Saturday, 14 January 2012

Appreciating Blessings!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Am glad it is the weekend and it has been a quiet yet lovely R & R day for us three. Over night, it snowed about 4 inches and winter has left its mark. Our power even went off during the night.

Earlier this afternoon, we were outside and appreciated the warm rays of the sun; albeit cold temperatures.

The antibiotics are starting to work on Blue; along with other vitamins and antioxidants, as well as a change in his diet, which will assist his liver functions. The new vet we have, is a lovely guy. Perhaps this was a 'Blessing in Disguise." Our old vet was and is still on vacation (a well deserved rest, I am sure!) but because Blue had to see a vet asap, we were given the name of a vet, who is close to where we have recently relocated. Instead of an hour's drive, it is a few minutes.

Have discovered that our dog loves music! It is on now, as I type and our 'pup' is contentedly curled up on the sofa bed. Methinks, the music is a calming effect upon him! He maintains a healthy appetite and we will be seeing the vet this coming week, as well as putting Blue on another round of antibiotics etc. His eyes have a bit of blue in them now; but he is still not out of the woods. He is receiving tons of TLC and rest. Made some homemade chicken soup last night, along with a bittid of rice and we add a tid of that to mix in with his food. I have to laugh; I cook for our 'pup' and yet Alan does the cooking for us! LOL!

Alan was exploring into further career options on Thursday and it is a matter of tidbitz timing. While he was out, it was a also a time of yet more reflection and ephifanies for me! I ended up reading in full, the Book of Proverbs from the Bible; and it offers so much understanding and wisdom. Particularly, during these times! One of the verses that really impacts me, is Proverbs 28:1 - "The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, But the righteous are bold as a lion." I LOVE that one; and for whatever reason, that is a major tidbit of strength to me!

Alan and I have experienced many a 'trial and tribulation'; and yet the insights from Proverbs are empowering in its Truth. While I was embracing knowledge, Blue was resting comfortably at my feet, in front of our gas fireplace, with the gentle sounds of music in the background. I am looking forward to reading the Book of Isaiah next. Invaluable insights! I have become like a sponge, soaking up as much as I can.

Have always been "slow to boil;' hence when I reach the point of 'enough is enough', then that is simply and very calmly the case. One might say, 'quietly on the warpath' when the 'line has been crossed.' Alan and I have done our utmost to put our best feet forward in working things out with certain people; but it has not been receptive. So, I have 'let go' as 'enough is enough.' Nonetheless, because we love them, we will continue to Pray for genuine reconciliation in time.

With the serious situation of our Blue etc, we have been taking a hard look at our lives. We know what the Truth has been and is; and for those who wish to mock, ridicule, be unkind, divisive, mean spirited, whatever, fine. We will continue to continue and keep trekking forward in Faith in Christ. He has a good Plan for each and every one of us. It is not too late to turn to Him and genuinely invite Him into your heart. Once that happens, He never leaves you and when you experience your 'trials and tribulations', just remember He IS always present as your Advocate, both in good and bad times.

The Bible is the TRUTH. Also, Alan and I have enjoyed reading daily messages from the little booklets by Pastor Charles Price ( and by Dr. David Jeremiah ( as well as watching their ministries and others on the T.V. Vision Channel. A big thank you to them for sharing their teachings and insights.

Tidbit - Ask Him to Provide you with understanding and wisdom. Trust in Him to Sustain you daily, Also, Rely upon Him to Direct your path.

Bittid - Do not let your heart become 'hardened' regardless of circumstances, or how poorly you may have been treated or maligned. Continue to Pray for them and leave it to Him to work things through.

The picture is of this evening's sky; which is a gorgeous colour of white and blue grey; and with the white rooftops as a stark contrast, it is a pretty specactular sight. We have much to be thankful for. Another one of His many majestic Creations / Blessings! The photo to the side is of our bittidz garden. As you can see, the sun had melted the snow from the trees. Love the little statue!

Here is wishing you a nice weekend.

Peace and God Bless.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Love conquers all!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Since I last tid wrote, we have experienced our 'ups and downs.' A lot of things have been occuring all at once! You wonder why does that happen?

Have been appreciative of Dr. David Jeremiah's insights from 'Turning Point', be it from the T.V and / or his free monthly booklets. ie. One of the messages from his booklet is: "We are to bring God's Stipulations to bear on life's situations and circumstances." This message from the 'Turning Point' booklet really helped me in embracing a greater level of tidbit understanding and courage in our daily walk in His Service. I recommend for those of you who wish to know more and / or to seek an encouraging positive uplift in you life, to tune into '' as he is right on with his solid teachings of the Bible.

We are living in very uncertain and questionable times and all I can say is: "Be ready." Revelation is definitely in the works. Read the best selling Book, 'The Bible' and that will provide you with the TRUTH. Plus, it will help to instil within in, FAITH and TRUST in Christ. Believe you me, at the end of your bit life, which address do you want to live at? I wish I had known this much earlier in my life; and it has taken me til now to realize things. Particularly now too, with all the unrest etc that is literally going on around the world!

Our current situations are exactly where He wants us to be. To take tidbitz stock, in other words. Alan and I are definitely doing that and hence Relying upon Him to handle the several bittidz situations confronting us. We are going to stand strong and take solace, knowing that He is Our Provider and Sustainer!!!!

Today, from Dr. David Jeremiah's 'Turning Point' booklet, the daily message is 'Sustained.; ie. "Cast your burdens on the Lordl and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved." (Psalm 55:22). NO COINCIDENCES, HERE FOLKS!

Also, earlier this evening, I saw a magnificent sunset! Golden golden golden clouds amongst blue egg shell colourd skies. Was blown away by this 'ethereal' beauty! I thanked Him for that Blessing and as soon as I said those words of thanks, it appeared to 'shine' more brilliantly than ever! Wow! That was a major Blessing unfolding, methinks! (Even with all the 'stuff' going on around us, I thought this is totally awesome and THANK YOU!!!). Then, a short bittid time later, the same clouds became purple/red amidst these 'heavenly' blue skies!!!!! What a majestic sight! So, that gave me an even further resolve and JOY to just trek on; albeit we are facing many 'trials and tribulations' and being 'marginalized' all the more. Alan and I have been reassured more positvely than ever, to stay the course of holding fast to our firm trust in Him to Sustain us!

Our beloved pup, Blue, is hanging in there. He is on antibiotics; and it is a matter of time when they kick in. The good thing however, is that Blue continues to have an appetite; which is good. For whatever reason, he likes music and I guess, as a 'Mum,' I want to make sure he has all the TLC tidbits needed; even if it means some gentle ongong music in the background. If you refer to my earlier post, you will have some more bittids about Blue.

Tidbit - Continue to continue with FAITH and TRUST in Him to Sustain you.

Vittid - Always have a joyful and thankful heart; regardless of any and all circumstances.

The above photo image says it ALL. Regardless of your circumstances, situations etc, remember LOVE is the greatest of all! FORGIVE!!!!

Good Night, Peace, and God Bless.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Keep the Faith!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you in your part of the world!

First of all, Happy New Year! May this year be the best one yet for you!

To recap, Alan and I enjoyed a nice quiet Christmas; albeit sad in some ways. Regardless though, we were truly joyful in celebrating the Birth of Jesus Christ!

However, on New Year's Day, our dog took a sudden tid turn for the worse. Long story made short, we made an appointment for him to see the vet. The earliest time the doctor could see us, was on Tuesday evening. A series of tests were done on Blue and he was given immediate medication and a prescription for antibiotics for the following day. It would appear on first bittid blush, that he has a bacterial infection, which is seriously affecting his liver. We are still waiting for the final test results and prayfully, it is not viral or even a worse case scenario. We have had to alter and change Blue's food diet; and thank goodness for Alan's homemade turkey soup (carrots etc), which is also helping to provide nourishment and protein to our 'pup.'

Alan and I have been very sad about this; yet we are doing our best to keep a positive attitude for our Blue. Dogs are smart and they can intuitively sense sadness. So, to boost his spirits and ours, I have been going about the house saying "Happy happy happy dog, good boy, waggy waggy waggy your tail. We love you!" (fighting back tears all the while). Blue has been experiencing his 'ups and his downs' and for those of you, who have beloved family pets, am sure you can relate; just how big a part they play in your life. The good tidbitz thing is though, Blue still has his appetite and is receiving lots of rest and extra TLC.

Today, I watched a part of the 'Hour of Power' and Jim Penner was giving a message ('An Audience with the King'), which was very heartfelt to my heart. I totally related and for those of you who are feeling a bittidz down, tune into today's

Also, want to mention about Ed Arnold, who has been a volunteer with the Crystal Cathedral Ministries for FIFTY years!!!!! Wow! He was also saying that blogs etc were suggesting that the ministry was not going to continue etc. Well, I just want to write in encouragement, that I think the 'Hour of Power' is fantastic and they are being wonderfully and powerfully Directed by God's Plan. ie. Genuinely uplifting others and spreading the message of the good news! Going back though to Ed Arnold, I think he is a very special human being; and good on him to have the courage to state that the ministry is NOT closing!!! I am very appreciative for their ministry; and I think they are doing an empowering job of regenerating and rebuilding during these tough times throughout the world. So a big THANK YOU to them!!!

Tidbit - Keep on smiling. "Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." My Dad used to always say that and you know, it is true.

Bittid - Be thankful ALWAYS, regardless of circumstances and any unexpected curve balls that come 'out of left field.' In fact, turn things around, RELYING upon Him to show you the way, as per His Plan, His Purpose, and in accordance with His Will.

Today Jim Penner was saying that just put 'your glasses of Faith on' and Trust in God. Here is his Prayer that he concluded with in his message, that I find to be very uplifting!!!! "So if you want to hear God’s voice, if you want God’s glory in your life, stand up. Because God’s going to do this and it’s going to be different for everybody, but God will reveal His glory to you, if you ask for it. You have to ask for it. You have to say, “Please, God, show me Your glory.” This might be a scary thing for you. It might be a scary thing to let God just come in and take over your house, right here, completely take it over. I know you’ve accepted Jesus. But you crave something more. You crave His presence all over your life. If that’s where you’re at this morning, just close your eyes and pray this prayer: “Please, God, show me Your glory. Rain down on me. Take over. Show me Your glory."

Methinks, there are NO coincidences. With all that has lately been going on in Alan's and my life, Jim Penner's Prayer came right at the right time! Hope this is an uplift to those who would be appreciative of a bit of 'good cheer.' I recommend highly the 'Hour of Power'; and Jim's message and all those associcated with the Crystal Cathedral, was / is totally 'right on' and 'down to earth.'

Interestingly enough too, here is the start of Jim Penner's message from today's message. Methinks, the QB had / has an Audience and Help from On High!!! No coincidences here folks!

(ie.from Jim Penner) - "I love this series called “The King and I” because God, our King, is still actively working in this world. We do not serve a passive God. We serve a God who heals. We serve a God who saves. We serve a God who delivers according to His will. Amen? Amen. God is King. And in case you haven’t figured it out yet, God is sovereign. God can do anything He pleases because He is the King. And He is still actively working in this world.

One of the great comforts in my life is the knowledge that God is the King of continuity. Now what do I mean by “God is the King of continuity?” What that means is that God will never, ever contradict what He has already declared or what He has already spoken. Because He is God, He will never, ever contradict Himself. He will never go against something He has already spoken. If it’s in His word, He has declared it; He will never, ever contradict His word. He’s the King of continuity.

Now why does that give me such great comfort in my life? Two reasons:

Many people say, “God doesn’t exist because I’ve never seen Him.” I was listening to a radio show the other day, and they were saying something similar. They were saying, “If God exists, why in the world would He insert Himself into my particular circumstances?” They happened to be complaining about a football player who prays regularly; who’s become national news because he gives God all the glory and all the praise. I don’t even have to mention his name. Most of you know who he is. So, this guy called radio station criticizing, asking why would God insert Himself into this particular person’s or player’s circumstance.

Well, the same holds true for you and me. Why would God insert Himself into our particular circumstances? Out of all the problems in the world, why would He insert Himself into my circumstance? That question is the reason I’m so thrilled that God is the King of continuity, that He won’t contradict His word. Because God said in Jeremiah 29:13 - and if you remember nothing else this morning, remember this - “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” That’s a word from the Lord for somebody. And I’ve got to ask the question: When was the last time you really sought the Lord? I mean really sought the Lord? Sought an audience with the King?"

In conclusion, the Christian Quarter Back of the Denver Broncos pulled it off against the Pittsburgh Steelers! Alan just passed on the news to me!

The above picture was taken of Blue a year ago! He was a good sport again this year, putting up wtih the reindeer antlers! LOL!

Peace and God Bless.