Wednesday, 31 January 2007

Proactive works better than being reactive!

Hmmmm, what to write, what to write....hmmmm or maybe, what to put right? to put right? Nothing like a good night's sleep!

Can not believe that another day has come and gone! A full day - again!

Do you ever have days (not often, I hope!)where things did not go as planned? I mean it is good to be flexible, should you have need of implementing plan B, or plan C, or plan D, etc; should plan A not pan out. Sometimes, all the plans (B to Z) are thrown into action; ie scrambled eggs, and / or whatever types of eggs are served up. Character building, perhaps.

Tidbit: It is best to be proactive; and not reactive!

Turning disappointments into even better situations, is much healthier. By working through things; ie even in the cracking of eggs, one at a time, helps work through various challenges, sent to try or test us.

There is a way in how you crack the eggs, as the shells of eggs are very delicate and fragile.....hmmmm I could go on about eggs; however, I think sleep is the best thing right now! LOL! Plus, you can be spared details for now...although,perhaps 3 min boiled eggs with toast, would be tasty in the am? hmmmm.

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