Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Thank you!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Can not believe it! The last tid post that I wrote was on December 30th, 2012!!!!!! I thought I had written a bit post in the New Year, albeit perhaps earlier in 2013.

First of all, THANK YOU for the comments. That was a total surprise; as I have not visited my blog site til now! Those of you, who made the uplifting comments, have inspired me to write another post! I was going to write one anyway; however, you have just encouraged me to do so sooner!

To recap a bittid since the last post, there have not really been too many changes in our daily walk. ie.. We are still facing challenges (more in fact!); and unreal how some, just suddenly appear tidbitz out of 'left field!'  So, Alan and I have been / are just doing our bittidz best in the 'good fight' of spiritual onslaughts and steadfastedly living one day at a time; being thankful all the while!

It was my day off today and because I missed watching and hearing Dr. Charles Stanley on Sunday, I tuned into his website and his message was about TRUTH. Very enlightening and again, there are NO COINCIDENCES!  Thank you, Dr. Stanley. It is 'music to my ears!'

I / we have been reflecting on some puzzling experiences as of late. However, we have / are choosing to 'leave all the consequences to Him to work out, as per, His Purpose, His Plan, and in accordance with His Will (and in His Timing).

Earlier this evening on the T.V., I watched and listened to Pastor Matthew Hagee. He was / is excellent in delivering his inmpactful message about building a solid 'rock' foundation. He referred to Psalm 18: 2 & 3 - " The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, And I am saved from my enemies."  I LOVE THAT!

I totally relate to David;  and can appreciate why God thinks that David is a 'man after my own heart.' (I also take refuge in the photo image / story of David and Goliath).

The other night, I was up during the 'wee hours' and was 'seeking' the Bible. It literally turned to Psalm 23 and I felt a great deal of comfort; in reading "The Lord is my shepherd...." Also I took solace in verse 5 - " Thou dost prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies' Thou has annointed my head with oil; My cup overflows."

Alan and I have really gone through a lot of hoops, trials and tribulations. I think at times, will it ever stop or at least slow down?  But then, I think well, God has a Purpose; so we will just carry on and TRUST in Him to Provide (as per His Promise to us all) and it is that tidbit simple... Easier said than done. However, He does not want us to have doubts, be anxious, be fearful, be worried etc. Rather He wants us to be without doubts, without angst, without fear, without worries / stess etc. So, Alan and I have been emarking on that course; eventhough things appear very uncertain.  HOWEVER, what we do know is, that He IS our certainty!

Tidbit -  Trust in God with all your heart, endure, and have HOPE and FAITH that He Directs and Guides you - each and every step of the way, DAILY. Without hope (in Him), things remain the same and do not change.

Bittid - Those of you who are misunderstood or falsely accused etc, stand strong in the shining light of the TRUTH. Knowing that 'they' who scoff / ridicule / mock you etc,  have not walked in your shoes. Instead, have compassion and empathy for them. Also, act with Grace; and in time, may they accept Christ genuinely into their hearts and be indwelt by the Holy Spirit.

Wish I had more bittids to say; but hopefully, these little tidbits have helped. Again, thank you for the comments.   Also, THANK YOU is what we should ALWAYS say to Him! 'Praise Him in ALL things', regardless of our circumstances etc.  Again, leave ALL the consequences to Him. Or, as Joyce Meyer's (Enjoying Everyday Life) husband, Dave, says: "Cast all your cares upon Him."

May you tune into the wonderful websites I have just watched; as they offer such empowering insights!  There are also many more awesome sites to tune into; that I greatly enjoy and appreciate!..ie. Tomorrow's World; The United Church of God; Beyond Today;  Dr. David Jeremiah; Joel Osteen; Dr. Doug Batchelor, Jack Van Impe Presents;  Charles Price of Living Truth; Hour of Power; Rhonda Lazerte etc. THANK YOU!

Here is wishing you all a Good Night.

Peace and God Bless.