunch for us; and for dinner, Alan will be making up 'Al's special pizza.' Plus, we will enjoy my Caesar / green salad combination, along with a glass or two of red wine, and a freshly baked lemoon meringue pie (from the local bakery!) for dessert!

Also, as mentioned earlier, the listing for our home has expired and we have taken a bit of a pause. One of our realtor friends called us to let us know that there is an interested party for our abode. We suggested they could come (tomorow afternoon) and take a comparative look; which may assist them in their quest to downsize. Eventhough, we are taking 'some time out' to reflect upon other options that have recently come our way; we are keeping all avenues open. We do not know what His Will is; but we know and trust that He has the best Solution.

Did not watch the Vision Channel in the morning; however, I will view online 'Hour of Power' (; 'Enjoying Everyday Life'(; and 'Living Truth' ( when there is a quiet / quality moment. I apologize for not sharing some tidbits / bittids earlier in the week; however, we have had a full plate. Fortunately, these international ministries / websites are easily accessible; and they provide wonderful insights of hope and encouragement re: their teachings of Jesus Christ and the Bible.

It is also the long weekend, in celebration of Queen Victoria's Birthday; so we have appreciated a bittidz of a breather. We are also 'brainstorming' with our dear friend, as he is included in the present and future tidbitz mix.

Tidbit - 'Do unto others, as you would have them do to you.' Best to 'give' and 'uplift' others; and FOCUS upon Him, as 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light.'

Bittid - 'Praise Him In All Things' always. We all have many Blessings to be Thankful for!

On that tidbit note, I Thank Him for our friend; and we are appreciative of this special visit. Love the above photo image too, with its empowering message.

Peace and God Bless.

Thursday, 20 May 2010

'More Happy Gardening'

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

These last few days have whirled by us. I have not forgotten to share a tidbit or two, re: 'Hour of Power', 'Enjoying Everyday Life', and 'Living Truth'; and will happily do so, when there are some quiet moments. If you wish a bittid of background, you can refer to my most recent posts. Before I forget, I watched and thorougly enjoyed 'Enjoying Everyday Life' online yesterday morning. Joyce Meyer is excellent in her powerful presentation re: 'Armor of God.' Again, for your perusal and study, their websites are:;; and

We are working diligently towards fruition of our projects; and have yet to receive word. At the same time, we are actively exploring other tidbitz avenues; as key decisions have to be made. We are Relying Upon Him to Direct and Guide our path; as 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light.' We also know that 'when one door closes, another door opens.'

Also, we have now planted the recent addition of the four plants in large planters in the newly cleared area; and what a refreshing difference that makes. It is like night and day! LOL! This is the perfect spot to relocate our veggie pots / planters. Am thinking that we could put some 'indoor outdoor' carpet to cover the ground; hence simpler and less upkeep. ie No grass to be cut; fewer weeds to pull out; and / or leaves to rake up.

Tidbit - 'Keeping Things Simple' works best.

Bittid - Regardless of your circumstances, ALWAYS remember to 'Praise Him in ALL Things and Give Him daily THANKS. After awhile, it becomes 'second nature' to continue being thankful, appreciative, and grateful for all the Blessings He shines upon you.

Love the above majestic photo image! We have been Blessed with many beautiful rhodos in our complex; this shade of purple in particular! Methinks because we received such a mild winter, the rhododendrons and other abounding plant life, are all the more breathtaking this year.

Peace and God Bless.

Monday, 17 May 2010

'Happy Gardening'

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Here is hoping that we will have some clarification today re: bringing our projects to fruition. If you wish a bit of background, please feel free to refer to my most recent posts. In a tid of a nutshell, Alan and I have left everything to Him to work out and provide a Solution. We can do no more; as it is in His Hands and According to His Will, Purpose, and Plan. Eventhough, it has been a long haul; we KNOW He has helped us through many a 'valley'; and we are grateful for His Provision. So, when we know more, you will know more.

Yesterday, we enjoyed thoroughly; apart from it being Sunday, as in 'a day of rest.' I watched the Vision Channel in the morning - ie 'Hour of Power' (; then 'Living Truth' ( Interestingly enough again, their encouraging insights were / are 'music to my ears.' They made references too, to Hebrews 11: 1 etc. There are NO coincidenes; and I am thankful for more 'ephifanies!' Although, I will share some tidbits in a later post; for those of you who are curious, and / or wish to 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'; best to tune into their ministries, to further appreciate a better understanding of Christ. I will organize myself better to include absorbing another favourite International ministry, 'Enjoying Everyday Life' ( and watch it online, between the two afore mentioned T.V. programs.

Yesterday afternoon, we went out to our favourite Produce and Nursery Farm, as well as appreciating some other garden farms / centres. It was the perfect day for 'nursery hopping'; and we returned home some four hours later, thinking it would only be for a relatively short period of time! LOL! We ended up with Alan shovelling some more bags of soil, as well as picking up some more plants, with large attractive plastic containers. The plants are a pink azelea, a yellow and white rhodo, and a Purple Braveheart! The Braveheart is gorgeous; and Alan's clan fought with William Wallace way back when. Alan is very much like a 'Braveheart'; so this will be an extra special flowering purple plant! Will take some photos when they are in tidbitz bloom.

Alan also sawed down another tree, which was also a bittidz of an eyesore. Also, NO coincidences, we 'ran into' a landscaping friend at the Nursery who was hoping to find a compost. We have an extra one; so we will give it to him (we only need one; but at the time, we had to buy two, as that was 'the order of the day'). Plus, all the branches and debris, 'Mike' will happily remove for us. We are thankful we ran into him! I had been thinking he would be the perfect person to give the compost to; and lo and behold, we run right into him! And, he will help Alan move the tree branches etc. That was / is a Blessing, methinks!

The extra light and the space is awesome! A new lease on garden life, methinks! This newly created side garden, can now be designated as a 'garden'. It will look great, when the two unappealing tree stubs, along with the compost, have been removed and the area, will be replaced with the top soil. We will also move most of our veggie pots to this sunny location.

We ran into one of our nice neighbours (Chinese), and he has many purple iris growing wildly in his garden; so he has offered to give us some of these perennial tubers. They will also look majestic in this side spot, as they are hardy and love sunshine. We will give him some bittids of fresh mint (chocolate, spearmint, and regular - we have 3 kinds!) and some strawberry cuttings. Our new additions (the three plants from yesterday), will enhance our fence; so it should be quite magnificent in time! I love trees too; however, the two trees became more of a hindrance, than a help, in many ways.

Tidbit - Joyfully embrace your garden, no matter how big or small! Be 'like a child', and be in appreciative awe of all the wonderful and different types of flowers, plants, bushes, shrubs, trees, etc, He has created for us all. Even a small planter of flowers or veggies, brings a tidbit of joy! He created the Universe in six days; that is a such WOW! to me!

Bittid - To enjoy a better day, begin your day with thankful Prayers, a joyful heart, and surrendering eveything to Him, to Guide and Direct your path. 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light.'

Hope today's post was a bittid of an invigorating uplift! It was / is to me! 'Praise Him In ALL Things' always. I love the above photo image! Cheers with a cup of coffee; and 'Happy Gardening'.

Peace and God Bless.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Appreciating the garden

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a tid of a while since my last post. Alan and I have had a full plate and then some! We have done what is necessary; and now it all boils down to the final decision. Hence we are in a 'waiting mode.' We had thought we would have had an answer by Friday; however, it has been moved to early next week. Our listing for our home has also expired; and as mentioned earlier, we are taking a bit of a pause. A lot will depend on what happens next week; and we are hopeful that things will conclude in a positive manner and we can move bountifully forward with our projects.

Should mention too, that yesterday was a bittid of a challenge; so I thought I would 'turn to the Bible for some uplifting encouragement.' As it so happened, the pages 'flew' to Hebrews 11:1. That was exactly what I needed to read and hear! ie. "Now Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." I have included that passage a few times in my recent posts! Then I was further 'Guided' to an emdearing tidbit booklet 'Time with God for Mothers' (also gave my daughter the booklet for Mother's Day); and the page immediately wondrously opened to "Faith is the Key" (Hebrews 11:6) and it is very true. You can refer to Hebrews 11:6. "And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."

I thought what an awesome ephifany! There are no coincidences here!

Today, Alan sawed down a tree that has been a bittidz of an 'eyesore' in our side patio garden; and what a huge tidbitz of a difference that has made! Amazing light, as well as wonderful new space! Alan will need a chain saw to completely remove the remaining tree stubs from the root ball. Later in the next week or two, we will go and pick up some more soil. Alan will shovel five bags of blended mixtures of soils, which will cover the innumerable existing small rocks, leaves etc. Then we will scatter grass seed over it; which will look great in time. The tree was an old tree; and after much deliberation, we thought it asthetically best to cut it down.

We are looking forward to going to our favourite Produce / Nursery Farm tomorrow afternoon. We hope to find a couple of flowering plants; an azelea and / or a rhododendron, which we will plant in two good size planters, against the perimeter of our fence. Even our Blue was happy about the extra garden; plus his 'doghouse' is now nice and clean.

Last night we watched an inspirational movie, a true story, called 'Below Eight.' Well worth seeing.

Looking forward to watching also, the T.V. Vision Channel tomorrow morning. ie. 'Hour of Power'( and 'Living Truth' ( Will view 'Enjoying Everyday Life' online at as the T.V. time has been changed.

Tidbit - He IS our Refuge and Strength. So, if / when you are feeling 'overwhelmed', weary, discouraged, etc, take time out to 'rest' in Him. The Bible is also comforting and bolsters one's spirits. I love the Psalms!

Bittid - 'Gardening' is invigorating and healthy for the soul; particularly when the weather is sunny and mild. You can re evaluate, recharge your batteries, and be refreshed with a fresh focus.

We have enjoyed a pleasantly restful day; and have also reflected gratefully upon our Blessings that He has Given / Gives us. We are thankful too, that it is evening; and we will appreciate a quiet night at home.

Here is wishing you a good R & R weekend. Love the above photo image; there are lots of rhodos flourishing in many beautiful vivid colours, throughout our complex!

Peace and God Bless.

Friday, 7 May 2010

A Garden Calm

Good Evening,

'Well', we have just been given some tidbitz 'sparkly' good news! An extra wonderful way to end the week! The appraisal that was conducted earlier, was incomplete and not accurate. Plus, the option that Alan and I have been working on for all these months, may come to a successful conclusion / fruition next week. We have a scheduled appointment for Monday; and to us, this is an awesome miracle! "Thank You, God!" The appraisal, which was done incorrectly, is perhaps, a 'Blessing in disguise.' "Press On" is so true.

Earlier today, I was 'Guided' to the Bible; and it was extra uplifting to me, because of all the bittidz challenges, that we have faced / are facing. The Bible pages literally 'opened up' to Isaiah 61; and eventhough I read the whole chapter, verse 11 really 'jumped out' at me. ie. "For as the earth brings forth its sprouts, And as a garden causes the things sown in it to spring up, So the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise To spring up before all the nations." I thought, 'WOW!'

Plus, in today's earlier post, I made mention that, "Today is a perfect Spring day; healthy and thriving garden life is abounding everywhere, happy birds, blue skies, brilliant sunshine etc!" NO COINCIDENCES, here, methinks!

Just wanted to share a tid. Here is wishing you an 'R & R' weekend. We have so many Blessings to be thankful for! 'Praise Him In ALL Things!'

Also, tomorrow, we will be going to a 'Mother's Day Celebration'; being hosted at an 'in home art gallery exhibit' by some of our friends. Alan and I hope to find a small and affordable gift for some special friends, whose wedding we will be attending in the next few weeks. The 'art gallery' has unique and special gifts (pottery, jewellry, artwork, etc) for all occasions; so this is the perfect location to find something that is exquisite and a bit different.

I love the above photo image; it looks so tranquil; a 'classic' garden retreat!

Peace and God Bless.

Always a new day!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

There is always the dawn! Regardless of your circumstances, there is always a new day! Today is a perfect Spring day; healthy and thriving garden life is abounding everywhere, happy birds, blue skies, brilliant sunshine etc!

Am heartily appreciating my 'elixir' of coffee; while I also Thank Him for all our wondrous Blessings. We are still 'waiting' for our tidbitz news; however, the verse from Hebrews 11;1 - "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for. the conviction of things not seen." gives me extra encouraging reinforcement to 'Press On'. You can refer to that post of May 5th, if you wish a bittidz of background. That is quite literally where Alan and I are today. We have done our best, gone through all the hoops, and again, it is SIMPLY a matter of TRUSTING in Him to Prevail. He ALWAYS does; as in Accordance with His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan.

Tidbit - He knows of our needs (that includes us all); just place your FAITH in Him; as He KNOWS what is best for each and every one of us; even if we do not understand or see 'certain things' at the time. Believe, He has a GOOD PLAN for you, and continue to 'Press On.'

Bittid - Maintain a joyful heart; be of good cheer; and genuinely reflect upon the positive; and RELY UPON HIM to help and shelter you through the 'valley.'

The weekend forecast is for warm weather; so our tidbit garden and 'veggie patch' should prosper in 'TLC' abundance!

Am going to watch 'Enjoying Everyday Life' online (; as I missed her wonderful teachings / messages of last Sunday. I usually watch 'Hour of Power' ( at 8:30 am; then 'Enjoying Everyday Life' at 9:30 am; and then 'Living Truth' at 10:00 am on the Vision Channel. Methinks, that 'Enjoying Everyday Life' is now on at 6:30 am (our time); and well? I think I may still be 'sawing lumber.' LOL! So, I will enjoy her ministry online and share some bittids in a bittid.

Also, with 'Living Truth' (, I refered to that ministry in the last few posts; as well as to 'Hour of Power.' To gain your own better understanding of Christ, His Word, and the Bible, best for you, to tune into these and other special International Bible Teachers, as they offer daily encouragement and inspirational resources.

Have to go for now; will keep you posted, when we have some more tidbits. Love the above photo image!

Peace and God Bless.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

'Press on'

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you in your part of the world!

The last few days have evaporated; or so it would seem. Monday and Tuesday found us addressing various matters; and now it is simply again, a time of waiting.

This morning first thing, we had an appraisal of our home; and tomorrow or Friday, we should have some more tidbitz details. We have been / are working on a number of options; and these last few days, albeit full, have been a bit of a breather for us. The listing for our home, has just expired; and we have had a number of interested realtors phoning us / sending us their qualifications etc. At the moment, we have stepped back; and will reflect prudently before we make any decisions.

We were out and about today; and finished (saved the 'best til last') with visiting our favourite produce / nursery farm, where we selected another cucumber to add to our veggie mix; as well as picking out a dozen fresh brown eggs! A glorious tid treat indeed, methinks! Hmmmmm. These jumbo eggs are 'double yokers' and are being presented at a wonderfully affordable price!

One of the cucumbers we have, is not doing so well (influenced by the rain, perhaps); however, I have relocated it to a smaller bittid pot; so am hopeful, it will be 'nursed' back to health, under the cover of our tiny tidbit 'greenhouse'. I planted some impatients (flowers) in the veggie pots; and, alas, they have not thrived well. Hence, I have had to relocate them as well!

We 'found' another treasure! - a large earthenware plastic planter. I had just 'Prayed' for one such planter; and presto, there it was - 'discarded' in our garbage complex! Yes, it has 'cracks' at the top; but it is totally solid otherwise -a perfect pot to hold and house the clematis, that Alan has carefully cultivated for this past year. I repotted and recentered our entire 'veggie patch'; as the impatients had been relocated to new planters; which includes the newly found large pot. We would also like some shorter and squatter protective hoops / baskets; so, I will just have to be 'patient' until they are in the stores. I have sheltered our 'Sweet Basil' on our kitchen table, until the weather is warmer. Then, into the designated planter they go! Love Basil; fresh savoury flavouring, as well as a 'decorative dash of colour,' in so many culinary delights!

Also earlier today, read the insightful daily bittids from 'Our Journey' (a small booklet we receive monthly from Charles Price, of 'Living Truth'). I quote a bittidz from today's daily message. -'Straining Toward the Goal.' "The word used for 'press' in Philippians 3:14 carries in the meaning of 'strong exertion.' Every muscle of the runner is burning. He can see the ribbon. He has only a few more feet to go in the race. He must press on." This message imparts such an empowering impact upon me! Alan and I, have been / are in the throws of tasting, reaching, and crossing the 'finish line!' Upon thankful and grateful reflections, We KNOW, that He has ALWAYS prevailed, and will continue to do so, through each and every 'storm!' No doubt, some of you, can relate and take further heart!

As mentioned earlier, He loves us all unconditionally, and He wants the BEST for each and every one of us. We just simply need to sustain and maintain the STEADFAST FAITH and TRUST in Christ. I joyfully refer to Hebrews 11;1. I love the simplicity and magnificence of this special verse - "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for. the conviction of things not seen."

Tidbit - 'Gardening' is the best 'therapy'. My Dad used to always say that 'puttering in the garden' and / or gardening is the 'best medicine'; as you have a peaceful opportunity to step back, recharge your batteries, and have a fresh focus.

Bittid - 'Praise Him In ALL Things.' The more you say 'Thank You' to Him for your daily Blessings, the better you genuinely feel on the 'inside'. Also, you radiate a happy countenance on the 'outside' to all those you meet; hence being a 'Blessing' to others.

Hope these are encouraging tidbits to you. Before I forget, 'All Things Are Possible' - Beth Groombridge sang that awesome song on 'Hour of Power.' Last Sunday, 'Hour of Power' closed with those powerful words; and that tune with, its uplifting words keep ringing in my ears!

Love the photo image of the majestic eagle soaring!

Peace and God Bless.

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Ephifanies and Blessings!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Am writing this now, while things remain vividly fresh in my mind. Watched 'Hour of Power' this morning; and WOW! Just the spiritual 'good cheer' 'medicine' I needed to be uplfited with! Will share some tidbits in a bit.

Also, 'Enjoying Everyday Life' with Joyce Meyer; is scheduled for a different T.V. time; methinks, I will just have to get up a bittid earlier; and / or view her T.V. presentations in the evenings. Or if I miss that, I will tune into her wonderful website at

Missed the beginning part of 'Hour of Power'; however, I quote - "Lucille O'Neal (LO) is the mother of one of the greatest basketball players of our time, Shaquille O'Neal. She has written a new book entitled, "Walk Like You Have Somewhere to Go." As the mother of one the greatest athletes of all time, her journey is exceptional and it reveals that she is more than just Shaquille's mom. Dr. Robert Schuller (RHS) interviews Lucille."

Also, I listened to the 'America Boy Choir' - they are great; as are all the guest speakers!

Now back to 'Hour of Power.' Dr. Sheila Schuller Coleman gave an outstanding message today; and there are NO coincidences; as in some of Alan's and my ongoing daily experiences. We are not alone; and safe to say that these past eighteen months app have been tough for most people around the world; ie the Financial Melt Down. As of Friday (April 30th, same day my Dad died), we were hit with some unexpected curve balls; and my immediate thought was: 'What have we done now to deserve THIS?' Alan and I decided to 'let matters rest, until Monday' and we simply AGAIN, said, 'Thank You!' 'Praise You In ALL Things.'

For most of the night last night, I was awake and had a 'personal dialogue' with Him. I do not know how many Prayers I Prayed; but there were several. Did you know that God keeps track of all Prayers? Boy, methinks that I have been keeping 'Whomever' pretty busy! LOL! During the night, I was also up many a tid time; and I was constantly 'Directed' to the Bible. The Book of Job 'happened' to 'open up' - right at Chapter One. As of late, I have been 'Guided' to Job; and I am thinking - 'NO COINCIDENCES HERE'. So, imagine when Sheila gave her message today; I had quite a few tidbit encouraging ephifanies! Earlier this morning, I had thought, maybe I won't watch the T.V. - ie 'Hour of Power' etc; but then 'Well, maybe I should, maybe there is something I need to hear; even if it is to encourage us in our constant daily walk in Christ.

Sheila's message was 'Job Search: Where is God When the World Falls Apart?' Apart from talking about jobs / hard times etc, she was referring to Job. Again, no coincidences! WOW! Sheila shares several passages from the Bible. ie Book of Job; and there is a marble statue of Job at the nearby university, with four engraved responses from Job in difficult moments. ie. Job 1:21, Job ? (my apologies, did not get the chapter and verse), Job 13:15, and Job 23:10.

These are four awesome messages; and I appreciated also, how Sheila gave a wonderful tribute to her Dad's humility. ie, to quote her: "There is a man who has honored his God, who has stood up for him throughout the whole world. He had honor in his younger days, he had respect, and he had success beyond measure. And today, some of that has been called into question. But I will tell you that, even though the press has not been kind and even though there are people who call and question us, my father, every time he drives off this property, he asks my mom to drive past the Job statue. And he says to her, "Arvella, though he slay me, I will still trust in him." And I just want to say that our trials are there so God's glory will be revealed through Dad, who has honored his Heavenly Father."

Referring to Job 23: 10 - "But He knows the way I take; When He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold". That is also reassuring news; particularly with all the bittidz 'trials and tribulations' that Alan and I have been experiencing. We feel much better when we simply say 'Thank You.' You can refer to yesterday's post if you wish further info on 'Thank You.'

For those of you who feel really 'bewildered' etc, best to embrace 'Hour of Power' at Also, in Job 38, Job is being 'tested' for his Faith and Trust in God; and God's Purpose was / is to allow Satan (his name means 'accuser' - very appropriate) to have his way (but not kill Job); so as to Reveal God's Glory via 'testing' Job. Job endured and remained steadfast and faithful to God!

Also, I noticed that the Crystal Cathedral's beautiful 'pool' is filled with clean and fresh water; along with wonderfully healthy and thriving ferns, immersed in solid planters in the pool. Magnificent; a joyful sight and a Blessing, methinks! WOW! We have some green ferns that have wondrously 'appeared' and / or 'took root' in a couple of our planters in our tidbitz patio / garden! We simply say 'Thank You' to Him for the Blessings He has given us all. Writing of our bittid garden, we have added a zucchini plant to the mix; have never grown zucchini, so we are looking forward to watching its growth.

Plus (this is a tidbit plus too!), if you wish, you can refer to my April 25th post,'A rainbow delight!' re: 'Hour of Power', when guest speaker, Jim Penner (Executive Producer of 'Hour of Power'), speaks about a 'miracle', Alan and I joyfully relate to his message; as we experienced an awesome WOW ( "WOW = Walking on Water" as he says) 'miracle' last Friday (See post of April 16th, if you wish). Basically, he shares the 'Three T's of a Powerful Faith'. - 1) "TAKE your eyes off your circumstances." 2) "TURN your circumstances over to God." 3) "TRUST God with the results."

Also, watched 'Living Truth'; and I look forward to sharing a bittid in the next post or few! Charles Price was excellent in delivering his illuminating insightn re: 'The Meaning of Baptism.' Many bittids of ephifanies there too!

The above photo image is of the exquisite yellow hotei rhododendron. We have had this rhodo for about three years, and finally it is starting to bloom forth. The vibrant colours of all the rhodos this year, are spectacular, everywhere!

May you have a restful Sunday; and enjoy many tidbit Blessings throughout each and every day.

Peace and God Bless.

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Appreciating a quiet night at home

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Yesterday came and went quickly; had tidbitz appointments, some showings, as well as some unexpected bittidz matters that arose. Fortunately, later in the day, our very good friend came over for a bit of birthday bubbly, appies, and dinner. Just 'what the doctor ordered'; as the day unfolded into 'it never rains, but it pours.' Everything all at tid once. We also got hit with a bittid of dismaying news; but we will deal with things on Monday. The dinner consisted of Alan's creative homemade pizza, and our friend made a delicious green salad, as well as bringing over a bottle of pleasant tasting red wine ('Lounge Lizard' is the name of the wine! LOL!). For dessert, we had freshly baked lemon meringue pie (from the local bakery). Always good to patronize your local bakery, methinks!

During dinner, we did several 'Absent Friends Skals' (a Norwegian custom); remembering those who are no longer with us. ie. My Dad (he died April 30, 1998) as well as my Mum and other parents / family members / dear friends who have since passed away. My son called us later last night; to pass on his rememberances as well; and I was appreciative of that heartwarming gesture. My son works in a bank; and that particular branch had a robbery; so he was there many long hours into the night with the police. It would appear he had quite the day and then some.

We did not see my daughter and our grandsons yesterday; so hopefully, we will get together sometime next week; when schedules permit.

Glad it is Saturday evening; and we can be thankfully reflective for all the Blessings that we have been given by Him. We have been out and about; so we welcome a quiet night at home. We are enjoying the hockey playoffs; and then later on, we will view a movie or two.

Tidbit - Live one day at a time. 'Cast all your cares upon Him'. ie. Worries, fears, doubts, anxieties etc. Trust that He has everything in hand and knows what is best for you. He has a good plan for each and every one of us; as He loves us all unconditionally.

Bittid - Make a point of saying 'Thank you' more often. It is amazing how much better you feel when you have an 'attitude of gratitude'; and it 'rubs off on others.' Also, take joyful delight in appreciating the little things. Plus, in tough circumstances, by saying 'Thank You' to Him, lets Him Know that you are Relying totally upon Him to Guide your Path. 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light.' Do not let obstacles distract you for too long; best to 'snap out of it', and 'Praise Him In ALL Things.' Focus your attention all the MORE upon Him to Prevail with the best Solution / Plan for you.

Tomorrow, I look forward to watching the Vision Channel; and to repeat, for those interested in learning more, it is preferable to tune into the various programs (ie.'Hour of Power', 'Enjoying Everyday Life', 'Living Truth' etc), to gain your own tidbit insights and understanding. These special ministeries provide wonderful encouragement, as well as uplifting Biblical teachings.

It is a beautiful evening tonight; very windy; yet nice to have the extra daylight. Love the above photo image; so lush and green; much like what we have surrounding us.

Good Night, Peace, and God Bless.