Sunday, 27 June 2010

Thankful it is Sunday - AGAIN!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

The week has been full of 'fireworks' and on Friday, we were delivered one of our toughest blows. Alan and I could not believe it! Methinks, I could write a 'best seller'; even on this week alone.

The wonderful little booklet, 'Our Journey' (produced by Charles Price of 'Living Truth' - provides uplifting daily tidbits of prayers and encouragement. ie. On Friday, June 17th, the daily message illuminates ' Satan's Strategy.' His strategy / mission is to 'disguise, divide, and destroy.' (Also, remember Satan will use a lake to camoflouage a pint of poison. At the end times, the very elect will be deceived).

In 'Our Journey', is an awesome Prayer (by James Macdonald)- "Lord, I acknowledge that alone I am no match for Satan. I realize that my only hope for victory lies in trusting You continually in every situation in my life. I may not know what Satan will do, but I do know what You have said - You who are in Me are greater than the one who is in the world. I want my confidence to rest in You, Lord. In Your name, Amen."

There are NO tidbitz coincidences here! Our week has been full of unreal 'fireworks' and the June 17th daily devotional is right on! Plus, today, I embraced the Vision Channel - ie. 'Hour of Power' ( and WOW! The topic Dr. Sheila Schuller Coleman was speaking about was 'Fire Works.' Her words (which I 'borrowed;) describe exactly what Alan and I have been experiencing re: going through tough, fiery times. THANK YOU SHEILA for your fiery message today. ie. Isaiah 43:2 - "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you". (Over the weekend, I was Guided to read that very same chapter). I took major heart from Sheila's enlightening message today! She reiterates that God has promised to take care of us; and she shares, 'He will not let us burn to a crisp, instead, we will be fired up.'

Also, it is the Schullers 60th Wedding Anniversary this coming Tuesday, (Happy Anniversary!); and what a lovely and loving tribute Sheila honours them with. ( When my parents were alive, they also enjoyed a happy marriage). Sheila also used muffins to illustrate that God does not want us to be 'half baked'; rather He wants us to be 'well done.' In other words, do not give up, when you are faced with trials and tribulations. See Matthew 25:21. - "His master said to him, Well done, good and faithful slave; you were faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things, enter into the joy of your master."

Tidbit - Tune into 'Hour of Power'; as there are some empowering insights that can shape your life for the better.

Bittid - Do not have a hardened and embittered heart if things do not go your way. Check out 'Living Truth' ( and best to hear what Charles Price has to say instead! Fantastic bittids!

Alan and I truly appreciate the solid teachings Charles imparts! Wow! With all our bittidz obstacles, we have encountered (this past week has been a real slice!), today's message is a further validation for HOPE and ENCOURAGEMENT! THANK YOU, CHARLES! We have presently 'hit a wall'; which appears to be totally totally illogical??? So, in a tid nutshell, we are re-energized; as well as growing in and from our 'trials and tribulations' As Charles shares, 'Be Waiting, Be Watching, and Be Willing.' Proverbs 3: 5-6. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him." Also Charles suggests, we should be committed to God; and let Him Guide us.

We are glad and thankful it is Sunday, again! It is a day of rest, reflection, and an appreciation of all our Blessings He has given us. ie. Our peaceful garden and our 'veggie patch' etc. Here is another picture of our 'Braveheart' flowering plant, which I took from indoors yesterday; as the weather was a bit 'iffy' at the time. Our undaunting 'Braveheart', now boasts of at least seventy five majestic flowers! It is as if a bountiful 'bean stock' is climbing upwards, and thriving in perpetual purple splendour!

Will be watching 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (, hopefully later online today. I really enjoy Joyce as well; and I look forward to sharing some bittids / tidbits from her teachings, which to me, are both refreshing and 'down to earth.'

Here is wishing you all a nice Sunday and a good upcoming week!

Peace and God Bless.

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Thankful it is Sunday!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

This past week has had a life of its own! We had a showing last Saturday afternoon; and the weather could not have been more cooperative. Everything; including our garden / patio looked great! You may wish to refer to recent posts for a bittidz of background.

As mentioned, we have not as of yet, chosen a realtor to sell our home. The same agent who brought the 'arthritis' couple, had another couple she wanted to show our house to. Out of a courtesy, we agreed. We asked if they were 'serious' buyers; to which the realtor replied in the affirmative. It so happens, that they want hardwood floors. We have and prefer carpet. In fact, as per the quote given to us, it was more expensive to install new carpeting than hardwood floors; which we did. The other objection, was the price; eventhough they knew of the 'ball park' price. We like the realtor; however, we are a bit dismayed as what tidbitz has transpired. We would like to believe that this was not a tid ruse.

Throughout this week, we have been interviewing a number of other quality realtors from successful companies. On Friday, we met with the 'poohbah' to seek his counsel, that if we chose to go with his firm, which realtor would we select? Inasmuch as we know several realtors from his expanding empire; perhaps it would be best to give him the listing? Reason, so there would be less strife / no 'sour grapes'; and he could 'rally forth the troops' (as I suggested to him enthusiastically! LOL!) and create a wonderful win / win harmonious situation for all those concerned. We will be making this major decision early this coming week. Most likely, it will be with the 'poohbah'. We will ask him also to acknowledge all the realtors in his organization, who have been helpful to us. Best if everyone works together, methinks.

Since then, one of the realtors has contacted us again, to inform us that the offer (3 weeks ago app) that was submitted to us, has been revisted; and that the people are truly interested. They love the garden! Personally, if this takes place, this would be the simplest. We have been 'straight up' with all the realtors; letting them know we appreciate their time, and we will give them an answer this week.

One underlying theme is that we have 'too much stuff.' That all this clutter (lovely, albeit), is more of a hindrance, than a help for the potential buyer. Also, I did not know that personal photos / family pictures etc should be removed; apparently, it is harder for the buyer to emotionally connect / identify with the home. We are not in disagreement; question is where to store it all etc? Alan and I have ammalgalated three households. Anyway, we have a friend (she is in the moving business) and we have an appointment with her on Monday morning, to 'get things moving.' Perhaps by starting to clear out our garage / basement and then pack up other items of 'clutter' is a solid step. Our home will then show and shine!

May have also mentioned that we had found a location that was / is suitable to our needs. We had thought that if we allocated a portion of funds towards a small mortgage, we would be able to secure a potential new abode. Well, after going through more hoops etc, we were 'let down' by the bank. Since the meltdown, and now the recent 'PIGS' fiasco, lending is that much more arduous. Perhaps some of you can relate.

Thus, t'was a bit of a blow to us. So, we drove out yesterday to advise the gracious representative of the unit, to release the unit, we had tentatively put 'on hold.' We had thought we were going to be successful; but not at this time. There is still
much fear within the banking system etc; and also when one is 'self employed', not as easy.

I also said to her, that "We 'have no place to go'; and that if she hears of any spots to rent, please let us know. And / or for that matter, perhaps there is / will be a unit in the complex that may come up for rent?" Well, her joyful response was that there is ONE that is available (when it is built / completed). She is going to pass our name and number to the owner; now that would be awesome! The unit is right next to the unit we would have purchased! Not only that, the address number is the same as the age that Alan and I first met! Hmmmmm. So, maybe these are all Blessings in Disguise. I KNOW that He KNOWS what is best for each and every one of us! So, I say, "Thank you!' It may be possible, even after a year of leasing, the owner may wish to sell his unit; and who knows?

What we do know though, is that we are going to rent; and prudently preserve the capital. Later, when the 'timing is better', we will approach the bank(s); but for now, we will take a step back. Timing is always a factor; so in time, we will be in a stronger position. Also, earlier I was 'concerned' where would we go; now I am not worried, because I KNOW and TRUST He will Provide! I also have been enjoying embracing Psalms; and in the second sentence of Psalm 5:8 - " Make Thy way straight before me." eloquently and simply validates what Alan and I have been attempting to follow, in our daily experiences / walk in Christ.

Also, when we left the complex, a young boy (later teens) bounded up to me and inquired joyfully if we were moving in; and do we like the complex etc etc etc. I replied that we love it and that we are considering it. He introduced himself and he was a 'breath of fresh air' to me with his 'kangaroo' enthusiasm. Unbridled, if you will. To me, that was also an ephifany / endorsement ot things 'yet to come.'. I steadfastedly refer to the Hebrews 11:1 - "Now Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."

This morning, I watched the Vision Channel - 'Hour of Power' ( and 'Living Truth' ( Both ministries offer such encouraging
insights and teachings. Will share some tidbits in a later post. However, still best if you check these uplifting sites / ministeries out for yourselves.

Also,I will be joyfully listening to 'Enjoying Everyday Life' ( online; as she is now on a different time (ie 6:30 am our time; before it was 9:30 am; and her show was right in the middle of the other two programs. However, no problemo, I was spoiled; however, I look forward to viewing her ministry / wisdom online.

Will keep you posted on any new bittids. Had not forgotten; just been on the go with many 'irons in the fire.'

Also, Happy Father's Day to all those who are Dads. I wish my Dad was still alive; however, I have many meaningful memories that will live on.

The picture is of our purple 'Braveheart' plant. It it thriving with app forty bold blooms; will take a photo before too long.

Peace and God Bless.

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Enjoy the journey!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Do not know how I came up with this greeting; however, it is always good to put your best bittidz foot forward!

'Do unto others, as you would have them unto you.' 'Love Thy Neighbour as Thyself.' Methinks that if we all follow and live by these 'golden rules', the world would be a far simpler, better, and happier place. Eventhough I enjoy people; a daily 'quiet moment' is also greatly cherished; as one can take the tidbitz time out to appreciate one's Blessings and 'Praise Him In All Things.'

The week has quite literally 'zoomed zoomed zoomed' by us in a bittid. Have been on the go, with showings of our home, interviews, checking out spots to relocate to, the 'whole nine yards.' We have it narrowed down to three locations; however tentatively we have selected a new abode.

We are also considering leasing for six months to a year (most likely the standard lease will be for a year); and that might be the most sage step at this tidbit time. We have people 'on the hunt' for us to find a home up the valley, with an attractive rent, that welcomes pets. ie. Our beloved pup Blue Heeler, 'Blue.' Eventhough we would prefer to buy, and have a small monthly mortgage; (ie. owning a 'piece of the rock', and not having to move everything a second time etc), it may be far more prudent to simply rent, rather than putting out a chunk of cash, towards securing a mortgage.

The fears and shudders oozing from the financial meltdown of the past several months, have created a 'perfect storm' / domino / ripple effect throughout the world. Hence, Alan and I are taking positive provisions to regain / recapture our longterm stability. Eventhough our small business has had its 'trials and tribulations' (instiutions extra fearful to lend funds, higher costs of borrowing, tougher credit, and other onerous mandates and hoops); we are thinking best to simply sell our home, and 'Keep Things Simple.'

As it is glaringly apparent that 'Cash is King', we have decided it best to preserve capital at this time. This will help us to retrench, rebuild, and be poised in a more advantageous position for the future. 'Timing is Everything.'; so we have found. It has been a very 'interesting' twenty one months; and throughout everything, we KNOW that He has a better plan for us - as per His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan.

Tidbit - Rely upon Him; not upon your own tid understandings. Ask Him to Guide you and Show you the Way. ie Be ready for the opportunities that He places before you, and always have a THANKFUL heart. 'When one door closes, He always opens another.'

Bittid - He says, 'FEAR NOT.' Therefore, TRUST Him and KNOW that He will never leave you high and dry. He always has the BEST SOLUTION for each and every one of us; as He LOVES us all unconditionally.

So, in bit summary, Alan and I are just 'going to go JOYFULLY with HIS flow', with HIS Plan, and be genuinely grateful for each other, our pup, and all our Blessings. He is THE King!

We have another showing today; so I need to go and prepare our home for viewing. Am also looking forward to watching the Vision Channel tomorrow. Again, here are three of the many wonderful ministries that we enjoy! ie. 'Hour of Power'; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' -; and 'Living Truth' - They have been /are excellent resources for us; and we thank them for their solid teachings and illuminating insights!

The two photos were recently taken by a good friend of ours. ie. Alan, myself, and our dog, Blue! The climbing clematis (that Alan grew from bittid cuttings from our old home) is a beautiful purple; and over the past few weeks, we have enjoyed some thirty five blooms from this flowering plant. Two years ago, it provided an awesome showing of approximately eighty five flowers! Perhaps, it will reach or even surpass that number this year; as it is still elegantly budding forth! This gorgeous clematis, draped around the lovely Ponderosa Pine Tree, brings a tidbit of joy to all those who pass by it! Another one of His magnificent Blessings! Also, we will make sure that we take some of its clippings with us, to brighten up the new location, wherever it may be!

Here is wishing you a nice weekend.

Peace and God Bless.

Monday, 7 June 2010

Happy Monday!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

The last post was dated May 31st, and the weekend has come and gone again! You may wish to refer to my recent posts for a bittidz of background.

Should say that we have had more tidbit interest in our home; ie Another realtor who had noticed that our listing had lapsed. We met with her on Wednesday morning, and a showing took place on Thursday afternoon.

Her clients want to downsize and move into our 'neck of the woods.' They had seen an apartment / condo in the same complex, but they emphatically stated that they would like to relocate to a townhouse in the same compound. Our complex consists of a mix of both apartments and townhouses.

To make a long story short, her people viewed our home and loved it! Subsequently over the weekend, the realtor told us, however, that they were concerned about the stairs; as the wife has arthritis. The husband who, is in the healthcare / medical business, is not too keen about installing an 'elevator chair', due to 'oil leakage?' from the machine. We are surprised about this issue of the 'stairs'; as the realtor is quite familiar with this complex. We would truly like to think that it is not a bit of a ruse on her part to procure the listing; as she appears to be both personable and professional. Apparently, she has someone else interested in taking a look; so we shall see what transpires.

As an update too, we have not signed the 'offer' from the other realtor; as we feel 'certain details' are not quite right and / or fully accurate. The offer is unrealistic (even their realtor suggested to them, we would not accept their 'low ball' offer as it stands presently). Thus, everything has been strictly verbal and hence non-binding. Also, we have added a loft; and this extra square footage a) was not included by the realtor and b) has been ignored by the potential buyer. We learn now, that these people want to remove this attractively added tidbitz space! If that is their wish, fine; however, we would like to believe that if there is a revised offer, it should be an equitable one, and a win / win for all.

We also are expecting calls from a couple of other realtors; and most likely, we will be meeting with them in the next day or two. Alan and I have been 'straight up' with all the realtors (forty approx) who have inquired, about this potential listing. It is now just a matter of interviewing a few, to select who best can service our needs; and not just for their own purposes. We will choose someone who has integrity, transparency, and genuinely cares about helping others.

We are still working on other options; and we are hopeful to have a bittid more news later today. We have a few appointments this afternoon.

Tidbit - Place all your Trust in Him, so that He can Prevail in His Majesty, to Provide your needs. 'Rely Not Upon Your Own Understanding'; turn EVERYTHING over to Him, and acknowledge Him with Prayers and Thanksgiving.

Bittid - Ask Him also for Understanding, Wisdom, Clarity, Grace, and for the 'Fruits of the Spirit.' Ask for the Holy Spirit to indwell within you; and Surrender to Him to Guide your path; as 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light.'

The 'Purple Braveheart', which is thriving in its new abode, is providing us with many beautiful blooms! Another one of God's wonderful creations and Blessings!

Love the photo image; looks so tranquil, calm, and restful. May you enjoy today (actually each and every day!).

Peace and God Bless.