Saturday, 27 October 2012

Prayerful, Thankful, and Joyful!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting for you, in your part of the world!

Almost 2 weeks have zapped by us! Where has the time gone! As mentioned, have been back at work; learning the ropes etc. Has defiinitely been a learning curve, but it is good! My hope also, is to uplift all those around me; be it the team I am working with and / or the customers!  I would like to think that their day is a lot tidbitz better than when they first walked into the location!  I believe in my heart, that there is a bittidz of a difference being made to their daily lives. ie, "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you."

Today has been a dark and rainy day and it looks as if the forecast is to be the same for the next number of days. I am not scheduled to work this Monday; so this is like a bit of a long weekend for me. I am appreciative of that!  Looking out the window, I am also enjoying the beauty of all the lushness of the Autumn season. ie. Seeing the leaves in glorious splendour, of gorgeous vibrantly fresh Fall colours etc.

We are still going through tid 'trials and tribulations'; but at the same time, we are looking forward to some good news; as in a breakthrough! Just a tidbit matter of remaining PATIENTLY steadfast in Prayer, Hope, and Trust in Him to Provide solution. Of course, we must remember that everything is to be in Accordance with His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan, and ALSO, in His Timing.

Tidbit - Patience is key! Wait patiently upon His Will, Purpose, and Plan for you. ie.. "Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10)

Bittid  - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. (Proverbs 3: 5-6).

Those two scriptures from the Bible are so awesome and this is really helpful to us; particularly in some bittid  'down' moments.

Alan and I are thankful for each and every day. We can not lament about what happened yesterday; nor can we have 'angst' over tomorrow (that will be here soon enough); so we must live in the today and do and give our best for today (as in each and every day). He does not want us to be anxious about anything! Instead, have a gracious, open, and receptive heart to Him!  Joyfully appreciate the little things and keep things simple (I know I have already shared that; but it is very true). Just keep on having the stalwart Faith in Him to Provide for you; regardless of your circumstances.There is always a new dawn!  Be thankful or make it a point of being thankful at night before you fall asleep, and also in the morning, prior to rising - actually be grateful throughout the whole day for your Blessings - whether big or small! Recognizing that, not only helps you, but it inspires and uplift others. In turn, you become a Blessing and / or of  good cheer to all those you meet!

The photo image is of our tree in full, fresh, fall colours, that I took earlier this afternoon in the pouring rain.

We are glad to be home for this rainy evening and we will be looking forward to seeing some good movies on T.V. Tomorrow, I will again, be appreciating the Joy10 T.V. and the Vision Channel for their uplifiting insights. My October 15th post ('Appreciate the DAILY Blessings') refers to the various ministerial programs; should you wish to tune in to them for teachings etc.

Also as a closing tidbit / bittid: Never forget that Jesus tells us to seek out a quiet place to talk to Him. He is at the doorway of your heart. If you open the door and invite Him in, He will come and never leave you.  He wants to have a personal relationship with each and every one of us!  Also, Revelation is happening; which is why it is all the more vital that you Seek Him out now.

Peace and God Bless.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Appreciate the DAILY Blessings

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a bittid of awhile! We have had many full days; experiencing trials and tribulations, as well as joyful tidbit Blessings.

Have gone back to work (app 6 weeks) and it has been a bittidz of a 'learning curve.' Very interesting; certainly builds tidbitz character! Also, there are many sad people out there. In my job, I like to think that the customers are happier when they leave; and that they will look forward to returning. I also hope to uplift my team members.

Have also enjoyed watching Joy 10 TV and the Vision Channel on the Sundays and those programs have been extremely invaluable to me. To name but just a few, I have appreciated the inspiring messages / lessons from Dr. Charles Stanley, Jack Van Impe Presents, Dr. David Jeramiah, Pastor Doug Batchelor, Pastor John Hagee, Joyce Meyer and Joel Osteen. I appreciate other ministries (Charles Price, Rhonda Lazerte, Hour of Power etc) as well, however, I have only been able to watch the early mornings and then again in the evenings.

Today is my 'day off.'  Started off with waking up early and appreciating the bit of sunshine. There was a glorious moment of radiant rays reflecting a golden / reddish hue on all surrounding autumn foliage. Eventhough it was only for a tid moment, I revelled in the beauty of all the trees, leaves etc Such a gorgeous and refreshing time of year, is the Fall! The rain came soon after and everything still looks so  lush and healthy! Am appreciative for His Creations and to have also enjoyed a quiet, reflective, and restful day.

We had an extra special and meaningful Thanksgiving. My son gave us an 18 pound turkey!!! Alan and I enjoyed a quiet Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday; and of course there were many leftovers! Alan made up his soup, as well as putting together various plates of turkey meals for those who were not able to celebrate a Thanksgiving meal.  My son had to be out of town and my daughter was tied up with her side of the family. Given the busy past number of weeks, Alan and I were glad to be 'low key.'  We had the traditional dinner, with all the trimmings, sitting down at a nicely set dining room table, and enjoyed listening to Dinah Krall. As, the evening was quite mild, we sat outside on our wee patio (wearing sweaters / jackets), appreciating her mellow music wafting in the background. It was a very lovely and special evening. We miss our Blue (our Blue Heeler) and eventually, we would like to find another 'Blue.' He was, indeed, very dear to our hearts. Hard to believe that it has been 8 months without him.

One of the tidbits that Joel Osteen was sharing was about 'waiting for the ingredient.' ie. Hang in there and do not give up. God has something special planned for you and even if your Prayers etc have not been answered as quickly or even differently, just know that He, knows what is best for you.  Alan and I live one day at a time and we believe in 'keeping it simple.' We are thankful for our Blessings and this morning was one of them, methinks! ie. the majestic glorious hues of sunshine this morning!

I do apologize for not writing; but 'it has been a slice', as they say. (Could have written several best sellers! LOL!).  I have missed writing. However, we are stalwart and steadfastedly working towards coming out, from down under. Challenges yes; however, we have the Faith and Trust in Christ to Guide us through and Direct our Paths, as per His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan - DAILY.

Tidbit - Hang in there. Keep on trekking. There are trials and teibulations; but perservere with Faith and Trust in Him - DAILY.

Bittid - . Having DAILY hope is good too! After the day has passed, Thank Him, regardless of your circumstances and just KNOW that things will get better with each passing day. Believe and joyfully anticipate that your breakthrough is coming!

Also, the ministerial programs are wonderful resources for learning more about Christ and the Bible. For those of you who wish to know more, best to tune into their uplifting messages; be it via, or radio.

Love the above photo image!

Peace and God Bless.