Monday, 29 November 2010

'Carry on'

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We have had a full plate since I last wrote; however, thought while there was a tid quiet moment, I would write a bit to bring you up to date.

Later yesterday afternoon, we watched the movie, 'Amazing Grace', about William Wilberforce; and how he finally was successful in his long hard fought battle in bringing about the Bill in the English Parliament for the Abolition of Slavery. (Horrifying and deplorable living conditions aboard the ships / sailing vessels in those days). Also, how greed seized those, who did not seem to care about the well being of their fellow man; rather they were more interested in creating massive profit for themselves, at others' expense. ie. abused slaves.

We also saw a heart warming / tear jerker movie last night, called 'November Christmas' - about a young girl, age 8, who had cancer (leukemia, I think). The prognosis did not look good (after many bouts of drugs, tests etc); but with the POSITIVE help / reinforcement of family and friends, she survived, to tell her story, when she reached adulthood...A very touching story; a good one to appreciate when one is feeling particularly down and out etc...The poor family and others, what they had to go through; because they had their own personal tragedies and problems to come to terms with. But they all rallied together - had Halloween in August and Christmas sooner. Very heartfelt.

Would like to share a few tidbits that are from the Bible, that keep my heart beating with confidence and encouragement! "Be still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10) and "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your path". (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Alan and I are doing just that; and we know we have done our best. Very hard to deal with vindicativeness, lies, deception, malice, the works... The movie, 'Amazing Grace' is most timely. However, we have not given up; because we know He has a Purpose for all of this debauchery. And, that He has a good Plan for us at the end of it. I know that I have referred to these Biblical bittids as well; but here goes again; as this provides me with extra comfort and reassurance.

"And we know that God creates all things to work together for good; to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28). Also, "Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary." (Galatians 6:9).

Yesterday morning, I embraced the Vision Channel - ie watched 'Hour of Power' ( and that was totally fantastic and uplifting! Trust in Him with all your heart! I recommend tuning into that inspiring ministry, as well as many others. Also, 'Living Truth' ( Charles Price shares some 'food for thought', re: evidence (he quotes some awesome Biblical passages) that the Holy Spirit is within you. Charles is saying that there is a 'hunger to know Christ; a hunger to be like Christ; and a hunger to serve Christ.' Methinks, if you check out his ministry, these bittids will provide you with a greater clarity and understanding.

Today it is pouring with rain, washing off the remnants of the recent heavy snowfall; when the daytime temps were at a mere 18 degrees Fahrenheit. Now it is at 40 degrees F; methinks, I am appreciative of this milder weather, compared to the cold Arctic front that we experienced last week.

Like the above cheery photo image. Before too long, the daffodils will be back in bittidz bloom!

Anyway, will keep you posted, when we know more tidbitz.

Peace and God Bless.

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