Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
I used to write several posts; and my apologies for not having posted as many. However, when I do write, it is what it is. I like the expression - 'What you see, is what you get.' I will be making more of an effort to write more frequently; regardless of 'life getting in the way' at tid times.
As some of you know, I really enjoy watching the ministerial programs on the Vision Channel, as well as now appreciating the Joy10 T.V. station. The ministeries offer such encouragement and hope. For those of you who have 'trials and tribulations' etc, here are but a few of my favourites!
In Touch Minsistries' (Dr. Charles Stanley); 'Living Truth' (Charles Price); 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer); John Hagee (Cornerstone Church); Joel Osteen (Lakewood Church) that you can tune into. At the same time, I thank all the ministries for their teachings and time etc.
As of late, I have especially appreciated the five ministries I have just mentioned; as they have been very uplifting and helpful to me (and Alan), in our daily journey in Christ.
Just now, I 'happened' to turn to see what Joel's inspiring message is for today (actually week for June 17th) and this is NO coincidence, folks! ie. This morning, before I got up, I was in 'Prayer Dialogue.' thinking and doing the same . Here is an empowering message from Joel and I hope this gives you a bit of good cheer to the start of your day(s).
"#542, Waiting With Expectancy
Much of life is spent waiting. It’s how we wait that makes all the difference.Psalm 5:3 says “Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.” Waiting with expectancy means instead of worrying if God is going to answer a prayer, you’re thanking God for working behind the scenes, talking like His miracle is just around the corner, and acting like the answer is on it’s way. That’s active faith—praising God and having an unshakeable confidence that what He promised He will do!"
Much of life is spent waiting. It’s how we wait that makes all the difference.Psalm 5:3 says “Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.” Waiting with expectancy means instead of worrying if God is going to answer a prayer, you’re thanking God for working behind the scenes, talking like His miracle is just around the corner, and acting like the answer is on it’s way. That’s active faith—praising God and having an unshakeable confidence that what He promised He will do!"
My Dad was always full of expectancy and certain things he did, albeit against all odds, came to awesome fruition! There were many 'naysayers' etc and upon reflecting, I know he received the Blessing of vision to reap the harvest of his life dreams.
Tidbit - Wait with Expectancy! It is by being confident in Him, and having the Trust that He will Provide.
Joel Osteen was also sharing about 'open doors' and 'closed doors.' We all want to have breakthroughs and go through 'open doors.' However, there are times, when God 'closes a door' and it is for our own good; eventhough we may not see it at the time. He loves us that much! Hurrah! It is only 'later', and looking back on experiences, that one understands and appreciates Him all the more. In this regard, Alan and I have been faced with many obstacles (ie 'closed doors') but we have persisted in daily FAITH. We know that 'something is going to give.' So, we have been and are Waiting with bold and joyful Expectancy! That makes things a whole lot tidbit simpler!
Bittid - Thank God for 'closing doors' if that is His Will. He, knows what is BEST for each and every one of us. Believe that He, indeed, has a much better plan for you! 'When a door closes, He opens another!"
I find that if one consistently makes the time to spend with Him, He makes time for you. It is amazing how one's spirits are refreshed and comforted when one turns to Him, as their Refuge and Strength.
We recently celebrated 'Mother's Day' and 'Father's Day'. Alas, my parents are no longer alive. That being said, I am a 'mother' and I just want to suggest that we should also 'celebrate' / appreciate genuine kindness from our children.
ie. This year, my son gave me a beautiful message in a 'Mother's Day Card', and I have been appreciative ever since. I will share the thoughtful message in a bittid moment. Also, the photos are of the wonderful mug he made for me last year. I enjoy drinking my elixir (coffee) every morning from it.
Also, we have been working in our bittidz garden, which includes a variety of tidbitz veggies and there is nothing like having 'home grown' produce! ie. Lettuce, garlic chives, parsley etc. Extra good at this time of year! While we were planting, we also repotted 2 plants (roses) that my daughter gave me last year and the year before for Mother's Day.
We are also appreciative of the birds (hummingbirds etc) that are stopping by to partake in the garden. We are making our location into a 'home' and we are very thankful.
Here is the wonderful message that was on the card from my son (# 1 son! LOL! - true though!). On the outside of the card it reads: 'No Gift To My Mother CAN EVER EQUAL HER GIFT TO ME.' On the inside of the card, were the handwritten words: "Mum, I wanted to acknowledge all the great things you did for me over my lifetime - thank you. I have learned quite a lot from you and these have been invaluable assets as I continue to grow and walk on this soil. Thank you Mum. Much love."
Have also learned much from my son (Thank you!). Actually, no matter what age a person is, one can always learn and be appreciative!
Have to go for now. Here is wishing you a nice weekend. Will keep you posted more often.
Peace and God Bless.
Peace and God Bless.