Tuesday, 25 November 2014

A Renewed Mind!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Am calling the title of today's post, 'A Renewed Mind'. Actually each and every day should be like a wake up call, with always wanting to renew and refresh one's mind with wisdom and understanding.

On Sunday morning, I watched a few more of my favourite ministries. One of them being, Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Gloria Copeland was talking about 'Walking in Love' and not allowing stress or strife to rule our lives. Also, when you forgive those who have done you wrong, mistreated you, and so forth, you are set free! I recommend you tune into her message online, as she is right on! She shares about having a 'renewed mind' and her tidbits are full of wisdom and inspiration!

Even with what happened in Ferguson yesterday evening and then watching the news today and hearing the bittids of encouragement from various pastors, clergy members, and residents; who spoke up in LOVE for one another. Genuine Prayers to Our Saviour and righteousness is a proactive must! It does not help to resort to violence; it only leads to wrong doing. ie. Burning and trashing businesses. Rather, leave everything and all consequences to Him to resolve! He has overcome the world!

Therefore take solid stock in His Word and place your trust and faith in Him to overcome! Also, those who have not been transparent with the tid truth, He knows ALL. Let Him Provide the Solution / Reconciliation, as 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Life.' As Christ says: 'Love one another, as I have loved you." There is always hope and it is not too late to invite Him into your heart. When that bit happens, you change and you are guided and directed by the Holy Spirit to live your life in accordance with His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan.

As I was searching for the online tidbitz message that Gloria Copeland gave, I came across today's message of hope from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. Methinks, there are no bittidz coincidences; and may this video uplift and touch many hearts!


I like this photo image with its empowering message, that 'Love conquers aLL.'

Peace and God Bless.

P.S. Let us daily Pray for Wisdom and Understanding!

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

'Thy Will Be Done!'

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a bit since I last wrote a tidbitz post. A lot has been happening around the world. Revelation is on its way, folks.
For those of you, who do not want to be 'left behind', invite Christ now genuinely into your hearts. It is not too late! We believe that Alan and I will be raptured amongst those who are also in Christ.

Have been appreciating the various ministries on T.V. with their teachings; to name just a wonderful few, who have truly helped in our Faith Building in Christ. A hearty THANK YOU! to them!. ie. Dr. Charles Stanley, Dr. David Jeremiah, Dr. John Hagee, Hal Lindsey, Joel Osteen, Sid Roth, Rhonda Lazerte, Joyce Meyer, Charles Price, Doug Batchelor, the Van Impes, etc. For the past few mornings, I have been watching Andrew Wommack and he is presently giving an awesome series on Financial Stewardship. He is right on with his sermon!

There was / is an inspirational testimony about a couple who experienced their share of challenges and yet by their Faith in Christ, they survived. Today they are helping the homeless and hungry, by providing truckloads of food to all those who are in need in their area. Not only that, they are assisting other ministries to also provide food to those less fortunate.The couple's mission is that they will not turn anyone away because of their circumstances and / or just because they have need of food.

Also, I have been watching the program 'International Fellowship of Christians and Jews of Canada.' My heart goes out to them as well. As well as to the 'unthinkable' of what is going on in Israel, the Ukraine and throughout other parts of the world. These events are all happening (and quickly) according to the Bible Prophesy; as in Revelation! And good on our Prme Minister, Stephen Harper, for his stand in instructing Putin to 'Get out of the Ukraine!'

Over the last 7 years, I have been writing a blog; and it would appear. that it now has a life of its own. My blog started out as a journal; but now the Purpose is to uplfit and encourage all those who read my posts. More importantly, I am being directed by the Holy Spirit, Who, IS my 'Inspiration' to continue writing posts that will empower and compel others to turn their lives over to Christ.

Alan and I have also had our share of 'trials and tribulations.' Still do; but you know, we are making it through the 'gymnastic' hoops; one day at a time. We are constantly growing in our daily walk in Christ; as well as being appreciative for our Blessings! Re: Andrew Wommack, he shares in his message, to turn everything over to the Kingdom of God. That includes your finances; and more importantly, when there is the lack of finances. Best to tune into his very down to earth ministry. We have had a number of hurdles and if it was not for our Faith and Trust in Him to Provide on a daily basis, the consequences would have been far worse.

The couple I was mentioning, apparently were treated like lepers; as they had no money and so forth. Hence them being despised, rebuked, scorned, mocked, etc. For those of you who have been through it, or are going through it, this 'tid' can be endless. We ourselves, have had first hand experience and as a tidbit, you have to 'stay the course in the good fight' and know the difference between good and evil; or what is right and wrong. To take a stand for what is good and right. Also a bittidz, do not 'judge a book by its covers.'

Last week, we had a 'miracle'. We turned everything (again) over over to Him. ie. Casting all our cares upon Him and leaving the consequences to Him. He can do all things; on our own, we simply can not. I just Prayed and Prayed and Prayed; and quoted some favourite Bible passages (powerful ones and outloud!) by saying the verses, then followed by my words: "Done! Thank You as per Thy Promise.Thy Will Be Done!" I love the verse Mark 11:24 'Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they shall be granted you." I quoted that mighty verse pretty much non stop! I also say daily to Him that I 'Seek Wisdom and Understanding.'

As a tidbit, we have found / are finding, that by turning everything over to Him (including our finances), in other words, 'Seeking the Kingdom of God first', that we have been / are receiving wonderful Blessings. (as if they 'fell out of the sky'). This Trust in Him, has given us a resiliency and a resolve to continue to continue to being steadfast in our daily journey.

As a closing bittid, I hope this post has helped those of you, who are curious about Christ. Or, who wish to genuinely Seek Him and welcome Him into you hearts. He loves each and every one of us. Know that, He loves you and wants you to be a part of His family! The magnificent Bible verse from John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son. that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but shall have everlasting life in His Father's Kingdom."

I love this bittid photo image. It radiates such a calm and comfort to my soul. 'Thy Will Be Done!' is so very true! If we can all do that, life would be much simpler!

Peace and God Bless.

Sunday, 2 November 2014


Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Well, we are now heavily into the Fall season! Rainy and blustery days and yet; the trees are so magnificent with all their rich and vivid colours! A major Blessing! I like all the Seasons, but I always have thought that Autumn is 'special!'

We turned our clocks back last night and what a tidbit treat to have an 'extra' hour today! Makes one stop and ponder reflectively and to also be joyfully thankful for all our Blessings! 'Praise Him in ALL Things!' Recently we were given a 'gift' of kindness by some good friends, and we are still rejoicing in their 'generosity of spirit!'

This morning I watched 'In Touch Ministries' on T.V; and Dr.Charles Stanley's www.intouch.org/broadcast/this-week-on-tv‎ message on 'Kindness' is totally awesome and also full of encouragement! I recommend you tune into his tidbits of good cheer!

Also, another good friend of ours just shared with us the following wonderful bittids from Andrew Wommack Ministries. news.awmi.net.

John 16:33 - "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

JOHN 16:33

"The world experiences joy and happiness in direct proportion to their circumstances. Bad circumstances produce depression and sorrow, while good circumstances produce joy and peace. That's bondage, and does not have to be the case for a Christian. Our joy is not dependent on things, but rather on the person of Jesus Christ. He is our peace and joy.

The way we take advantage of this joy and peace in the midst of tribulation, is to have our minds and hearts stayed on things above and not on things of this earth. The invisible things of God are eternal while the visible problems on earth are only temporary. All the problems of this life grow very dim when we compare them to the glory of God that is ours through Jesus.

We can rejoice in the Lord always (Phil. 4:4) because rejoicing is an action, not a reaction to our environment. Joy is a gift from God that was given to us at salvation. It was placed within our born-again spirit and it doesn't fluctuate or diminish; it is constant. The Lord has put the joy inside us and we are to "work it out" by choosing to obey this command in scripture.

We are commanded to rejoice "IN THE LORD." Many people are not experiencing true joy because their joy is in their circumstances. That is, they are waiting to rejoice when things in their lives are going good, and that doesn't happen very often. We are suppose to "rejoice in the Lord always."

That means we are supposed to rejoice in who the Lord is and what He has done for us. He never changes (Heb. 13:8) and His mercies and compassions are new every morning (Lam. 3:22-23)"

Tidbit - This is so tid true. Everything on earth, is temporary. So make the best of each and every day you have been given!

Bittid - Always be thankful, in all bit circumstances!

A heartfelt 'thank you' to true friendship. We may not have many 'friends', but we are grateful for the few close ones; for we know they are genuine. That is a comfort and a joy to us!

We have a small 'guest room' and I will be 'decluttering' it today, so as to make it 'ready' for any special friend who may 'show up' on our doorstep now and / or over the holidays. Right now, the room is full of boxes of 'stuff', that needs to be gone through. Items from both Alan's and my parents. Methinks one has to be 'in the mood' to go through these various momentos; as it can be quite an emotional endeavour. So today is the 'chosen' day! Plus it is pouring with rain and this is a great day to 'rest' and to ENJOY the 'puttering', being thankful, and joyful all the while!

We will be having a full week coming up; so today is the perfect bittid day to 'recharge the batteries.' Rememberance Day is fastly approaching as well; and this particular year is all the more special to us, to 'remember' our innumerable Blessings over the years.

In closing, a majestic Thank You to Our Heavenly Father!!! Also to all those who have extended us a genuine hand of friendship and kindness over the years. That includes our parents who raised us. Fortunately, I have many wonderful and appreciative memories of my childhood. Also as a child, I used to always say to my parents, 'I'm a wucky wucky girl!'

Although, I do not know the actress, 'Betty White', I think her attitude is very positive and 'spunky'and that is how I plan to live the rest of my life. Taking delight in the simple things and enjoying and being appreciative for our daily Blessings. A big heartfelt thanks too, to the ministries for sharing their messages of the 'Good News!'

Also, my daughter's birthday is tomorrow and I am thinking where has the bittidz time gone? All these years and now both she and my son, each have their own respective families and their own lives. We are happy for them!

I love this tidbitz photo image, of what appears to be a peaceful and welcoming warmth!

Peace and God Bless.