Hmmmm, what to write, what to write....hmmmm or maybe, what to put right? to put right? Nothing like a good night's sleep!
Can not believe that another day has come and gone! A full day - again!
Do you ever have days (not often, I hope!)where things did not go as planned? I mean it is good to be flexible, should you have need of implementing plan B, or plan C, or plan D, etc; should plan A not pan out. Sometimes, all the plans (B to Z) are thrown into action; ie scrambled eggs, and / or whatever types of eggs are served up. Character building, perhaps.
Tidbit: It is best to be proactive; and not reactive!
Turning disappointments into even better situations, is much healthier. By working through things; ie even in the cracking of eggs, one at a time, helps work through various challenges, sent to try or test us.
There is a way in how you crack the eggs, as the shells of eggs are very delicate and fragile.....hmmmm I could go on about eggs; however, I think sleep is the best thing right now! LOL! Plus, you can be spared details for now...although,perhaps 3 min boiled eggs with toast, would be tasty in the am? hmmmm.
Wednesday, 31 January 2007
Proactive works better than being reactive!
Tuesday, 30 January 2007
Keep an open mind; as in the truth
Do you ever have days that just plain surprise you? hmmmmm Like people who live in glass houses, should not throw rocks? hmmmmm
I am speechless. Sometimes, "less is best"; as in typeless.
Tidbit: Keep an open mind; and yet,always stand up for what IS right!
Monday, 29 January 2007
Unclutter your thoughts before bedtime! Night!
This is just a short note! Been a long and full day! Bed is looking really good!
Tidbit...To help have a good and sound sleep, unclutter your thoughts, from the day.
Amazing when you put your "thoughts on hold" your mind clears, and off to sleep you go! Don't let the bedbugs bite! Night!
Sunday, 28 January 2007
Look beyond the micro; look at the MACRO picture
Today has come and gone! Spent a few hours looking for my passport! Still have yet to find it! I hid it in a very safe safe, that even I can not find it! LOL! (actually, not very funny!) Looking very forward to our vacation!!!! Particularly, after this afternoon.
Major academy award performance will be required from us for an upcoming event. Wrong tactics / cruel antics have befallen us; and, I am (alas, sadly) tempted to wash my hands of the whole thing. However, I am going to "sleep on things" and pray to Him for guidance, in this regard. Want to do the "right" thing; but am in a quandry. We have been mistreated and shown no respect; for what should be,a very important and joyful family occasion!
Tidbit: Look beyond the micro...look at the MACRO picture. Have a positive and open mind! Keep the door open; not shut.
Also, another tidbit, let go of the past; and enjoy today....Tomorrow is promised to no one.
Very important too, is to try to work things out; because none of us know when our time is then, it may be too late; and perhaps tragically sad for those who may mourn the loss. The saying, "you do not know what you have lost, until it is gone" is very very true. My best friend just passed away.
Although today's blog is a little on the sorrowful side, it is meant to be of encouragement and good counsel.
Good night everyone!
Saturday, 27 January 2007
An interesting day! - to me, anyway.....
Today, albeit Saturday, has been a very different sort of day for me...It has been a total day of R & R! Just chilling hoping that my batteries are being recharged for the fast approaching week!!! LOL! Generally, our Saturdays are "on the go"; and Sundays are spent in a quieter way. Friday nights are "recoop" nights.
Was up quite early (for a Saturday)well before 8:00 am...our doggie was really extra anxious for his morning walk; for whatever reason???...So, I went out -asap with him; and, thoroughly enjoyed our morning travels - so did he!!!! LOL!....and, it was a beautiful start to our day! The cooler air helped clear the cobwebs in my head, that had filtered in from the night before! LOL! Appreciated ALL my cups of coffee, all the more! LOL! Normally, my husband walks Blue; however, I thought I would begin today a little differently! My husband is well deserving of the extra few and rare "sleep ins!"
I have spent the time thus far, reflecting, writing, reading, on the telephone, emails, the blog, and in short, being glad that it is Saturday! We have so many wonderful things to be thankful for.....The POSITIVES FAR OUTWEIGH THE NEGATIVES.... THAT is the tidbit, I wish to share with thankful...regardless...and just make the best of things....always look for the bright side...(even if hard to do, at times)
Tonight, we are going to enjoy a nice dinner, glass of something, (red vino! Skal!) and a good movie!
Glad now, it is Saturday evening! Hope you enjoyed your Saturday!
God Bless!
Friday, 26 January 2007
Rise above it all! P.S. Glad it is Friday!!!
I am ALWAYS glad that it is Friday! Been like that, ever since a little child! LOL! And, today in particular!!!
We lit a nice fire; and enjoyed a glorious meal in front of the fire, glass of red vino in hand. So many things to be thankful for; tidbits and all! LOL! We daily keep reminding ourselves of all the wonderful blessings we have been given.....very very humbly grateful!
Generally, you try to do your best for people. Sometimes, it just plain does not work out. It appears in this particular situation, that there has been a "hidden" agenda all along; and now, a cruel and sad deception is staring right at us.
Are we "stooopid" or just plain too "nice?" or ??? However, as a tidbit, it is perhaps preferable to give "someone" or "them" the benefit of the doubt! Character building??? hmmmmm.
TIDBIT - Whatever situation, you find yourselves in, "Rise above it all!" and with grace. - no matter how hard it may be. Then pray, for the right solution for them, and for you.
Am now going to call it a night. Here is wishing you all a nice R&R weekend!
Thursday, 25 January 2007
From the heart tidbit!
Good Morning! Had the best and soundest of sleeps last night!
Today, I decided (after much procrastination! LOL!) that I had better starting "working out" on our machine.....and turned the T.V. on this am, to take my mind off the actual physical exercise! (to make the efforts easier! LOL!) Mind over matter! LOL!
On the World Vision channel, (channel 11; GLBBC -Shaw T.V.) there were / are sponsors urgently needed for impoverished children of impoverished areas of the world....I had tried to change the station to absorb the news (not that there is a lot of happy World news, out there!); but kept coming back to this program....It really touched a tidbit of the heart....
So, we now have a "Sponsor Child." We chose a child that was in the greatest need...Ended up with "Phos", a little boy, age 10, (in a family of 2 brothers, and 1 sister). He and his family live in Cambodia....apparently, the tiny village is rampant / infested with the HIV Aids virus. The little boy does not have it; however, he and family members, and others in their community, could be orphaned down the road.....
Our monthly donation will provide medical supplies, education, knowledge, proper care, etc - whatever is needed for this little boy. Eventhough, we are helping one little boy, his siblings and family will benefit as well.
With the name, "Phos"....I am thinking of the phosphorous, vividly relected by the moon and the stars on the ocean! The inescapable dancing of the sea; as in the lapping sound of gentle waves, the tides in a perpetual motion , even at a calm steady pace, - late at night...It is one of the most beautiful and peaceful sights to me! Effervescent sparkling phosphorence!!!! Totally awesome! This is how I hope "Phos" will become, once he knows he has a sponsor family; who cares about his well being, and being given a second chance for a better life; rather than just existing or worse.
Within the next short while, we will be receiving the information about "Phos". (do not know if his name is abbreviated; but will find out!) - including a photo....
As a tidbit, for those interested, I will give you the telephone number, I called: 1-800-289-0321.
God Bless, til the next "tidbit!"
Wednesday, 24 January 2007
In "limbo"
End of Day!!!....Well, it was a full of those "funny" days...where everything was in "limbo." Ever been there? We decided to attend to some "boring" little fiddly iddly things; and glad to say that "those" wee chores were at long last completed!!!! So, it was a good day, in retrospection. A tidbit suggestion: when there is a lull or whatever, put your mind to tackling tasks that you have put on the back burner...LOL! It does feel good, when those projects are done!
Alan, unfortunately broke his front tooth this fell out with a tidbit bite of cereal! Naturally, the dentist is currently away on vacation; so his mouth is in "limbo" until his return, which will be next week! In this instance, we are welcoming the trip to the dentist!!!!LOL!
Got a parking ticket today...30 seconds past the meter reading; can you believe it? apparently, that is all it, we learned an invaluable tidbit here....not to cut things so close to the meter or bitter end!
Tuesday, 23 January 2007
Lunch Tidbits!
Just enjoyed a really nice lunch! Had a delicious quiche - a combination of crab (fresh!), mushrooms, green onions, and, a tidbit of grated cheddar cheese all mixed in together! Enjoyed a small spinach side salad - red pepper slices, feta cheese, and a wonderful olive oil (healthy!) salad dressing. It was sooooooooooooo good......very doable to make!!!! And, a large glass of cold tomato juice - a tidbit of lemon, dash or two of worcestershire, and a sprinkle of pepper. All very delightful and much appreciated! We were extremely hungry; as we had had a very early start to our day!!! A glass of chilled white wine would have also been tasty; however, my daughter's wedding is coming up; and we want to be "svelt" for her on her special day!!! I will be wearing my Mum's dress that she wore to our, I figure by Feb 17/07, that there will be a few less Christmas pounds on my frame. We are also planning a vacation in the third week of March; so the moderated "diet" (LOL!) will still be in effect....Of course, when we are away for those 10 days, we can count on enjoying all sorts of Mexican cooking and culture! Well, those are my tidbits for now. Adios, Amigos!
Monday, 22 January 2007
Starting with Baby Steps!
Much appreciate my son's help with setting up my blog, "Gina's tidbits!" Every once in a while, I will add a little "tidbit" or two......goodness knows, what it will be! LOL! I have enjoyed reading and contributing some comments to my friend's blog. She writes a really good one, I think; so as a tidbit, I will give you her blog address, in the next little while. Stay tuned! LOL! My son, also showed me his friend's blog; and it is also very interesting!!!!I think this will be a fun and creative. innovative experience!!!! I am quite new to the computer technology; however, will do the baby steps and ultimately be more computer "savvy". Also, I will learn how to use a digital camera, to enable me to confidently display photos! I appreciate beautiful pictures; each one imparting a unique meaning etc.
My first post
This is all very new to me & I'm very excited to have my own blog. Stay tuned for my little tidbits of information coming to a blog near you!!