Sunday, 30 October 2011

An addendum to sharing and caring

Hi Again,

Just took this photo a tid time ago. Eventhough it is pouring with rain, I am appreciative of the beautiful splendor of colours that this tree provides. All around us, there is a magnificent landscape of trees that are in majestic shades of golds, yellows, greens, oranges, cinnamons, and reds. I love the Season of Fall and we have much to be grateful for.

We are thankful it is Sunday, a day for a bit of rest and reflection.

Peace and God Bless.

Sharing and caring

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Today it is pouring with rain! However, I am thankful for it. The beauty of the multi rich fall colours on the trees are all the more vivid!

As further to yesterday's post, I should like to add that may your Sunday be a 'restful' one.

This morning I watched 'Hour of Power', very uplifting! I also watched on the Vision Channel about how a Pastor helped change and enrich the lives of those who had spent times and / or years behind prison bars.

Then I watched 'Living Truth' and that was also an extra eye opener and a tidbitz ephifany to me! Pastor Charles Price ( is working with various people in Bogata, Columbia etc to help spread the teachings of Jesus Christ. He has partnered up with several whose past lives have seen Redemption. They, in turn, are helping those in need of hearing the message of Christ and welcoming Jesus as their Saviour. Little bittidz radios and Bibles and books are being delivered to the Latin American countries. In some areas, this is being done by planes, which do a drop of these tidbit radios, that have app 200 Christian messages from Pastor Charles re: Hope to all those who pick up on it. I think this is totally awesome!!!!! Took my bittid breath away!

Actually I enjoyed / embraced the three programs this am, on the Vision Channel and fantastic! After hearing the stories etc, one really is all the more reflective and grateful for one's Blessings. No tid kidding! Forgiveness is key!

Yesterday when we were 'out and about', I was waiting in line at the bank. The gentleman in front of me started a conversation - basically about having 'patience' and that aren't we glad we have God to help us be 'patient?' I heartily replied in the affirmative; adding that I Pray many a time for Patience, as I do not like waiitng in line etc. Well, I honestly can not remember all the words we spoke back and forth; save that I felt I was given words to speak. I asked the man: 'What does he do in the Service of God?' (or words to that effect). He gave a very humble response that he is a minister, who should know better and is always learning etc. (I said I had much to learn!).

It was a very stimulating discussion. He also told me almost immediately that 'God loves me.' My response was that: 'He loves each and every one of us unconditionally. That we have been given CHOICE as to how we best live our lives. However, I choose to have my path directed by Him. Also, one can choose to be 'down in the dumps' or 'rise up' and make the best of it and work with 'change.' All in attitude and to keep on trekking in Faith etc.' (the words were just spilling out of my mouth; and the man was looking at me in amazement!). We talked about having a 'joyfulness', an uplifting spirit, and so forth. I even shared that I did not like going to Church (years ago); but that since I met my second husband, I changed my thinking, thanks to him. ie. That 'We are the Church, the Body of Christ.' As I mentioned, this man was almost in 'awe?' (I do not know if that was the right word; but perhaps refreshing is a better description?).

Anyway, after he finished his business, on his way out, he came over to me and wished me a good one! I replied 'Thank you! I will! And the same to you!' Personally I hope to run into him again. I sensed right off, that he was 'different', he stood out (I even mentioned about taking a stand and that even with the recent example of a plane crash / survivors. ie. What people did - did they all just stand and gawk and watch and do nothing? And that, good on the courageous few folk who stepped up to the plate, risked their lives, and took a stand to help). It also hit me afterwards, that I recognized his face, but can not place him. However, it was a 'shining moment' which was inspirational and empowering, I believe for us both.

Tidbit - Forgive those who have done you wrong. Let things go!

Bittid - Help all those you meet, by being a Blessing to them. Go out of your comfort zone to make someone's day a little brighter. ie. by a warm smile, a gentle word of encouragment, and or a random act of kindness.

I like the above bit photo image with its powerful message!

I am thankful it is Sunday and I am enjoying the rest.

Peace and God Bless.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

A refreshing calm

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a full tid day. We were up and out early. For the past ten days or so, Alan has noticed a 'lump'; that has been increasing (not to mention the pain experienced) under his right arm. We thought it is better to be 'safe rather than sorry'; so this morning we visited the Doc.

As it turns out, Alan was bitten by a spider and the nasty venom is still present in his blood stream. When Alan was moving plants etc around in our bittid garden (10 days ago app), he accidentally brushed against a spider's web. He actually saw the large brownish spider; but only for an instant, before it disappeared into 'thin air.' Obvously, the spider had other plans. So, we are thankful that it was nothing worse.

Alan earlier had applied an antiseptic cream to the swollen area and eventhough that appeared to help ease the redness a bit, the lump was still there. The doctor inquired what Alan had used; and when told, he was most supportive of the company's name and their range of products. The doctor suggested to Alan to put hot compresses on the bite, as well as to continue applying the tidbit ointment.

Inasmuch as the upcoming week is going to be another busy one, we did a lot of extra errands today. It is a good feeling when that happens.

Tidbit - Best to see the doctor if in doubt. Too often, we tend to put things off, thinking it is nothing; or, we do not wish to bother anyone etc.

Bittid - In the evening, give Him an extra tidbitz of Praise. Amazing the refreshing calm that one feels after a full day. 'He is our Refuge and Strength.'

Took the picture of our beautiful red leafed maple tree; however, there is a bittidz of a mist surrounding it. As you can see, we are still organizing our garden.

Hope you enjoy a nice Saturday and Sunday.

Peace and God Bless.

Friday, 28 October 2011

Giving genuine thanks for the harvest

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Methinks Fall is the season of lots of tid activity. Be it starting new things, making changes, or whatever.

These past eleven days have gone by a bit too quickly. Regardless, we are thankful it is Friday night and that the weekend is here! Hurrah! Alan and I do our best to live one day at a time; so there is always something special about each day. However, for whatever reason, Friday, always seems to an extra special day to me!

It is pouring with rain and we are glad to be in for the night. No plans for going out, save to enjoy a couple of movies on T.V., a glass of wine or two, and maybe some bittidz popcorn later on. Very simple; but we are totally thankful for the week that has just passed. A lot of tidbitz was accomplished; eventhough, we still have more to tackle.

In some areas, we can feel the 'fruits' of our efforts, taking form and we are joyful all the more in our journey. We have been sowing lots of seeds, and it is simply a matter of timing, when the harvest comes to fruition. I keep hearing and saying the verse from John 15:5 - "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing."

The above picture is of the cherry tomatoes that appeared on our various tomato vines. In our move, we moved all our plants; and it would appear that the soil from our compost helped foster the growth of these 'late bloomers.' We had / have received lots of sunshine for September and October; so that did not hurt the plants and flowers either! The one red cherry tomato you see in the pic, (which I appreciatively enjoyed with my lunch yesterday), was an absolute unexpected delight! It and others have taken root from last year's cherry tomato plants. To me, that is a wonderful tidbit Blessing!

Also the photo on the right hand side, is of our maple tree in glorious red hues. The colours look all the more vivid in today's rain! The other bittid tomatoes are ripening now. There is nothing like fresh home grown produce, albeit delayed!

Tidbit - Be joyful and appreciative for your Blessings, both large and small.

Bittid - Place your total trust and confidence in Him and He will direct your path; regardless of how challenging the road may appear to be. When you do that, you are at peace and receptive to cope better with whatever unfolds.

Tonight, we are giving Thanks for a productive week - Thanks to Him Prevailing and Sustaining us - again! Much has happened; and we look forward to participating with whatever He sets before us, in accordance with His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan.

Peace and God Bless.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Daily sustainability

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Can not believe that it has been several days since I last wrote a tidbitz post. Time has literally zoomed by us.

A dear friend from across the world, was concerned that I had not written a post since September 24th. A heartfelt thank you to her wonderful phone call for inspiring me. We have been working towards 'closure' and doing our due diligence in checking out our future options. We know and we are thankful, that the Holy Spirit has sustained us, one day at a time. There have been days too, where things have been extra tough; however, we remain steadfast and grateful for all our Blessings.

Last night, I had the opporunity to watch the Vision Channel. ie. Joyce Meyer of 'Enjoying Everyday Life.' As I have mentioned before, there are NO coincidences! Everything she was / is sharing with her audience, was / is right on! It is attitude as in how we deal with adversity etc. We can either choose to be 'down in the dumps' or to 'rise up' and get on with things. Alan and I made the choice long ago to continue on with the 'good fight' and to Rely upon Him all the more, to Direct our path; albeit on a road less travelled. We have placed our Trust in Him and in the Holy Spirit to help us through each day. At the end of each day, we 'Praise Him in ALL Things.'

Tidbit - Turn your bittidz circumstances around. As soon as I say THANK YOU to Him, I feel as if a huge burden has been removed. Plus, if you say it OUTLOUD, you are encouraged all the more to BE joyful. Hence, you radiate that 'good cheer' to others.

Bittid - Continue to perservere and do not give up; no matter what. As Joyce was / is saying do not let satan (the deceiver) steal your joy.

We also appreciate reading the monthly booklet 'My Daily Journey with Christ', written by Pastor Charles Price of 'Living Truth.'

Many thanks to all those who share and spread the message of the 'Good News!'

I like the above photo image re: wearing the full Armour of God. If you think you are armed, you are! It is when you allow fear, doubt, lack of joy, etc to snarf a foothold in you, that you are not as fully armed. So, be equipped fully and know that He has OVERCOME ALL things. He says to 'FEAR NOT, FOR I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD.'

Peace and God Bless.