Monday, 16 March 2015

Celebrating a 'special' day!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Today is Alan's birthday (65th!) and I just want to say how Blessed I am to have met him in 2002. For all these years, he has 'treated me like a queen!' For all those who have been and perhaps may still be 'naysayers' about our marriage, they have chosen to not know the Truth.

I have been fortunate in many regards in having Alan as my husband. It goes back to when he and I both received an 'Answer to Prayer.' We asked for each other and Our Father Provided the tidbitz match. I also asked my 'earth father' for his tidbit input. I remember I started off in my 'Prayer' in saying I did not want a 'yes' man; meaning not someone who is a 'fence sitter.' My Dad was not a 'yes' man and nor was he a 'fence sitter.' When I started my Prayer, I 'separated the wheat from the chaff.' Well, in a bittidz nutshell, Alan showed up. And, I have never looked back with any laments; save that it is a loss for those who have maligned the Truth.

Alan is a Christian; which perhaps is part of the difficulty? Well, now I have become a Christian as well; and it has been a most interesting and rewarding journey. We are learning who our 'real' friends are. Very few; I might add. But they are dearly treasured in our hearts. We also know that they do not gossip or 'back stab us' behind our backs and smiling all the bittid while.

Tidbit - Always remember to Honour Him and Give Him Thanks! Regardless of whether your circumstances are good or bad.

Bittid - Always have a daily 'open Prayer dialogue' with Him. Makes life a whole lot simpler and brings more peace and joy.

Today I watched the Kenneth Copeland Ministries as well as Andrew Wommack. Both ministries provide wonderful teachings of the Bible.

Yesterday was the 'Ides of March' (we watched the enlightening movie, 'Quo Vadis' last night - interesting tids of comparisons to today) and tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day.

Today we are thankfully appreciating the 16th of March; Alan's birthday! Beautiful sunshine and all the heralding bits of signs of Spring coming awesomely upon us! We are now celebrating Alan's birthday with some champagne! Skal! Thank you, Our Heavenly Father, for Alan's birth! Happy that we met - 'In Answer to Prayer.'

Peace and God Bless.

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Have a grateful heart of Thanksgiving!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

A lot of tidbitz has happened since I last wrote a post.

To recap a bit, on March 6th, we scattered my Mum's ashes, as per her wishes. We were blessed with good sea weather and we also appreciated a picnic lunch in her memory. She enjoyed champagne (as do we every so often); so along with that, we brought some sandwiches from Subway. An interesting mix, but a most memorable toast with several 'Skals' of thanks. We also brought some daffodils to scatter and as you can see from the photo below, the bumble bees are quite large. We were amazed how 'giant like' they were. They were attracted to the flowers but they also zoomed in for the bright colour of our yellow tote bag.

We watched and listened to Dr. David Jeremiah's tidbits of teachings and insights - on Sunday, March 8th, and Wow! In his enlightening message, 'The Sword of the Spirit', he shares an example of comparing us to a butterfly, a botanist, or a little bumble bee.

On the Friday, when I observed the 'giant' orange like bumble bees, I could not help but marvel and thought how the bumble bees enthusiastically dug in and drank in every bit of nectar they could drain from the daffodils. I remember thinking that they are in such earnest search. Then we hear the message from Dr. Jeremiah on Sunday. Well, I definitely relate to the bumble bee! Butterflies are lovely; but there was just 'something' extra 'special' about these huge bees. I was not frightened by their persistence or largess. In fact, I welcomed them! They provided a bittidz of comic, yet wondrous relief to the occasion.

Have been laying a tid low, as I either cracked a few ribs and / or pulled some muscles on my rib cage. Either way, not the most pleasant type of injury to experience. Last week, when I was opening up a very heavy door, I heard a 'pop' and then followed by a loud yell (that was me, saying ' ouch!'). Anyway, I have to just grin and bear it; as there is not much that can be done for this type of an injury. Save 'rest.' We have a lot of matters that have been in the works and are finally coming to fruition. This little 'setback' perhaps is a 'step forward' as I have had this quiet time to calmly reflect upon some future decisions. That being said, we are all the more focused to Trust and Rely upon Christ, to Guide and Direct our paths, as per His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan.

Have also been watching and appreciating a number of ministries on T.V. and again, a heartfelt thanks to all those ministries with their wonderful bittids of encouragement! I have been a bittid behind with my reading and studying the Bible; but I look forward to getting back to it! Am not beating myself up either. Things happen; and methinks, there are no coincidences! We also believe in the 'supernatural' as Sid Roth does; and therefore, we rejoice with confident expectation in His awesome Provision!

One of our elderly neighbours just brought us over a delicious dessert he has made before, as an appreciative gesture for the home-made soups that Alan gives him. The 'Golden Rule' is very true '"Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you." Having just said that, it is very important to encourage and uplift 'seniors' and for that tidbit matter, people of all ages! Just because 'senior folk' are of a certain age, does not mean that they are not useful and / or should be cast aside. The same goes for the 'young' people.

'Wisdom' at any age is a 'tidbit' gift! Earlier this morning, I watched the last half hour of "Hour of Power' with Bobby Schuller and he has been Blessed with much Wisdom!

Tidbit - Thankfully embrace each and every day. Praise Him too, for attended difficulties and / or challenges. Remember, He IS your BEST Advocate and has your best interests at heart! Leave it to Him to fight all your battles. He has already WON!

Bittid - Again, INVITE Christ genuinely into your heart; and as per His Promise, He never leaves you. Therefore, be empowered to be anchored and rooted in steadfast FAITH in His 'supernatural' Provision!

Peace and God Bless.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

'Against all odds!' Be steadfast in Faith, Hope, and Wisdom

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Our weather has been glorious! Spring is definitely on its tid way, regardless of the chilly bittid temperatures during the night. The blossoms are blooming forth, the birds are chirping and flying about and so forth.

This morning I appreciatively watched Dr. Charles Stanley  and his teachings are on HOPE and WISDOM. His tidbits touched a major chord within my heart.

As mentioned, we have had our 'ups and downs'; but then who hasn't? It is HOW one weathers the 'storms.' ie. When one walks in Christ and in the Fruits of the Spirit, the storms / battles are a lot easier to go through. Alan and I have had quite a journey (would be a best seller / awesome story for an incredible box office hit / movie) and you know what, we are still here! Happier and more appreciatively thankful than ever! We have encountered (and still are; but no matter) a lot of criticism, scorn, indignation, malice, false witnesses, you name it.

Do not listen to those who say to you that you are 'hopeless' or that there is no hope because of your circumstances (which are only temporary). Do not be downtrodden by those who pridefully compare their lofty positions to yours, with arrogance and all the 'stuffings' / 'outside trappings' that go with that description. Sadly, when their tidbtiz 'time is up', they will be eternally grieving. By their choices. ie. That is, IF they have not accepted Christ Jesus as their Saviour, they will be living at a different and horrific address for their eternity.

Tidbit - It is not too late to invite Christ into your heart; however, do it soon as Revelation is happening. Then always seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and righteousness, and the rest will follow. You will be amazed and in never ending awe of His Blessings and majestic Provisions - both big and small!

Bittid - When one experiences hardships, tough times, situations, one is more likely to gain an understanding, an empathy, and a compassion toward others. Those who may still be bitter, angry, or resentful, whatever, let it go. Turn everything over to Him. Cast all your cares upon Him and leave the consequences to Him.

Dr. Charles Stanley also shares his bittids of insights on Wisdom. Again, 'Do you rely solely on yourself or do your depend totally upon Him?' It is foolhardy and foolish to not trust Him 100%. Perhaps you are facing pressures (secular) from others - to do this and to do that. Well when you have truly invited Christ into your heart, He Guides and Directs your path, as per His Will, Purpose, and Plan for your life. The Wisdom is in Trusting Christ and Obeying His Word. The Bible is the TRUTH, and the Book of Life; that teaches the Word, that influences us how we are to apply this in our day to day living. When you Seek Him with all your heart, for Wisdom and Understanding, there is a lot more peace, a calm, a clarity, a joy and simplicity in your everyday life.

My tidbit suggestion is to tune into 'In Touch Ministries'; and hear Dr. Stanley share his encouraging message -' Living Wisely or Foolishly,' Perhaps this will reach someone you know and love.

There are also many other wonderful ministries that you can also be appreciative for their enlightening insights. ie. Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, George Pearsons, Jeremy Pearsons, Billye Brim, Peter Youngren, Charles and Hilary Price, John Hagee, Dr. David Jeremiah, Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, Andrew Wommack, Hal Lindsey, Dr. John Tweedie, Sid Roth, Doug Batchelor, Rhonda Lazerte, Bobby Schuller, Jack and Rosella Van Impe, Tomorrow's World, Beyond Today, International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, and so forth! There are still many other ministries, that presently do not come to my mind; however, a huge and heartfelt Thank you to all of them!

Alan and I have some bittidz decisions to make. However, we are relying upon Him to Provide Solution and Provision as Per His Will for us. And may we receive His Provision in overflowing abundance for the rest of our days! May our families / generations also receive His Blessings for the rest of their days!

Our lovely neighbours (from the Balkans) just moved yesterday. We have exchanged telephone numbers and will continue to enjoy a nice friendship that we have appreciated for almost four years. Later today, we are going to a pot-luck gathering with some of my old school chums and we are looking forward to having a bit of a rap.

'Praise Him in ALL things!'

Peace and God Bless.