Friday, 31 May 2013

Psalm 54 - A wonderful reassurement! Keep on Trekking!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

This is going to be a rather short post, or I think it may be. Yesterday evening, we received some news that made me 'agog.' Practically speechless and I was attempting to continue to keep 'cool, calm, and collected' all the bittid while. Certain matters I thought were finally being attended to; yet more of the same old, same old.
However, today, I believe that things will be brought more to a conclusive close and / or step towards a positive outcome. That certainly is our hope.

Last night, I just fell into a deep sleep. I needed a good tid rest! That being said, in the middle of the night, I awoke. I was 'Directed'\ to pick up the Bible and it automatically opened right up at Psalms 54. - 'Prayer for Defense against Enemies.'
SAVE me, O God, by Thy name, and vindicate me by Thy power.
2) Hear my prayer, O God;
Give ear to the words of my mouth.
3) For strangers have risen against me,
And violent men have sought my life;
They have not set God before them.
4) Behold, God is my helper;
The Lord is the sustainer of my soul.
5) He will recompense the evil to my foes;
Destroy them in Thy faithfulness.
6) Willingly I will sacrifice to Thee;
I will give thanks to Thy name, O Lord,
for it is good.
7) For He has delivered me from all trouble;
And my eye has looked with satisfaction upon my enemies.

Well, that message in Psalm 54 was just what my ears needed to hear!  A lot of 'out of left field' things have been happening; and this was a solid tidbit of encouragement and comfort to me.

Have taken a bit of a pause and have spent a quiet and reflective day of thanksgiving.  Alan and I are just going to keep on trekking in Faith and Trust that He has an awesome plan for us!

We have also been appreciating the garden and all its refreshing blooms and new life that Spring brings.We are glad it is Friday and that it is the weekend again. The time seems to be going by so quickly these days.

The above photo is of our beautiful red rhodi, as well as the purple Iris, which have also bloomed for the first time in the few years that we have had them.

Tidbit - Appreciate the little things. ie. The beauty and  blooms of flowers / plants. Those are Blessings!

Bittid - It is good to take time out and reaffirm things. ie.  Psalm 46:10 "'Be still and know that I am God.'

Peace and God Bless.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Always have HOPE!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Just reread my recent post; and it helped me quite a bit this am. When I write, I feel I am 'Directed' by the Holy Spirit. I never know what I am going to write about; save that sharing some tid experiences, with the heartfelt thought to uplift all those who read my blog.

It has been a 'whirlwind' these past few days. Doing everything we can to make bittidz ends meet. We have a wonderful vision / plan for the future; however, not much can move forward until certain matters are resolved. Then tidbitz decisions can be made and they would be for the better!

Things are moving slowly; and we are putting up a' good fight.'  
"Keep your eyes on the King of Kings!  That's where the victory will come from!"

Oh, my post has taken on a different colour and size!   All the more for it to be 'illuminated!'

Thank you to our wonderful friend (he knows who he is) who provided these refreshing tidbits of truth and encouragement. He knows of the 'battles' we are going through and because he has had many a share of trials and tribulations, he has the understanding, compassion, empathy, kindness etc. Actually this post is dedicated to him and to another awesome friend of ours.

Both people have not questioned us in our difficulties; they just 'know.'  Nor have they 'thrown rocks'.  It would appear that those who scorn, mock, ridicule, spread falsehoods, deceive, manipulate, accuse etc, have no problems in pointing fingers at us. The sad thing is, they do not know what really happened and are content to go along with their versions of bittids or snippets.  So be it.

I was saying to Alan last night, that we are very Blessed to have two such special people who ARE  our friends. (Yes, we have some other special friends and they know who they are as well). However, this post is to thank these two friends in particular.  We had a major pressing need and both helped in an instant. One of them is tapped, but again he is abundantly rich in spirit!  He is a very special guy; a big heart, and a worthy warrior in His Service. Our other friend who is not tapped, also has a 'generosity of spirit' and by her 'words, actions, and deeds.' also shines forth with  an 'inner beauty.'

We have found those who have not, do; and those that have, don't.  Maybe that does not make sense, but it does.  Anyway, c'est la vie. If nothing else, Alan and I have been getting 'crash courses' in human behaviour and then some.  Very sad to observe in many cases.

" You two hang in there... God has something really awesome in store for you - or for you to do for Him.  It takes a hot fire to make good steel, and you always test it before you build with it. So even though you don't feel like it -- rejoice!  He has His eyes on YOU."  This is another tidbit gem from our friend and this has also made an empowering impactful impression on me.  The same goes back to him!  I think God has an extra awesome plan for him!

Tidbit - Do not let your dreams / ideas  be stolen by those who wish to put snares around your visions.  Dare to dream and dream big!  (Keeping it simple, all the while).

We know there is a 'macro' plan He has for us (all of us); albeit we have been experiencing several setbacks, disappointments,  let downs etc.

Bittid - Out of adversity, comes strength. There is an extra sinewy courage and a resiliency that takes root. Never ever let go of HOPE; regardless of your situation / circumstances.

We have had some people (they also know who they are) say - that 'we are hopeless; there is NO hope, don't hope'  etc.  And yes, we are in a tough spot; however, we have to keep on going, like the 'energizer bunny.'  We have to have HOPE,  and ALWAYS press on in Faith and Trust in Him, regardless.  We all have to do that!

Eventhough things are uncertain, we take comfort in knowing that He IS for certain and He Directs our path. He IS the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE!

Also, as a further bittid, Dr. Charles Stanley says, "Leave all the consequences to God.'

Love this photo image of the eagle!

Peace and God Bless.

P.S. The photo to the right, is of our rhodo. We have 'nutured'  this along for approx four years and this was the first time it has bloomed!  A multitude of pink Blessings! What a tid treat!  It was a small bit plant when we first 'found' it and, as you can see, it has become wonderfully fruitful!

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Letting it go and moving forward!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greetiing to you, in your part of the world!

My apologies for not having written a post - for how long???? My gosh. Basically, 'life got in the way.' No excuse; however, we have been in a major 'survival mode.' (low on gas fumes and then some! lol!).
Without going into too much 'nitty gritty', we have encountered many a trial and tribulation and it can be pretty weary and taxing in our daily journey. Not complaining; just sharing that we have been 'bogged down' with our 'metal being tested,' I guess is a good tid way to dexcribe things.

However, I have had a few friends suggesting that I continue to write my posts! Then when I revisted my blog site, I saw that I had received some wonderful tidbitz comments of encouragement. THANK YOU!  That really helps me a lot and I am very appreciative!

This morning I watched Dr. Charles Stanley (In Touch Ministries) on Joy TV on Channel 10 and his message: 'Victory Over Anger'   It was most appropro! I would recommend watching the video, if you can not see it on the T.V.

In a bittid nutshell, yesterday, I experienced a bit of a 'bad hair day'  in that I directed tidbits of anger,  frustration and disappointment towards a particular family member / situation.. Mind you, the conversation was mutual. That being said, I Prayed for Guidance, Direction, Wisdom, Understanding, Clarity, Compassion, Courage, Patience, etc  and 'slept on things.' In Dr. Stanley's message, I never thought of it this way - but he was suggesting that sleep can let anger in, ie. when you have not let go and, when you go to sleep angry; eventhough you are saying to yourself, "I'll sleep on it." To me, this is a real tidbit gem!

Everything he said, really hit a home-run for me. I thought (even yesterday evening), 'What would God do in this case?' Well, there are NO COINCIDENCES!!!! Thank you Dr. Stanley for your wise teachings and helpful insights. I suggest to those of you who are angry etc, tune into

Today, I have 'let go' and have made the CHOICE of working through things with an even MORE positive attitude and resilent resolve.

Tidbit -  I am quoting from Dr. Stanley's message -  "Taking an emotional timeout. We should stop and ask the Lord how He wants us to respond. He tells us “Be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger” (James 1:19)"

That is how I usually am, ie being slow to boil, slow to anger; however, 'pent up' emotions etc all 'came out.'
Hope some family members read my post today as well. There is always a 'learning curve' and mine was major!

Bittid -  Ephesians 4: 31 & 32!!!!!!
"Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.
And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also have forgiven you."

After I watched In Touch Minsistries, I was able to catch the bittids of the last half hour of 'Hour of Power; on the Vision Channel.  I have not watched the program for some time. Again, NO COINCIDENCE! Bobby Schuller was sharing empowering thoughts: about 'breaking bread together, old & young generations, sharing of stories & building memories,  healing etc. Absolutely!  It was as if what happened yesterday, then today's 'In Touch Ministries', that Bobby Schuller's message endorsed everything all the more! Here is one of his encouraging pointers; and as there are many, best really to watch the video  ' Living Reminder' - This is wonderful encouragement for ALL ages!

"We remember that He calls all sorts of people from all different walks of life to eat together as brothers and sisters. This is because memory and story is the thing that holds our souls and our lives together. Memory binds us and memory heals us; memory makes us whole."

Alan and I have had major financial set backs and then some. However, we are not the only tid ones; nor are we the first, nor will we be the last.  However, I continue daily (and more often these days) to state out loud, various passages from the Bible which is of a huge help and a gracious comfort to me. I also thank Him all the more and I know that He has sustained us thus far; so would He do any less now? We must remain steadfast in Faith and Trust in Him all the more!
He has us (all of us, for that matter) exactly where He wants us; and I know,  there is a Purpose to all of this.

Yesterday, I just got a bittid vexed and discouraged (not in our Father) but just from 'stuff.'
Again, no coincidences. I keep going back to an awesome message of encouragement that Robert Schuller Jr shared a few years ago. 'When you are down to nothing, you know He is up to something. He has a good plan for you."  (I am thinking we are totally tapped; so this would be a good time to step in!) But again, it is all in His Timing, as per His Will, Purpose, and Plan.

Also, Dr. Stanley, a few years ago ' When God is silent.'  In a bittidz, ' Do not think God has abandoned, or deserted you, He is up to something behind the scenes and it is something good for you.'
I constantly quote outloud: Romans 8:28 - "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."

Also, DAILY put on the Full Armor of God - Esphesians 6: 10 - 15. 
If you can, do that in the morning before you get up and also before you go to sleep, along with the Lord's Prayer. Joyce Meyer  shared that wonderful tidbit a few years ago. I thank her for her teaching and I really enjoy watching her ministry as well.

I repeat, there are so many inspiring and empowering ministries to tune into and I am grateful! (as per my last post - March 19th!) Again, my apologies for not writing a post until now..

We are doing our utmost best and putting up 'the good fight' and wearing a cheerful countenance; praying for a BREAKTHROUGH (I think of Joel Osteen's wonderful ministry of encouragement here!) and to just  LIVE daily with patience, hope, trust, faith etc.  Eventhough things are very uncertain, we know one thing for certain, He is a CERTAINTY and to continue to TRUST IN HIM TO PROVIDE, AS PER HIS PROMISE.  We have / are learning many lessons and "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you" is so true.  Many curve balls out of left field etc have occured, but we have a firm resolve that somehow, somehow, things will work out!  That He definitely has a good plan for us. That goes for all of you too! I am thankful that we can cast all our cares upon Him (as Dave Meyer, Joyce's husband does). I know He does not give us any more burdens than any each of us can carry at any one time.

Well, guess I had better go as we have some doggies to attend to.. We have recently been doing some dog wallking / sitting (we lost our Blue, our Blue Heeler) and dogs are such a joyful and loving comfort. Am glad that God made them too!

Also in closing, Be a Blessing to others; regardless of your own circumstances. Be uplfiting with kind and encouraging words to all those you meet.

Love the photo image! Until next time and thanks again, for your comments. 

Peace and God Bless.