Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Press on with 'Bulldog Faith!'

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

My Oh My, where do the tid days go?!

Have not forgotten about you, or writing some tidbitz posts. However, we have had a few bittidz ‘curve balls’ thrown at us. Just when we think certain things are FINALLY going to work out, then ZING!  There is an entourage of ‘out of left field’ happenings.  From our foes, who do not wish it to be so.  Sadly, they have already lost, because they have not invited Christ into their hearts.

Alan and I have been walking in His Service for many a day. It started when I first met Alan, coming up as of June, 14 years ago.  That is how we engage in our daily living. ie. Living thankfully one day at a time, with Him as Our Guide. No sense grieving over the past, and no sense either in worrying about the future. That is not to say, that we do not give ‘wisdom’ its due. We just live simply and one day at a time. It makes life a whole lot easier and with more joy.

We appreciate many ministries; and one of them is the Copelands. They are so ‘down to earth’ and they have been exceedingly helpful to my growth and daily walk in Christ. A ‘hearty’ thank you, to them!

Recently, actually very recently, we were hit with a major disappointment.  Totally unthinkable!  I know we are not alone in this particular bit arena. However, that being said, Alan and I have ‘dusted ourselves off,’ and we are HEARTILY moving forward, against all odds. When I say ‘against all odds.’ I am referring to the ‘secular’ bittid matters that seem to overtake the world. Fears, doubts, angst, discouragement. bitterness, anger, and so forth.  We have CHOSEN instead to RELY upon Christ to Direct and Guide our paths. Plus, He IS the Source and we believe in the tidbit ‘unseen’ versus the ‘seen’ of the world.

The two week series that I have been absorbing heartily on TV as of late, is the building of ‘Bulldog Faith’ and it  is totally ‘gripping.’ When you watch and comprehend Gloria Copeland’s and Pastor George’s tidbits of insights, methinks, you will be Blessed with Wisdom and Understanding, that will help you through the maze of bittids of challenges you may be facing each day.

Their inspiring series started on April 18th; and I heartily recommend you tune into them. The word, ‘heartily’ is mentioned in today’s teaching; and it is such an AWESOME word!

Tidbit – NEVER EVER GIVE UP. Do not quit; no matter how hard things may appear for you. Have the ‘Bulldog’ Faith to continue to have Hope and Faith, as well as enduring resilience and claiming victory over any and all circumstances!

Bittid – As the true expression goes (my Dad said it often) ‘ You can take a horse to water, but you can not make it drink.’ 

In addition, ‘The love of money is the root of all evil.’ Sadly, we have observed that first hand. 

However, at the end of the day, Our Father will judge and determine one’s eternity; based on their heart; and NOT upon their, status, wealth, ‘friends’, and / or good works.  One needs to genuinely Invite Christ into their heart and to daily follows His Commandments.  Those who are deceptive, manipulative, controlling, arrogant, prideful, indignant, power tripping, whatever, that will not ultimately cut it with Our Heavenly Father.

We Pray there is a rethink; hence a re evaluation in their lives.  Look at how many 'ordinary' people became His wonderful examples in the Bible; and such 'shining' people in His Service!  It is not too late!

Last but not least, here is a stellar piece of wisdom from Gloria Copeland about Patience and Faith. This is No coincidence, as this arrived at a very appropro time for us.

Press on with Patience

Be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.
(Hebrews 6:12).

"You've been walking by faith. You've been believing God to meet your need.
But what do you do when the results seem slow in coming and you are tempted to give up?
Be patient!
But when it comes to receiving from God, it is just as important as faith.
Patience undergirds and sustains faith until the result is manifest.
After you have meditated on the promises of God and have them in your spirit, patience
will encourage you to hold steady.
Patience is power. It has the courage to refuse the lie of Satan that says the Word is not
working for you.
It knows that God's Word has never failed.
Patience will not draw back in fear but will press forward in faith until you have
the answer.
When the results of your faith seem slow in coming, don't give up!
Continue to put the Word first, with patience, and you will surely receive the
promise of God!"

Peace and God Bless.

Friday, 11 March 2016

Be Awesome Seed Sowers! Amen!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Today’s tidbitz message is about the majestic opportunity of sowing of seeds! (to all those you meet!).  I have been fully and truly embracing and appreciating the heartwarming ministry of Kenneth and Gloria Copeland (and other special ministries as well). Also, Pastor George Pearsons.  A major heartfelt thank you to all of them; and to all their special guests! .This ministry truly touches my heart, with their 'heart to heart' messages.

Today, Gloria and George were finishing their 2 week awesome series on: ‘God Is My Source’. Each sermon is ‘right on’ and is full of wonderful tidbits of wisdom and enlightening encouragement!
Today’s bits in the illuminating video - 'Blessed to Bless' is STELLAR!.

Once you watch the video and the other previous videos, you may appreciate more of the wonderful messages that they are joyfully sharing to us all! Plus, they mentioned, Jesse Duplantis who is a very 'special' person as well.

George and Gloria co-authored a little booklet called, ‘God Is My Source’ and it is for free! However, because of the bittidz they are sharing, apart from us receiving our free book, we ordered 25 more books ($2.00 each) of those special illuminations to ‘sow the seeds!’  We will be ordering more, as the books offer such truth and solace. Believe it or not, both Alan and I have ‘found’ ourselves handing these little bittid ‘gems’ out to those, whom we ‘discern’ are in major need! People are‘seeking' and they are also very receptive!’ Amen! It is a most rewarding journey! That is where our tid hearts are; and Revelation is also happening, as we speak.   

My thoughts also ‘flash’ to Matthew 6: 25- 35. That is so very TRUE!!!!  PLEASE read that passage! It will FOREVER change your thoughts to more positive thoughts to a more positive outcome! I might add too, that, Alan daily (Thanks also, to Costco for your large bag of seeds!) puts bittids of seeds out to feed the amazing numbers of birds that flock and ‘gather’ in our garden and chirp incessantly and incredibly amongst the branches of our magnificent magnolia tree! Inspiring Blessings, indeed!

One of the stories in the Bible, touches a huge inner chord within me. When the Disciple, Peter, was ‘concerned’ about having his robe stolen; and Jesus Christ basically said, ‘Take this, I can get another,'  Meaning, yesterday has gone, so do not lament about yesterday. Give Him TODAY.

Also, in today’s message with ‘G and G,' George made a spiritual special reference to Donald Trump. It does not surprise us that Donald Trump is a ‘GIVER’ and he wants to ‘give back’ and ‘UNIFY’ all those he comes into contact with. In short, being and SOWING a ‘Blessing’ to all he meets.  For those of you are interested in knowing more of ‘SEED SOWING’, please listen to this video. Totally awesome bits!

Also, Donald Trump is a ‘Christian Warrior’ and, we truly understand what he is attempting to impart to all those, whose hearts are hungry (for the Truth) and whose ears are open to making things better. Makes total sense. We KNOW also, that Donald Trump will surround himself with ‘good and quality’ people to help make the U.S.A. the country it was / is meant to be!  Amen! We are Canadians; and we see it from the outside, looking in. Or better still, we see things from the ' inside out.' That is, we are directed by the Holy Spirit to see things in a different light.

Tidbit – Simply know that God is Our Source!  Our Provider. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all the rest shall be added. BANK upon Him and in His Word!

Bittid  – When you are ‘grounded’ in Christ, you know that the Holy Spirit indwells within you to empower you!

In closing, last night (after the Republican Debates), we watched the movie “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner;’ and you know, that movie is totally insightful. Amazing for its day!  And so many tids of  lessons to be learned! That bit being said, if all of us in this world, would choose to: “Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you', this planet would absolutely be a far better place!


I love this awesome photo image! ie. The radiating 'inner' warmth, the calm, and the beautiful and peaceful evening setting! It truly speaks to and uplifts my heart!

Peace and God Bless.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Make the 'Right Choice!' WAKE UP!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

I know it has been a tidbitz of a while since I last wrote a tidbit post.  We have had a lot of bittidz on our plates; and have also had to make several decisions. We are still in that process. However, regardless, we are thankful for all our daily Blessings; and Alan and I live one day at a time in His Service!

Even for the many tids of birds that take shelter in our large magnolia tree branches and chirping happily all the while!  Alan puts out bits of bird seed every morning and it is amazing how well all birds, both large and small, have respect for each other and share harmoniously.  Wonderful and uplifting Blessings, methinks! Wish human beings would do more of that!

Have also been watching the US Presidential Primaries, and listening to the Candidates; and it is, indeed, a very interesting race in both parties.  The Town Hall Meetings serve a very useful function; in that it provides each Candidate the opportunity to express him or herself on various issues of the day.  Plus it gives the viewers also, more of a tidbit glimpse into what each Candidate stands for / represents.  Watched last night (and will again this evening) on CNN the South Carolina Town Hall Meetings. Each Candidate is worthy; and good questions have been asked by interesting audience members who are participating in the event.  The Debates also play an important part in determining the nominating ‘leadership role.’ 

This morning, when I turned on our TV to listen to Andrew Wommack, the channel was on the CNN station. I was totally shocked by the comment that the Pope made in regards to Donald Trump!  That was not called for, and I agree with Donald Trump 100% on what he replied to the Pope. Could not have been more appropro.  

Some time ago, I was watching Dr. David Jeremiah (on TV) and I saw Donald Trump a few times in the vast New York audience.  Both Alan and I are Christians (you may have gathered that by now) and I discerned that Donald Trump was / is a Christian. He is a ‘Christian Warrior’, who stands up for the Truth and is not afraid to say so. With what is going on around the world today, we must always be vigilant and be on guard.

The Pope suggested that Donald Trump should not build walls, but rather build bridges. There is truth in 'building bridges;' yet, nothing has been effective thus far in dealing with the plaguing issues on immigration, smuggling, drugs. Donald Trump is suggesting his idea of how best to remedy these depressing situations.

Donald Trump very definitely wants to REBUILD (has been misquoted / and or his comments being twisted) and on the immigration matter, he wants to make immigration legal. Not to mention also, that he has provided thousands of jobs to immigrants.  As a Canadian and as a Christian, I feel that the comment the Pope made about Trump not being a Christian, was lacking in Grace, not befitting to a Pope / man of his stature.  

Perhaps a better way of looking at it, is that Trump wants to separate the ‘wheat from the chaff.’ Our Heavenly Father (Christ) does the same!  Make no bittid mistake, that Christ WILL separate the wheat from the chaff; as in a majestic Heaven or in a fiery Hell.

Tidbit - On a ‘spiritual’ note.  It is all the more vital, that the choice has to be made for one’s final resting residence.  To either accept or reject Christ. If we do not invite Christ genuinely into our hearts, as our Lord and Saviour, we will not receive entrance into Heaven. Can not imagine what Hell would be like; save that that is not where Alan and I wish to have our eternal address. We want the same for all those we love and care about; as well as for the rest of the world. There are many wonderful ministries, who are urging us all to make the ‘Right’ choice. Many of which I have gratefully referred to, in my posts. 

Bittid - The Bible is the Way and the Truth of everything. His Word is what instills within us to daily follow and live a Christian life.  Am not talking about Religion, which sadly has been misrepresented, by its misleading doctrines and / or ‘extra rules' that are not part of His Word, that IS found in the Bible.  The Ten Commandments are what is what we should all honour and live by. It is not too late to ‘Seek Christ’ and when you invite Him into your heart, He will never leave you! Take comfort in knowing that magnificent truth. Once you invite Christ into your heart, you will be transformed for evermore; as you will be indwelt by the Holy Spirit.

These are very telling times and Revelation is happening right now!  WAKE UP!

Love the bittid photo image of the two dogs who are giving each other encouragement!

Peace and God Bless.