Monday, 10 January 2011

Being joyful and appreciative

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Well a few new things have happened since Friday. We did some errands on Saturday morning; and then our good friend came over for a pizza and salad. Basically, Alan added to the thin crust pizza (from Costco) and I whipped up whatever greens and tomatoes we had left over for healthy salad makings. Our friend brought over some 'bubbly', which was a nice way of starting the evening.

After she left, I saw the last few minutes of the fast paced hockey game between the Canucks and Red Wings. I am glad I did not watch it from start to finish; as it was quite the 'pins and needles' game.

On Sunday morning we all slept in a bit; including our Blue. Eventhough I only watched a little of the 'Hour of Power' (, the message delivered by Dr. Robert Schuller Snr was 'music to my ears'; just the extra bittid of reinforcement. Will share some bittids in another post. All I can say is, there are NO coincidences!

Sunday night, when I turned on the T.V. Vision Channel, I caught the last part of 'Enjoying Everyday Life' with Joyce Meyer ( and I was delighted to hear her speaking about / confirming various tidbit choices re: having a good attitude, making the best of things, having confidence in ALL circumstances. Once again, NO coincidences here folks! Tuned also into her online ( watched the video), and in a later post, I will share some tidbits with you. Pretty tid much what she was sharing, was exactly what Alan and I have been going through!!! Thank you, Joyce, for 'just what the doctor ordered!' Also, a heartfelt thank you to all others, who provide their time, ministerial teachings, and encouraging insights.

If you wish a bittidz of background, you can refer to my latter December / early January posts. I refer to a recent post (January 6th) 'Rejoice in all Circumstances'; where I never thought I would ever say to Him, 'Thank You for an empty bank account' and so forth. Eventhough, we are grateful and we say 'Praise Him in All Things'; I specifically THANKED Him for our various tidbitz 'trials and tribulations.' Amazing what has occured between then and now!

A few other solid programs I enjoy are 'Living Truth' with Charles Price, 'Door of Hope' with Rhonda Lazerte, and 'Beyond Tomorrow.' However, for knowledge first hand, methinks best to check them and / or other ministries out for yourselves.

Yesterday, was an awesome day for us! Will recap. Started with our friends who telephoned and invited us to dinner (for a prime rib of beef in the next few weeks). Mmmmmm! Have not had that for years!); and plus her husband will pick us up and drive us home. Originally, they offered to come over here; bringing the roast and the wine.(In turn, Alan and I would sear, then cook the roast and the dinner). They are the same kind friends who gave us the turkey, the homemade wine, and many other special tidbitz treats. You can refer to my post 'Giving and uplifting others', December 21st for info.

Next, our good friend sent us an email; with an encouraging message to 'Dance in the Rain'; and make the best of everything. I wrote her back with a grateful thanks; saying that 'as of late, we have been doing a lot of 'tap dancing' (LOL!); and that somewhere, somehow, we will make the best of everything and joyfully dance our way through it all.'

ie. Two inspirational quotes from 'The Rain' that are very true.

"The happiest people don't necessarily
have the best of everything;
they just make the best of everything they have."

'Life isn't about
how to survive the storm,
But how to dance in the rain.'

Tidbit - It is not the possessions and 'things' one has; and yes, you do your best to survive too; however, it is all in your attitude! Most importantly though, is the Confidence He instills within you, when you Trust in Him totally and ASK Him to Direct your path.

Bittid - When you Invite Christ genuinely into your heart, He never leaves. Know that He LOVES each and every one of us unconditionally; that we are all uniquely special; and that He has a Good Plan for each of us. Also, it makes life simpler too, when you 'cast all your cares upon Him.' He wants to carry our burdens.

Received another email from a dear friend who shared 'We all need a reminder - America during the years of 1935 - 1939.' A tidbit thought, best to be appreciative of what we do have; not what we DON'T have. Alan and I were not born during those times; save that we know we have much tidbitz to be thankful for.

Then we had a lovely call from a family member and Alan and I greatly appreciated hearing from them.

We also had to attend to some bittidz errands. I was 'rejoicing, because all I could hear in my head and heart, were the Biblical words from Romans 8:28. "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good; to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.'

Upon tidbitz reflection, those wondrous words and other verses from the Bible, have been a constant comfort and empowering ecouragement to us throughout each and every day. While we were out, we saw our Greek friend (a street person), who waved, smiled, and gestured us to come over and visit with him. He was smiling from ear to ear; and normally, he is pretty glum. His spontaneous smile, his animated conversation uplifted me / us all the more! We then went next door to our local produce store; and I could sense the merchant's hands were cold (albeit she had gloves on); so I asked if I could take her hands, to warm them. She immediately removed her gloves (which surprised me) and I held her hands for only a few moments. Her big smile was warmly 'contagious' throughout! LOL! A tidbit ephifany, a smile warmly given costs nothing and yet can mean everything.

When we returned home, we saw that our soup container was outside the front door; along with a tin of older tennis balls (for our Blue). In the bittid soup container, were some freshly baked cakes. We had given our newest neighbour some of the turkey soup; and they wanted to eagerly express their thanks. Before too long, we will make up some more soup for them and others; from the frozen turkey that our generous friends gave us, back in December.

As mentioned in an earlier post, we celebrated Christmas dinner at my daughter's. We did not expect them to give us their left over turkey (carcas and all), which provided us with many a tidbitz meal; as well as the delicious turkey soup; which fed ourselves, our neighbours, and our Greek friend.

My son came over last night for dinner; and the steaks (a la Costco) that we had marinated for a few days were incredibly tender and very tasty. We enjoyed a lovely repas and visit with him.

On a sad note, we received the news (just prior to my son's arrival) that one of our neighbours, who is only a few years older than us, is passing away. (I have mentioned her in an earlier post). Her husband let us know that she has been in palliative care since Christmas, and won't be coming home. She fought the cancer as best as she could; and now it is just a matter of bittidz days. Apparently the family are planning her Memorial Service; which will be a wake in celebration of her life. Personally, I think that takes a lot of courage, and our hearts and Prayers go out to them. We will remember her as a vibrant and caring person; and we are thankful that we had the opportunity (albeit short) to have her as a friend.

This morning, we received a nice surprise! One of our neighbours (the newest neighbours I referred to earlier) put a COMPLETE TODAY'S newspaper through our mail box! A wonderful treat! (Our other neighbour also puts the sports edition, after he has read it, through our mail box). Alan loves to read and has read a paper everyday since a teenager.

We have been and are in a bittid of a 'waiting mode' for various bittidz matters. We know we have done our best; and now it is simply up to Him to Provide and Direct our path. A great peace and reassuring calm comes from 'within' knowing that. We are 'ready' to go with the flow; whatever that is; and currently, we are 'in the middle.' Joyce Meyer shares her insights about being 'in the middle'; and you can refer to my two posts of November 23rd and 25th, 2010 for her 'words of wisdom.'

It is so true: 'Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.'

Snow was projected for later last night; yet, with warmer temperatures on the bittidz rise, we may not receive the expected snowfall as forecasted. However, I love this lovely photo image of this tranquil winter scene. The restful picture looks so 'quaint' (have not used that word for a long time) and peaceful.

Peace and God Bless.

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