Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world.
Have you ever been an 'underdog?' If so, more than likely, you will have more empathy for those that are 'underdogs.' Alan and I have been / are also a part of a mix of 'underdogs.' However, we have a dear friend, who has been compromised most severely. Issues concerning 'Human rights', unfair treatment - ie unethical eviction, and a 'slanted' municipal council, to boot. To add further insult to injury, our friend, who has a 'Person With Disability' status, has been thrown unnecessarily into a depressing / stressful hardship situation.
Apart from our own 'trials and tribulations', we are in support of our friend's sad plight.
Also, with the upsetting news about our friend, I was tossing and turning during the night, and ended up being 'Guided' to read Psalm 138 (A Psalm of David) - 'Thanksgiving for the Lord's Favor.' I recommend reading all of the Psalms; but here is a wonderful tidbit excerpt from Psalm 138: 7 & 8, which really encouraged me to continue on 'with the good fight.'
"Though I walk in the midst of trouble, Thou wilt revive me; Thou will stretch forth Thy hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Thy right hand will save me.
The Lord will accomplish what concerns me; Thy lovingkindness, O Lord, is everlasting; Do not forsake the works of Thy hands".
We have two potential offers; so we are also working along those lines. Eventhough we would love to continue living here, it is best to sell our home. We have our business and with the financial melt down etc, we have been included in the 'perfect storm' scenario. That bittid being said, we are moving forward; and Trusting and Knowing that He has a better Plan for Alan and I. (He has all our best interests at heart for each and every one of us). The thought of moving is rather scary (a lot of stuff built up over the years etc); however, we will rent for a year (have not found a place yet) and this will give us the relief we need. ie. Rebuilding our business.
It is a beautiful summer day; and we are Thankful for all our Blessings. Have to go for now. The above photo image is from the movie about an 'underdog.'
Peace and God Bless.
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
An 'underdog'
Saturday, 24 July 2010
Taking a 'rest'
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
We are thankful it is the weekend; as it has been an active week. It looks as if the upcoming week is going to 'zoom zoom zoom' by as well.
The realtor came by yesterday (If you wish, you can refer to the most recent posts, for a bittid of background); and we enjoyed meeting with him. It was good that he saw our home; as that gives him an accurate picture to present to his clients. We also have another showing this afternoon; and Tuesday's cleaning / decluttering has assisted us, as there is only a minimum of tidying up to attend to today. We are also waiting for word on a revisted offer. Also, the realtors that we have met, have become friends as well. Another tidbit Blessing, methinks!
This morning I enjoyed a special tidbitz treat. Brown eggs for breakfast! Do not know what there is about brown eggs; but I have always appreciated them. We have so many Blessings to be grateful for!
Tidbit - Make / create the time to take the 'time out' to 'smell the roses.'
Bittid - Appreciate your surroundings, and be of genuine good cheer to all those you meet. Be thankful for your Blessings, and Trust Him with all your heart to Guide your path.
We are taking a 'breather' this weekend and at the same time, calmly and joyfully looking forward to His Solution; eventhough we do not know what His Will, His Purpose, or His Plan is. We do know that He has all our best interests at heart and that He knows what is best for each and every one of us. We are uplifted by our Trust and Faith in Him.
Also on Thursday, when I was playing with our dog, I hit my head (left temple) hard on our cabinet. (I was obviously not thinking). Well, it has been a tid uncomfortable; and very rarely do I take 'pain killers'; however, at Alan's insistence, I have taken some last night and again this morning. They appear to be helping. I am fine; just a bit of a nusiance; however, perhaps a 'Blessing in disguise'; to simply take all the more of a 'rest' in Him.
I relate to the cheery bittidz photo image; looks so relaxing and restful. I love the ocean; however, this summer, we will be enjoying our own 'back yard.' We are fully appreciating our garden / patio. Plus, the veggies are doing very well in their 'new' location, which receives sunshine in abundance, both in the morning and evening.
Here is wishing you a nice summery weekend. Will keep you posted when we know more.
Peace and God Bless.
Friday, 23 July 2010
Cherish special moments!
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
We are thankful it is Friday (TGIF) and the weekend again! As of late, the days have just flown by! It seems like tid yesterday since my most recent post; eventhough it was last Saturday, July 17th.
To recap a bittidz. We did watch 'Hour of Power' and 'Living Truth' on the Vision Channel TV last Sunday morning. I am also looking forward to viewing 'Enjoying Everyday Life' online, when a few quiet and quality tidbitz moments present themselves. As I mentioned before, Alan and I are very appreciative for these special international ministeries (as well as other ministries); as their teachings and insights are very helpful and full of encouragement.
We did not have the showing on Monday; as we went to a memorial instead for a close friend's mother (the Mum was a good friend too), who unexpectedly passed away. Eventhough she was ninety-seven; and had lived a full and enthusiastic life, it still was a sudden surprise; as she was in good health. However, she passed away peacefully in her sleep. The memorial service was held in the dear little chapel of the Funeral Home; and the minister was wonderful. I have been to a Funeral Home; but never before for a service. It is amazing what flowers can do; certainly takes the edge off things.
The reception was held back at the Mum's cosy apartment; where there was soft drinks,juice, tea and coffee served; along with tasty cucumber, watercress, and cream cheese sandwiches, and scrumptious squares. Albeit simple, just what the doctor ordered! The Mum was especially known for her love of cucumber sandwiches; and my childhood friend and I would often be the fortunate recipients of them as well. It was all very nice; and most of the people were family members. So, it was an honour to have been included in the service / reception.
Met an old high school chum at the memorial service; and she and I will have a visit one of these days. We both said, that we 'look the same' and have not changed at all! LOL! Also the close friend and I had had a bit of a 'falling out' a few years ago; so perhaps this occasion (albeit sad), will help heal the rift between us. I do know she was genuinely touched and appreciative of us being there in heartfelt support for her.
Forgot to mention that my son came over for barbecued hamburgers (which he graciously barbecued! LOL! Alan also had mixed in Scottish oatmeal (a 'Braveheart' yes!) plus onions & garlic with the burgers to give the meat extra stamina / flavour) on Sunday night; and it was a lovely summer evening to spend with him, out on our wee garden patio. Our grandchildren (twin boys; not identical fortunately, LOL!) celebrated the big four last week; how time flies!
The showing was postponed til Tuesday (you may want to refer to the past post or few to receive some tidbit updates) afternoon. We spent the morning cleaning / decluttering the house etc; and there is something to be said for a clean and sparkley home. Wednesday and yesterday were full days as well; as we had a lot of bittid matters to attend to.
Later this morning, we have another realtor (he has been most persistent; and good on him) coming in to take a look. So, we are glad the house is looking good, 'as is.' We suggested to him to feel free to show someone our home; and his sage response was that it would be a good idea for him to see it; so as to have a better and clearer idea of things. That does make sense. The earlier offer we had, has also been revisted; so we are in the process of perhaps working things out in that regard. Should that happen, then we will be off and running; with much to do, in a relatively short period of time. We still do not know where we will rent; but we will find a spot. The person I met at the memorial service lives out in the same 'neck of the woods' that we were looking; so what a small world! No coincidence here, folks!
Just went outside to smell the beautiful blooms of the yellow / white clematis; what a gorgeous fragrance! We are so Blessed to have been given the Sense of Smell, of Sight, of Hearing, of Taste, and of Touch. When I step out into our garden haven, all cares evaporate. This year, we have been visited by many hummingbirds, chickadees, finches, robins, dragonflies, the works.
Tidbit - Cherish good friends and family. Spend time with them; before they are no longer here.
Bittid - When you feel 'overwhelmed', simply 'turn everything over to Him.'
Alan and I have 'cast all our cares upon Him'; and we are receptive to whatever His Will, His Purpose, His Plan may be. We know that He loves (us all) unconditionally; and that He knows what is best for each and every one of us. So, we Trust that He has a better plan than we even know; so we will keep on trekking in Faith. We genuinely do not know what is going to unfold; save that we confidently acknowledge that 'He is the Way, the Truth, and the Light.'
Oh, it is also Blue's birthday; he is six (forty two years in dog years!); and my niece and nephew (twins as well) are thirteen today - teenagers!!!!
We have to go downtown later this afternoon; however, will keep you posted when we know more. We are Prayful and expecting some GOOD news. Always good, to have a positive attitude and to have a steadfast HOPE that He will Provide the Solution; even if one does not understand at the time. However, it is when one looks back and reflects upon past events (miracles etc), that you know He has been there every step of the way with us / with you.
The above photo image is of the beautiful pink Queen Elizabeth climbing rose. We have several that are in bloom; and it is important to 'take time out, to smell the roses.'
Peace and God Bless.
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Being genuinely grateful
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
We are grateful it is Saturday; and what a beautiful summer morning it is! I know I have not written a post since July 7th. Things have just been on the plain go for us; and at the end of the day, Alan and I are thankful for a good night's rest. - To be ready to start all over again, the next day.
Basically, we have been involved in putting out a lot of bittid brushfires. Quite a few of them have appeared right 'out of left field'; and fortunately, have been exposed as being tid tempests in a teapot. It has not been easy; however, Alan and I are keeping a stronger than ever vigilance and focus upon Christ; and that whatever is happening, is for His Purpose, His Plan, and in Accordance with His Will. We have to constantly remind ourselves that it is NOT our Will; but it is in His Will.
It has been amazing what DOES occur, when one continues forward in steadfast HOPE, FAITH, and BELIEF in Him. In our case, He has magnificently Prevailed! ie. April 16th, July 9th, July 12th, and July 16th. I wrote a post re: the April 16th 'miracle.' The other dates have been significant too; and we have been dealing with deception, confusion, malice, etc. When we Pray in earnst for 'Justice', and eventhough we do not understand what His Purpose is, we know that it is for the best. He Shows up! We may be a bit 'battle fatigued'; yet we are rejuvenated at the same tid time!
As to the other 'miracles', one would have had to have experienced them! The wonderful words from Hebrews 11:1 - "Now Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen" is a constant tidbit uplift! Also, Psalms 3, 4, 5, & 6 have really encouraged me to be of good cheer, and to have perpetual TRUST in Him and in His Provision! He has sustained Alan and I throughout each and every day. We must remember too, that He has Promised to take care of us all; as we are His Children.
Tidbit - Be thankful for your daily Blessings; and live each day as if it were a joyful 'thanksgiving.' Regardless of 'trials and tribulations', remember to be ongoing and 'Praise Him In ALL Things.'
Bittid - Keep things simple.
Tomorrow, we look forward to watching the Vision Channel in the morning. ie. 'Hour of Power' ( and 'Living Truth' ( I will also watch 'Enjoying Everyday Life' ( online. These and many other ministries offer such great encouragement and illuminating insights, methinks.
We have another showing on Monday for the house; as well as two other potential offers. We are going with His Flow; and we rejoice that it is the weekend; and we will take this special time and 'time out', to rest, recoop, and recharge our batteries. Here is wishing you a nice weekend as well.
Love the above photo image; looks so relaxing, refreshing, and peaceful. Am gleefully reflecting upon our Blessings; as well as thanking Him for His Majextic Help in Overcoming recent events (hence 'miracles'). We, indeed, have much to be grateful for!
Peace and God Bless.
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Be thankful for your daily Blessings
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
The days have passed by us in a flash; or so it would appear. My last post was June 27th; and here we are at July 7th.
Alan and I have had our 'noses to the grindstone'; as well as doing our 'due diligence' with several bittidz ideas that have presented themselves. We have experienced a lot on our plates; and we have been doing our tidbitz best to quite literally, put all our Trust and Faith in Him. He has sustained us thus far; so would He do any less now? We are in need of a miracle; and we know He has a Purpose for whatever is, or is not happening. We do not know what His Purpose is; but that is okay by us. We know He has a good Plan for all of us; and that He has our best interests at heart. Simply, Alan and I are daily surrendering to His Will (not ours; nor relying upon our own understanding). We are also being proactive at the same time; exploring new options / changes.
We have had a few recent showings on our house; and there has also been a 'pending' offer. There could be another offer or two, showing up as well. With the 'pending' offer, there are a few tid 'kinks'(goal posts keep changing). However, if there is a fair and genuine offer from the Buyer, we will accept it. We are not sure of where we will relocate; but to be prudent, we will rent for a year or so.
It looks as if summer is finally here. Everything is lush, green, and healthily thriving. Our veggie / herb patch love their new sunny location; now that the two trees have been removed. This spot of 'new found light' is awesome; and it is, indeed, a joyful and uplifting sight, to behold!
Tidbit - Always have HOPE; and put on the full Armour of God each day. Also, to 'Praise Him In ALL Things' and to be thankful for your Blessings.
Bittid - For those of you, who would like to have a bit of daily encouragement and 'food for thought', to repeat, here are some ministries that I have found that offer helpful insights. ie. 'Hour of Power' (; 'Enjoying Everyday Life'(; 'Living Truth' (; 'Door of Hope' ( There are also many other wonderful ministries on the Vision Channel, online, radio, etc to choose from as well.
The tidbit photo is of the beautiful coral rhododendron between our house and our next door neighbours. Also, my apologies for not having written a bittid post til now. Hope to be back before too long. In the meantime, here is wishing you many Blessings.
Peace and God Bless.