Friday, 12 November 2010

Mending 'broken fences'

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Today is my Mum's birthday; she would have been 93 years young!!! I remember her with love and I am thankful that she was my Mum. She did her bittidz best. It is not easy at tid times to being a 'Mum'; particularly if unpopular decisions have to be made. I can reflect appreciatively what tidbitz my Mum had to go through with me. Now, I am both a Mum and a young grandma; and there is always something to learn.

We have had quite the week; and a lot happening. However, will wait to share some news when we have things confirmed; one bit way or another. Alan and I are simply 'going with the flow.' (His Flow).

Throughout our complex, new fences are being constructed to replace the old worn out wooden ones. Today, a crew of four young husky men are energetically working on building our fence. It will look fantastic when completed. As an appreciation for their hard work, we will give them a beer to take home with them, at the end of their work day. We would rather offer them a beer at our home; however, you can not drink and drive in our Province.

Tidbit - Building strong fences are wonderfully effective; however, the heart is another matter. ie. Regardless of your circumstances, do not allow yourselves to have a 'hardened heart'. Let the problems go. Also, never forget that if you love someone, let them go. If they come back, they are yours. If they don't, they never were.

Alan and I are experiencing some sad and disheartening 'trials and tribulations'; however, we are determined to continue to be of 'good cheer' to others, regardless of what is or isn't taking place. When we were out earlier, it was as if the Holy Spirit firmly got ahold of us; and directed our paths to those who were in need of an uplift. (That is most of us, methinks!) By giving gentle encouragement to others, either by a kind word, a smile, or even a small gesture, every one's spirits are immediately bolstered!

A few minutes ago, Alan took out a fresh pot of coffee and some chocolate Oreo cookies to the crew. It hit the spot; particularly as it is a very crisp cool Fall day.

We have been reflecting upon much; and we are continually grateful for all our Blessings, He has wonderfully Provided for us. When you are feeling discouraged, disappointed, disillusioned, etc. just ASK Him to uplift you so that in doing so, it alleviates your heart of sadness, bitterness, resentment, anger, malice, jealousy, whatever.

Bittid - Lest we forget, the Bible says: 'Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.'

Here is to mending 'broken fences' (be it with family, friends, neighbours, colleages, adversaries, whomever), with better communication and understanding, as well as sharing a genuineness, and a 'generosity of spirit.' Remember, that life is too short to be unforgiving and have a hardened heart. Inasmuch, as we have just honoured Rememberance Day on November 11th, methinks, we should also focus with His Help, on mending the 'broken fences' in our 'own back yards.'

I like the photo image with its empowering tidbit message. Also, earlier this week, I gave Rhonda Lazerte's ministry (Door of Hope) a telephone call and I was extra joyful, when I reached her in person! She is just as 'down to earth', as she is on her T.V. show on the Vision Channel. She suggested that I read OUTLOUD the last five Psalms (Psalms 146 - 150)- because the Lord LOVES PRAISE etc. It is amazing what transpires after reading these Psalms; particularly when you read them in a melodious and 'roaring' voice. For those of you, who would like extra encouragement (and / or know of others - ie. 'Pay It Forward' - such a good movie!) during challenges / obstacles, a quality thought is to give her a bittid call. Thank you again, Rhonda; much appreciate your ministry in His Service.

Peace and God Bless.

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