Friday, 28 October 2011

Giving genuine thanks for the harvest

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Methinks Fall is the season of lots of tid activity. Be it starting new things, making changes, or whatever.

These past eleven days have gone by a bit too quickly. Regardless, we are thankful it is Friday night and that the weekend is here! Hurrah! Alan and I do our best to live one day at a time; so there is always something special about each day. However, for whatever reason, Friday, always seems to an extra special day to me!

It is pouring with rain and we are glad to be in for the night. No plans for going out, save to enjoy a couple of movies on T.V., a glass of wine or two, and maybe some bittidz popcorn later on. Very simple; but we are totally thankful for the week that has just passed. A lot of tidbitz was accomplished; eventhough, we still have more to tackle.

In some areas, we can feel the 'fruits' of our efforts, taking form and we are joyful all the more in our journey. We have been sowing lots of seeds, and it is simply a matter of timing, when the harvest comes to fruition. I keep hearing and saying the verse from John 15:5 - "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing."

The above picture is of the cherry tomatoes that appeared on our various tomato vines. In our move, we moved all our plants; and it would appear that the soil from our compost helped foster the growth of these 'late bloomers.' We had / have received lots of sunshine for September and October; so that did not hurt the plants and flowers either! The one red cherry tomato you see in the pic, (which I appreciatively enjoyed with my lunch yesterday), was an absolute unexpected delight! It and others have taken root from last year's cherry tomato plants. To me, that is a wonderful tidbit Blessing!

Also the photo on the right hand side, is of our maple tree in glorious red hues. The colours look all the more vivid in today's rain! The other bittid tomatoes are ripening now. There is nothing like fresh home grown produce, albeit delayed!

Tidbit - Be joyful and appreciative for your Blessings, both large and small.

Bittid - Place your total trust and confidence in Him and He will direct your path; regardless of how challenging the road may appear to be. When you do that, you are at peace and receptive to cope better with whatever unfolds.

Tonight, we are giving Thanks for a productive week - Thanks to Him Prevailing and Sustaining us - again! Much has happened; and we look forward to participating with whatever He sets before us, in accordance with His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan.

Peace and God Bless.

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