Wednesday, 31 December 2014

God Bless us all in 2015!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It is New Year's Eve and tomorrow will be a brand new year with a 'new canvas' to enjoy! The last few days have found us reflecting upon this past year; as well as looking forward to moving into 2015. As mentioned, I have been watching various ministries on TV and their insights have all been hugely helpful! A heartfelt THANK YOU to them!

Was watching and listening to Jeremy Pearsons (for reference, you can refer to my recent posts)impart words of wisdom in his series: 'Jesus is leading you out'. I take solid stock in that and believe (sight unseen) that Jesus is Leading His children into abundance! As in an overflowing abundance! So, may we all reap bountifully from the harvest that is on its way. In the 'Parable of the Good Shepherd' - John 10:10 - 'The thief comes only to steal, and kill, and destroy; I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly.' This is totally awesome and speaks volumes; and Jeremy expands wonderfully on The Good Shepherd providing a life of overflowing abundance!

Also, mentioned that I really appreciated the wonderful Christmas CD from the Kenneth Copeland Ministries. We received a calendar as well as some other resources yesterday! I was like the 'kid in the candy store!' Like wow!There was a compact disc - 'Your Wealthy Place in God'; a DVD - ''Jesus Born of the Spirit, Born of the Word'; and a Minibook - '3 Steps to the Good Life'. The good sized calendar is beautifully done. I look forward to utilizing these special tools!

On their calendar, Kenneth and Gloria have offered a helpful way to read the Bible in its entirety in one year! It begins on Jan 1st with some chapters from Genesis, as well as some chapters from Matthew. So basically each and every day there are x number of chapters from both the Old Testament and the New Testament to READ. I have often wondered 'where to start.' Alan has given me suggestions and that has been great, but then after a bit, I tend to just read and memorize certain verses that 'jump out.' So this should equip me with a much more solid footing. THIS WILL BE VERY GOOD FOR ME. However, am glad it does not start until the 1st Jan. LOL! LOL! LOL!

Am truly looking forward to being more disciplined in reading the Bible. ie. Reading and then studying it each and every tid day. I may have to break the 'reading' into 2 times during the day (Old / New Testament); as there is a lot to digest all in one go. However, I will simply ASK Him for Wisdom and SEEK His Help in helping me to understand the Bible. I also have a bittid notebook that I will write down the extra special verses that touch my heart, that'speak' to me; so that I will have them for easy reference at any tidbitz time. I will be like a child, who enjoys being read a wonderful story!!!!!

Also, appreciated Andrew Wommack' wonderful insights in his message today-'Don't Limit God'.

In the middle of the night, I was 'guided' to go to the Bible and the page literally 'fell open'to 2 Chronicles 20 'Jahaziel Answers the Prayer'(this follows:'Judah Invaded' and 'Jehoshaphat's Prayer') As if on queue,this verse 'flew' out at me!- Verse 15 -'and he said, "Listen, all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and King Jehoshaphat; thus says the Lord to you, Do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but God's.' THAT IS A HUGE EPIFANY to me: ie. Do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but God's. As of late, we have also had a lot of 'bittidz' on our plates and it appeared that everything was 'piling up'in 'great multitudes.' Immediately, I sought Him out and Asked Him for His Help; saying at the same time, that 'I cast all my cares upon Him and leave all consequences to Him.' That is when I was told to 'get up'and SEEK. This verse really says it all; the tidbit TRUTH being: 'the battle is not yours but God's.'

We have also a 'Tony Gazelle' walking machine, that will now be 'pressed into service'. I plan to 'walk on that' while I listen and / or watch an online teaching video from various ministries. I'll start on the machine for ten minutes, twice a day, and then work up a longer exercise regime over time. This will be of good cheer for the heart too!

The daily Bible Readings and the Tony Gazelle 'work out' will be every morning. (I will take Sundays off from the walking machine). However,I will enjoy these two special 'Walks' at the start of each day; so that I am 'ready, willing and able' to enjoy all the bountiful Blessings that He Provides and pours out excessively each day! I am thankful and THANK YOU, to the Copeland Ministries for their wonderful calendar and tools, along with their suggestions on how best to properly read the Bible. Yahoo! I also have just 'partnered' with them.

In closing, Alan and I are finishing 2014 with gratitude and appreciation; and we are looking forward to an awesome 2015! May you all enjoy the same! Happy New Year!

I love this majestic photo of the White Dove!

Peace and God Bless.

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