Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
We enjoyed a very restful weekend; which helped us through the events of the past few bittid days. We are so thankful that He IS our Refuge and Strength!
To recap and, as mentioned in the Saturday post, our Blueheeler, Blue had some discomforts; which fortunately have cleared up. Inasmuch as Alan and I were up for a few nights attending to our 'pup' (tender age of six), we did not receive a lot of sleep. On Saturday evening, I took two acetaminophen pills; primarily to relax the throbbing ache from an injury to my left shoulder. Also, I do not take pills as a rule; but thought this would assist me to enjoy a profound sleep.
That being said, I slept in on Sunday morning and missed some of the earlier programs on the Vision Channel. I did catch a bit of a glimpse of 'World Impact Ministries'; and Peter Youngren shares about those who experience 'obstacles.' That by going through obstacles, we are brought closer to God through FAITH. I received a major ephifany tidbit in that regard! Thank you!
Watched 'Living Truth' with Charles Price and it happened to be Part 1 of his trip to the awesome Holy Land. I look forward to hearing the other four parts of his sermon and journey. Also appreciated the inspiring message of Pastor H.H. Barber, of Calvary Temple Winnipeg (Loved the breathtaking picture of the beautiful Church with its tall steeple, gently nestled in amongst a magnificent snowcapped mountain range!). Later that day, I took in 'Beyond Today' and 'Tomorrow's World' and then 'Door of Hope' with Rhonda Lazerte. Sadly, I missed 'Enjoying Everyday Life' with Joyce Meyer and 'Hour of Power;' however, I look forward to viewing both programs online.
Should include too, that the above ministries (and others) offer invigorating insights and refreshing encouragement in their teachings of the Bible and Christ. As of late, I have really been 'like a sponge'; because there are many signs of Revelation that have been and are currently happening. Just a matter of being 'ready' for Christ when the Rapture occurs. Could be at any time; and a tidbit - best to genuinely turn to Him and accept Him into your Heart.
Alan and I have certainly been experiencing many a 'trial and tribulation'; so truthfully, we are a tid fatigued and fragile. However, as I mentioned He IS our Refuge and Strength; so that thought keeps powerfully surging through my heart and soul. Also, the comforting passage from Isaiah 40:29 - "He gives strength to the weary, And to him who lacks might He increases power."
We have had an accepted offer on our home; however, there appears to be numerous other offers coming up; and most likely will go into a 'bidding war.' We truly would prefer to reside in our home; however, thus far things have not worked out. And yet, we are Relying upon Him and Trusting that He has everything in Hand. ie. Another majestic message from Romans 8: 28 - " And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." So eventhough, we are in a state of limbo ('in the middle' - you can refer to November 23rd and 25th, 2010 posts for a bittidz of background); it feels good to declutter regardless of whether we move or stay. Also, the empowering message from Psalm 46:10 - "Be still, and know that I am God' is reassuring to me and is good advice!
We still are steadfastedly Praying for a Miracle; because 'All things are possible with Him.' We KNOW He has our best interests (for all of us) at heart; and we are leaning upon Him to Direct our path, as per His Will. So, if our Prayers are in Accordance with His Will ('Divine Delays' - see March 7th post) great; if not, then we know in FAITH, that He has something better in mind for us; and we will be thankful for that plan. I do know too, that He has sustained us thus far; eventhough we have been 'jumping through many hoops.'
When I was viewing 'Door of Hope'; Rhonda Lazerte shared about her worries (even at night) about mounting business bills that need to be paid. We have compassion for her; and my immediate tidbitz thought was and still is, that if any of you enjoy and appreciate her (or any other ministerial programs who give of their time etc), give her a financial boost / donation. If we could, we would; but we literally are tapped at this moment. I have had a few nights of 'worry' myself; however, I keep calling upon Him to infill me with His Holy Spirit; and I turn everything (stresses, worries, etc) over to Him. Last night, I thought I heard: 'Don't worry.' That bittid 'whisper' gave me such a peace and a calm, that it was morning before I knew it!
We have observed that those who have been through 'hoops / battles' etc, have more of a genuine empathy and understanding of others who have had, or are having their 'trials and tribulations.'
Tidbit - Make the best of each day and live one day at a time. Enjoy and be grateful for the Blessings He gives you. ie. Appreciate the simple beauty of spring flowers sprouting into bloom, chirping singsongs of birds, etc.
Bittid - Having a thankful and cheerful heart is best; regardless of your own personal traumas. 'Praise Him in ALL Things.' Uplift others all the more when you are feeling a tid discouraged; because you end up feeling much better as well.
We have had numerous showings on our home, some today and more tomorrow. Today while we were out and about, I decided to wear my bright fuschia pink jacket (it is years old) and you know, I felt like a 'million dollars' in spirit; and a number of people, whom I did not even know, came up to me and complimented me on the vibrant colour. Before heading out the door, I thought, just put a smile on your face and go joyfully and confidently forth. Period. My Dad always used to say: " Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone." You can substitute laugh with smile, and weep with cry; whatever fits.
I love the above photo of the jolly man, with his expressions in devouring his oysters. We have that plate (from a dear friend) and everytime I pass by it, a huge grin comes to my face. A bit of a good cheer to one's spirits, methinks!
Alan just made me a wonderful sandwich of steak leftovers (from Costco; and where the prices for family packs are attractively affordable; and when the steak has been marinated for some three or four days, it is extremely tender!). Leftovers can be just as tasty; and along with a glass of red wine (La Fronterra, Chile) this is indeed, a treat! Skal!
Good Night, Peace, and God Bless.
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Joyful countenance!
Saturday, 26 March 2011
Thankful hearts!
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
The days have flown by. We have been tied up with downsizing, decluttering, 'spring' cleaning, showings, etc. Believe it or not, this takes time; and we are thankful it is now the weekend to breathe in a calm and enjoy a quiet refuge.
There are parties interested in our home; however nothing is concrete until an offer is made and so forth. In the meantime, Alan and I are keeping all our options open. Indeed, we have thrown everything over to Him; and are asking Him to direct our path, in Accordance with His Will. Whatever unfolds, we know He has the best solution. If you wish, you can refer to my March 7th post, 'Divine Delays' for a bittid of background.
Have a tidbit to share; and it may even be funny to some of you. ie. I have a pair of old slacks and the 'shoelace string belt' had disembarked, and thus had to be threaded back through the waistband of the slacks. I used a tiny tid safety pin and after several onerous minutes, I was able to work the pin through and hence, the slacks were as good as new! However, it was quite a difficult journey, because the line was not straight; as there were many ups and downs, and even curves along the way. That being said, I reflected and compared this tidbitz task to 'perservering' through our recent 'trials and tribulations.' It would have been very easy to have given up; because it was quite frustrating; however, patience and persistency paid off.
Also, last night, we watched a movie, 'Needful Things' (Stephen King) with Max von Sydow; and what an eye opener that was! 'Things' are definitely not where it is at; let alone being beguiled by things. And the sad thing is, there is a lot of this going on around us.
Also, for the last few days and nights, our 'pup' Blue, has had the 'runs' and a bittidz of vomiting. During all this, his nose remained cool and he was still full of vibrant and athletic energy. However, whatever it was, it appears to have cleared up. May have been a bit of a flu bug, and / or a reaction to his new batch of food (not likely though) as he has never had any problems before with this healthy food.
Tidbit - Be grateful for all your Blessings daily; and 'Praise Him in ALL things' - regardless of your circumstances. The more you say 'Thank You' to Him and are genuinely grateful, your heart will become more tranquil. Plus, you are an uplifting Blessing to others, because you exude and radiate His Presence in you.
Bittid - 'Make Thy way straight before me' is from Psalm 5, and I find this particular message a wonderful comfort to me; when everything can all of a sudden be overwhelming. However, by 'casting all your cares' upon Him (He tells us to do that), you feel as if a huge weight has been removed from your shoulders.
Earlier this afternoon, we picked some 'fallen' daffodils by the roadside; and they are reviving beautifully in our white Picasso vase. I love daffodils and here is a photo image of this cheerful flower. One of the many awesome creations / Blessings He has created so majestically!
Am going to go to keep Alan company on our upstairs balcony. The evening sun is now shining brilliantly; and we will appreciate a lovely glass of red wine. Our realtor gave us a bottle of red wine, and we thank him for this kind gesture. Skal!
Tomorrow morning and part of the evening, I look forward to watching a few of the programs on the Vision Channel. ie. ('Hour of Power,' 'Living Truth,' 'Enjoying Everyday Life,' 'Door of Hope' etc). Those programs are just but a few of the many insightful and encouraging ministries on the Vision Channel.
Peace and God Bless.
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Take heart!
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Can not believe five days have 'zoomed zoomed zoomed' by us. Also in my March 11th post of 'Equitable fair play,' am Prayful that there will be a resolve to 'put things right' re: suspensions / injuries in the NHL.
Alan and I have been 'on the go' with several showings on our home. Yesterday the realtor with a potential buyer and their contractor / decorator were here; and today there will be another viewing with a different group. The decorator /designer / contractor from yesterday, has won several top awards for their quality style and flair; however, the quote was 'out of the ball park.' So, it will be interesting to see what estimates transpire from today's group, who are returning for their third visit. Also, there are other parties who have expressed interest as well. Oh, just received word, that there is a second group added to the mix today. There may even be a 'bidding war.' We love our home and would prefer to continue residing here; however, the circumstances are such that that may not be possible. Eventhough there are a lot of 'unknowns' facing us, we will ABIDE in FAITH; trusting in Him, as 'Our Father', as in 'Our Father knows best.'
The scripture from Romans 8:28 - " And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." That verse keeps on trekking in my heart; as well as the message from Matthew 19:26, that 'All Things are Possible with God.'
On Sunday morning, I did not watch the Vision channel, as we were 'prepping' the house for afternoon showings. However, I was thankful to have seen 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer) and 'Door of Hope' (Rhonda Lazerte) in the evening. I received a tid of an ephifany, which carried over into another tidbit example the next day. ie. We can Pray to Him for help with our needs (He wants us to Ask Him); however, I have changed my Prayers to ASKING Him for Guidance AS TO WHAT HIS WILL is for us. In other bittid words, not what my needs are; but what are His. Since then, I have felt a greater calm and even a 'peace'; that whatever happens, He will Prevail and Direct our Path. We still have the hope that a 'miracle' can happen; but regardless we have embraced Him all the more.
Also, perhaps 'Divine Delays' (post of March 7th) may be at work. Alan and I have exhausted all our efforts; and simply, everything is in His Hands. We are most appreciative for all our Blessings; both big and small. ie. Hearing the robins sing, seeing the sprouting up of crocuses, daffodils, tulips, and other signs of spring!
Hope this is a bit of an uplift and encouragement to those of you, who may be experiencing your own 'trials and tribulations.'
Have to go for now. Here is wishing you all a majestic day! Love the above photo image, with its cheery message.
Peace and God Bless.
Friday, 11 March 2011
Equitable fair play
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
TGIF Day! (Thank God, It's Friday!). I have always enjoyed Fridays; most likely because it is the beginning bittidz of the weekend! LOL! The last couple of days have been full; and today will be a tidbitz more relaxing, methinks.
The technician has just left and now the thermostat zones are working in synct; as they were not. Fortunately, we have been able to work out payment arrangements with their company; particularly as it was an untimely but necessary expense. If we move, the positive way of looking at it, is that this matter will have been addressed appropriately for all those concerned. Must say it is wonderful to have the warmth in our home; as we were without heat for about ten days; and the temperatures were at their coldest. However, we survived! Wrote a post about that tid adventure.
We have another viewing later this morning, and then our friend (has now become a good friend) is coming back this afternoon, to pick up a few more 'things.' It is a win / win situation both for him, his customers, and us! Even if we were to continue to reside in our home, this 'culling' has been extremely beneficial. Like 'things' are nice; but to a point. We have reached that tidbit point; and also, we are being resourceful in our attempts to take care of our bills as best as we can. As previously mentioned, the 'melt down' (hit most of us) from September 2008, took its turbulent toll on us. However, we are Relying upon Him to continually Guide us through the various obstacles; being thankful all the while for our Blessings.
After our antique friend leaves, our close friend will be bringing over a bit of 'bubbly'; and our contribution will be some appies. Am looking forward to our visit, as we always have lots of laughter!
Speaking of joyful occasions, we were out last night to another art exhibit; and what a fun evening! The Art Gallery owner has recently moved to a new location (a closer drive from our home; hence easier on the gas) and this was his second soiree! He and his colleages served white and red wine; and what a happy bunch of 'eclectic' people (us included! LOL!). I loved it; no pretensions, just 'as is.'
When we arrived home (we were only gone an hour), we watched the hockey game; which was very close. As an aside, we feel there should have been a suspension given to the Boston team player, Chara.
Glad that Air Canada and our Prime Minister Stephen Harper, took a stand in support of having a better system. Interesting too, that another player (from Tampa Bay Lightning) was given a supension for three games - for making contact with the head of an opponent, which in our opinion was less severe than what Chara did. Like excuse me???? Something does not add up here, does it? I am going to Pray that Max Pacioretty (Montreal Canadians) will recover; however, will he be able to ever pursue an active NHL playing career again?
Would like to genuinely believe there is fair play behind the scenes for the whole of the NHL organization. However, as a tidbit thought, perhaps it is bittid time for the NHL Commissioner (Gary Bettman) to step down? He has been 'in power' too long (since 1993?).
Alan has helped me in expressing his and my sentiments of dismay. To quote Alan - "His (Bettman's) public display of arrogance and piety and his pathetic body language displayed, when he announced NO action would be taken against Chara, was absolutely horrid. Bettman spends time defending the NHL, when a blind man could easily see at least four things. 1) the puck was nowhere near either player (Max P. had already chipped it up the boards, and was going around Chara with speed, which necessitated 6'9" Chara to flagrantly interfere and ride Max P. into the turnbuckle and / or metal stanchion). 2) Chara is the Captain of the Boston Bruins. 3) Chara is a defenceman, supposedly touted as a Norris Trophy candidate. 4) Boston is a very important hockey market in the U.S. God forbid that this would happen in a major metropolitan hockey market in the U.S."
Again too, I am encouraged that Air Canada took a stand! When Bettman simply 'rebuffs' Air Canada as if they are 'gnats'; methinks, does that sound like the building up of 'good will', promoting effective marketing management / diplomacy?
Tidbit - If something does not feel right or honourable in your heart, take a solid stand. No sense condoning something that appears to be lacking in decency or fair play.
Bittid - Be thankful and joyful for your daily Blessings; regardless of circumstances. When you uplift and / or empower others, you are a Blessing to them.
Am appreciative of the above warm and friendly photo image (from yesterday's post). Hence utilizing it again, as an encouragement that there should be more honour, fair play, genuine TLC caring throughout the world. 'Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.'
Peace and God Bless.
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Building others up
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Today has been a very quiet day; and we are grateful for this calm. It has been a rather hectic time; so this is, indeed, a bit of a breather to pace ourselves for the next few days.
As per yesterday's post, we ended up giving away two large boxes of magazines and some cookbooks to the Union Gospel Mission, which is a wonderful organization. The items were appreciatively received; and our hearts were gladdened; and the fatigued spirits we had, evaporated into thin air. We were totally refreshed, and even all the more thankful for our daily Blessings! We saved some of the coobooks, thinking that my son and daughter may appreciate them. There is one particularly special barbecue cook book; and hopefully, our son-in-law will enjoy those recipes, as he is a 'master' barbecuer.
Tonight the Canucks are playing; and it would appear they have come out of their 'funk' and regained their Canuck 'grit.' The depth of the team is tremendous! Also most encouraging, to watch all the components working cohesively together as a strong unit! My son and a few of his buddies were on the special 'Canuck Promo' re: the Kings and the Ducks; and methinks, that would have been fantastic to be there live, cheering on our Canucks! Alan and I looked for my son on the T.V; however, there were so many Canuck fans wearing their jerseys, that we could not see their group. LOL! You are in my Prayers, Canucks!
To refer to yesterday's post, 'Divine Delays' - "We all have the tendency to rely on 'people'. However, there are times, when there is more reliance put upon human beings than Christ. Hence disappointments, frustrations, confusion, doubts, fears etc. If you 'turn everything over to Him' and 'wait patiently upon the Lord,' it is amazing what transpires. I love this comforting verse from Psalm 10:46. "Be still and know that I am God."
As an addendum, it is the Holy Spirit who touches peoples' hearts and works through us all to reach others. ie. the Bakery dynamics of yesterday.
Galatians 6:9 - "And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary." This Biblical verse is a soothing comfort, to whenever my spirits are weary.
A 'tidbit,' that my good friend shared with me today. Apparently, Gourmet magazine is no longer publishing; so that being the case, I will cherish them! Plus, the recipes are truly mouthwatering, apart from the beautiful photograpy, and interesting tidbits.
Also a 'bittid' annoying issue had to be addressed today. I suggested to Alan that he call the individual and simply 'tell the truth' of the matter. Methinks, it is better to give a courtesy phone call, then not. Communication was helpful; and hence the various bittids were resolved appropriately.
Watched a few of the tidbitz programs on the Vision Channel this past Sunday; and for those of you who wish to know more about Christ, I thoroughly recommend the following ministries! ie. 'Hour of Power,' 'World Impact Ministries,' 'Living Truth,' 'Enjoying Everyday Life,' and 'Door of Hope.' Alas, I was only able to view the first few morning shows; however, will look forward to tuning in, online to 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (If you wish a further bittidz, you can refer to my posts of November 23rd and 25th, 2010; wherein Joyce Meyer shares about 'Being in the Middle'), and 'Door of Hope' with Rhonda Lazerte. There are also many other insightful ministries; and I mentioned just but a few of the many wonderful programs.
In closing: "Two are better than one... if one falls down, his friend can help him up." - Ecclesiastes 4:9-10. Eventhough the above photo image is not the actual picture / message I have, the image is close enough to muster up a 'good cheer' of encouragement in building others up.
Peace and God Bless.
Monday, 7 March 2011
'Divine Delays'
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Where has the bittid time gone, since I wrote my post Skal to Blessings!' of February 27th. In a tid blink of an eye!
Well, to recap a bit. We have been busy with several showings on our home; and at the same time, the time has allowed us to go through a lot of 'stuff', which has accumulated over the years.
For example, I collect (or used to) cookbooks, and have classic Gourmet magazines, dating back from 1986, as well as some Bon Appetit and so forth. Have decided to hold onto my Gourmet and some favourites from Bon Appetit; and the rest we will give away to a thrift shop and / or hospital. Also, have put a number of cookbooks aside for my son and daughter. These cookbooks, apart from offering wonderful recipes, are geared towards an active lifestyle. Be it being single, busy, being a young 'Mum on the go' etc.
Of course this tid tidying up has led to a 'spring cleaning' of sorts; because even if we remain here, less clutter works best.
Alan and I read daily, passages from 'Our Journey', a monthly booklet that is provided by Charles Price of Living Truth. Last Friday we delighted in reading one of the booklet's excerpts; 'Divine Delays'; written by Greg Laurie. To quote Greg: "God's delays are not necessarily His denials." "You see, it is His will to give you the things that you need in your life. Maybe you have been praying about something and there has not been an answer. Maybe there has been an interruption. Remember this: sometimes, an interruption is actually the intervention of God. Disappointment can be His appointment. So don't give up."
That encouragement is a major tidbit to our spirits! An appreciative thank you to Charles, Greg, and all the others who contribute to this insightful monthly booklet. For quite some time, Alan and I have been 'in the middle.' You can refer to my posts of November 23rd and 25th, 2010 for a bittidz of clarity; it may help (LOL!). That particular passage gives us hope and that is a positive way of looking at things.
Alan and I have come to the conlusion that more so than ever, we must continue in our steadfast Trust in Him to direct our path and provide Solution. As extra reassurance, we know that God HATES inequities and that He LOVES justice. We are thankful that He watches and knows everything, as He is omnipotent and omnipresent! Again, we are 'casting all our cares upon Christ.' We are thankful that we can Lean on Him; and that He, as our Father, has a Purpose. He knows what is best for each and every one of us! A number of uplifting Scriptures from the Bible daily sustain me; and the TRUTH is, He is our strength and refuge!
Tidbit - Proverbs 3:5-6 - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path."
We all have the tendency to rely on 'people'. However, there are times, when there is more reliance put upon human beings than Christ. Hence disappointments, frustrations, confusion, doubts, fears etc. If you 'turn everything over to Him' and 'wait patiently upon the Lord,' it is amazing what transpires. I love this comforting verse from Psalm 10:46. "Be still and know that I am God."
Bittid - John 15:5 - I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me. and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing." Also, John 15:7 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it shall be done for you."
I guess what Alan and I are experiencing, is to TRUST completely in Him! So, best to be joyfully confident, knowing that He will Provide your needs; even when there are 'Divine Delays.' However, we must also always 'Praise Him In ALL Things'; regardless of circumstances / 'trials and tribulations.' We must have the faith and the courage to endure / perservere and to Rely totally upon His guidance. Whatever unfolds, is in accordance with His Will, His Purpose, His Plan. Know that He has everything in Hand. Romans 8: 28 - 'And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."
Earlier today when we were out and about, we also went to our favourite little bakery / deli. I enjoyed a good tidbitz visit with our kind friend, the owner. She was on her coffee break, so it was perfect timing! She offered me a taste of her lemon coconut bar (I asked her what type of square it was; and she generously gave me a tidbit taste) and it was spectacular! Fortunately, Alan had some leftover change; so I treated us to this delight!
There was a 'little old woman' who was short of some change; but since she knows the owner as well, she was going to make up the difference for the sandwich at another time. As it happened, I shared a genuine 'witness' with her (told her she was special and that her husband was very lucky to have her; ie. she bought him a nice sandwich. I discerned that she did not buy one for herself); and smiling broadly, replied her day had been made! I told her, that she had made mine as well! Also, that the two cents she needed to take care of the sandwich in full (I paid it), was the exact change I had left from the lemon square! She beamed; and her whole face lit up! To me, that is a Blessing! A random act of kindness, a gentle word, and a smile goes a long way. You never know how much it means to someone; and in turn, you feel uplifted as well. 'It is better to give, than to receive.'
Also, our bakery friend was happy that she had customers; so the Holy Spirit was graciously at work everywhere!
Love the above photo image, with its cheery bit message! Eventhough, we may receive a bittid more of winter, Spring will be here before too long! At dawn this morning, the birds were up and chirping away; another great Blessing! Methinks this is a heralding sign of warmer days to come.
Peace and God Bless.