Sunday, 31 July 2011

Thankful for New Blessings!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

No, I have not writing a post etc. It is just that we have finally moved and the move has been quite the non stop feat. However, we are thankful we have a roof now over our heads and so forth.

To recap on the move. We are creating our home into a cosy little place to 'hang our hats.' We presently are renting and we have the option to buy, should the owner ever wish to sell. We have found that we quite enjoy the area and the people and we love our new abode.

Everything is as if a new canvas is being presented or painted. ie New sets of circumstances and changes galore. We are trekking forward and appreciative for each and every day. We know that Christ has sustained us through and through. 'Praise Him in ALL Things.'

Our home still looks like a battle field. The downstairs is semi reasonable and the garage is packed full to the ceiling. We took our appliances with us and when they are sold, that will provide us with more space in the garage. We will then rearrange the 'stuff' and also ultimately have a garage sale.

We have reassessed on much and realize that 'less is best' in all regards. We have discovered too, that there are a lot of wonderful people out here. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." We have met a number of dog walkers etc and in a tid shell, it would appear that there is almost an ever present spirit of 'redemption' and a genuine joy and thankfulness. We are also 'embracing' our new set of circumstances and it is true, that the 'Truth sets you free.'

Alan and I were talking about 'friends' yesterday. What are the characteristics of a 'friend?' Well, while we have been unpacking etc, we have been reflecting on that very thing. We can count on our hands the friends we have; and they are Blessings indeed! We were just recently given some help (no questions asked, no hurtful and scornful / indignant comments to rub even more salt into already open wounds etc). It was based on trust and the fact that they have had their difficulties; hence they have empathy. They also know, that we would do the same for them, if things were reversed.

I have a good friend (have not seen her since high school!) and a few weeks ago, she called up 'out of the blue.' She is coming to stay with us next week and it could be for a tidbitz while. Told her briefly of our situation and she is more than happy to chip in for the groceries for the time she is here. She sadly lost her son and her brother; so methinks she is looking for a place to just flop and seek a bit of refuge. We can do that for her. So, in between our legal scenario, I will be getting the upstairs ready for her arrival. She knows that she may have to 'rough it' and she is quite content. As she said, it is not the home, it is the people in it who matter.' It is rather neat that she and I can carry on as if it were just yesterday when we last saw each other.

I mentioned legal issues. As per my last post, that is now in the works. We are seeking Justice and again, we know that He watches, knows all, and HATES inequities. We are Prayful; knowing He has a majestic plan and eventhough we have been working on various options, we are waiting upon Him (He is our Advocate) for Provision. We know He has a purpose as per His Will; so we cast all our cares upon Him and are thankful for each and every day.

Was watching 'Hour of Power' earlier, and for those of you, who appreciate an uplifting ear of encouragement; particularly if you are experiencing 'shattered dreams', tune into Also Dr. Schuller was sharing that Jesus is his Esteemed Friend; and that is also where Alan and I are at. There are NO coincidences. 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Life.' We are leaving it all to Him to Direct our Paths.

Also, we have been enjoying and appreciating the monthly booklet, 'My Daily Journey with Christ' mailed to us from Pastor Charles Price, of Living Truth. The last three topics: 'The Power of Weakness,' 'No Fear in Asking,' and 'Don't Pray For a New Car' are exactly where Alan and I are at at this time. Again, NO bittid coincidences.

We are thankful for these specific world international ministries; as well as many other genuine tidbit teachings and inspiring insights from such ministries as those provided by Joyce Meyer, Rhonda Lazerte, Peter Youngren, Pastor Barber etc.

Tidbit - Make the best of everything. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you through everything; trials and tribulations, the works! Remember too, to Thank Him when He Prevails!

Bittid - Be genuinely appreciative and thankful for all your Blessings and even if your circumstances are not 'stellar.' Things do turn around for the better; if you continually confide and place your daily Trust in Him; thus to be led by the Holy Spirit!

Eventhough Alan and I have a rather full platter, we are totally thankful for a bittidz of a 'breather.' As a good friend calmly just said: 'As long as you have a place to sleep, and to brush your teeth, and to make a cup of coffee.' Her wonderful Mum, who has since passed away, always said to her - 'Be still and Know that I am God' (Psalm 46:10).

One of the plants that we transported in the move, was our 'Braveheart.' It is coming back, in wondeful purple splendour. The above picture is a photo image; and I will take a picture when there are more vivid flowerings. As we organize things, we will invigorate the garden to be a refreshing and peaceful spot. We have already seen dragonflies flying about; so this makes our little garden all the more special, methinks. There is even a small green lawn, and our Blue loves roling about in it. Currently, there are new roofs being put on in the complex; so this has been an extra interesting time. However, we will enjoy the benefits of a new roof, before too long.

Well, I had better return to unpacking. Bit by bit, and tid by tid, things are being put away, as well as being designated for a garage sale. As I mentioned, my good friend (who is a true friend), is coming next week to stay with us; so I am all the more motivated to get this place of boxes, hence trails, cleared up.

It is a long weekend here; and we are thankful for the peace and quiet. Hope you are enjoying a nice weekend as well.

Peace and God Bless.